Source code for qmpy.analysis.thermodynamics.phase

# qmpy/analysis/thermodynamics/

import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
import os.path
import qmpy
from io import StringIO
import fractions as frac
import logging

from qmpy.utils import *
from django.db.models import F, Q
import operator
from functools import reduce
from functools import total_ordering

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

THERMOPY_LIB_PATH = qmpy.INSTALL_PATH + "/data/thermodynamic/"

class PhaseError(Exception):

class PhaseDataError(Exception):

[docs]class PhaseData(object): """ A PhaseData object is a container for storing and organizing phase data. Most importantly used when doing a large number of thermodynamic analyses and it is undesirable to access the database for every space you want to consider. """ def __init__(self): self.clear() def __str__(self): return "%d Phases" % len(self.phases) @property def phases(self): """ List of all phases. """ return self._phases @phases.setter def phases(self, phases): self.clear() for phase in phases: self.add_phase(phase) def clear(self): self._phases = [] self.phases_by_elt = defaultdict(set) self.phases_by_dim = defaultdict(set) self.phase_dict = {} = set()
[docs] def add_phase(self, phase): """ Add a phase to the PhaseData collection. Updates the PhaseData.phase_dict and PhaseData.phases_by_elt dictionaries appropriately to enable quick access. Examples:: >>> pd = PhaseData() >>> pd.add_phase(Phase(composition='Fe2O3', energy=-3)) >>> pd.add_phase(Phase(composition='Fe2O3', energy=-4)) >>> pd.add_phase(Phase(composition='Fe2O3', energy=-5)) >>> pd.phase_dict {'Fe2O3': <Phase Fe2O3 : -5} >>> pd.phases_by_elt['Fe'] [<Phase Fe2O3 : -3>, <Phase Fe2O3 : -4>, <Phase Fe2O3 : -5>] """ if not in self.phase_dict: self.phase_dict[] = phase else: if < self.phase_dict[].energy: self.phase_dict[] = phase self._phases.append(phase) phase.index = len(self._phases) for elt in phase.comp: self.phases_by_elt[elt].add(phase) self.phases_by_dim[len(phase.comp)].add(phase) |= set(phase.comp.keys())
[docs] def add_phases(self, phases): """ Loops over a sequence of phases, and applies `add_phase` to each. Equivalent to:: >>> pd = PhaseData() >>> for p in phases: >>> pd.add_phase(p) """ for phase in phases: self.add_phase(phase)
[docs] def load_library(self, library): """ Load a library file, containing self-consistent thermochemical data. Equivalent to:: >>> pd = PhaseData() >>> pd.read_file(INSTALL_PATH+'/data/thermodata/%s' % library) """ logger.debug("Loading Phases from %s" % library) self.read_file(qmpy.INSTALL_PATH + "/data/thermodata/" + library)
[docs] def dump(self, filename=None, minimal=True): """ Writes the contents of the phase data to a file or to stdout. Keyword Arguments: filename: If None, prints the file to stdout, otherwise writes the file to the specified filename. Default=None. minimal: Dump _every_ phase in the PhaseData object, or only those that can contribute to a phase diagram. If True, only the lowest energy phase at a given composition will be written. Default=True. """ pr = False if filename is None: pr = True print("Composition Energy") else: f = open(os.path.abspath(filename), "w") f.write("Composition Energy\n") if minimal: phases = list(self.phase_dict.values()) else: phases = self.phases for p in phases: l = "%s %s" % (format_comp(p.comp), if pr: print(l) else: f.write(l + "\n")
[docs] def load_oqmd( self, space=None, search={}, exclude={}, stable=False, fit="standard", total=False, ): """ Load data from the OQMD. Keyword Arguments: space: sequence of elements. If supplied, will return only phases within that region of phase space. i.e. ['Fe', 'O'] will return Fe, O and all iron oxides. search: dictionary of database search keyword:value pairs. stable: Restrict search to only stable phases (faster, but relies on having current phase stability analyses). Examples:: >>> pd = PhaseData() >>> search = {'calculation__path__contains':'icsd'} >>> pd.load_oqmd(space=['Fe','O'], search=search, stable=True) """ from qmpy.materials.formation_energy import FormationEnergy from qmpy.materials.element import Element logger.debug("Loading Phases from the OQMD") data = FormationEnergy.objects.all() ##data = data.filter(entry__id=F('entry__duplicate_of__id')) if fit: data = data.filter(fit=fit) else: total = True if stable: data = data.filter(stability__lte=0) if search: data = data.filter(**search) if exclude: data = data.exclude(**exclude) if space: ## Query phase space using element_list dim = len(space) + 1 element_q_lst = [ Q(composition__element_list__contains=s + "_") for s in space ] combined_q = reduce(operator.or_, element_q_lst) combined_q = reduce( operator.and_, [combined_q, Q(composition__ntypes__lt=dim)] ) exclude_element_q_lst = [ Q(composition__element_list__contains=e.symbol + "_") for e in Element.objects.exclude(symbol__in=space) ] combined_q_not = reduce(operator.or_, exclude_element_q_lst) data = data.filter(combined_q).exclude(combined_q_not) ## The following is old method (will be removed in future) # space_qs = Element.objects.exclude(symbol__in=space) # data = data.filter(composition__element_set__in=space) # data = data.exclude(composition__element_set__in=space_qs) data = data.distinct() columns = [ "id", "composition_id", "stability", "calculation__input__spacegroup", ] if total: columns.append("calculation__energy_pa") else: columns.append("delta_e") values = data.values(*columns) for row in values: if total: energy = row["calculation__energy_pa"] else: energy = row["delta_e"] try: phase = Phase( energy=energy, composition=parse_comp(row["composition_id"]), description=row["calculation__input__spacegroup"], stability=row["stability"], per_atom=True, total=total, ) = row["id"] self.add_phase(phase) except TypeError: raise PhaseError( "Something went wrong with Formation object\ {}. No composition?".format( row["id"] ) )
[docs] def read_file(self, filename, per_atom=True): """ Read in a thermodata file (named filename). File format:: composition energy Fe 0.0 O 0.0 Li 0.0 Fe3O4 -0.21331204979 FeO -0.589343204057 Fe3O4 -0.21331204979 FeLiO2 -0.446739168889 FeLi5O4 -0.198830531099 Keyword Arguments: per_atom: If True, the supplied energies are per atom, not per formula unit. Defaults to True. """ if isinstance(filename, str): fileobj = open(filename) elif isinstance(filename, file): fileobj = filename elif isinstance(filename, type(StringIO())): fileobj = filename = None thermodata = fileobj.readlines() headers = [h.lower() for h in thermodata.pop(0).strip().split()] if "composition" not in headers: raise PhaseDataError( "Found columns: %s. Must provide composition in\ a column labelled composition." % (", ".join(headers)) ) if "energy" not in headers and "delta_e" not in headers: raise PhaseDataError( "Found columns: %s. Must provide energies in\ a column labelled delta_e or energy." % (", ".join(headers)) ) keywords = { "energy": "energy", "composition": "composition", "delta_e": "energy", "delta_h": "energy", "delta_g": "energy", "comp": "composition", "name": "composition", "desc": "description", "description": "description", } headers = [keywords[h] for h in headers if h in keywords] name = filename.split("/")[-1] for i, line in enumerate(thermodata): line = line.strip().split() if not line: continue ddict = dict(list(zip(headers, line))) phase = Phase( composition=ddict["composition"], energy=float(ddict["energy"]), description=ddict.get( "description", "{file}:{line}".format(file=name, line=i) ), per_atom=per_atom, ) self.add_phase(phase)
[docs] def get_phase_data(self, space): """ Using an existing PhaseData object return a PhaseData object which is populated by returning a subset which is inside a given region of phase space. Arguments: space: formatted as in :func:`qmpy.PhaseSpace.__init__()` Examples:: >>> pd = PhaseData() >>> pd.read_file('legacy.dat') >>> new_pd = pd.get_phase_data(['Fe', 'O']) >>> new_pd.phase_dict """ if not space: return self ##dim = len(space) phases = set(self.phases) others = set(self.phases_by_elt.keys()) - set(space) for elt in others: phases -= self.phases_by_elt[elt] pd = PhaseData() pd.phases = phases return pd
class Phase(object): """ A Phase object is a point in composition-energy space. Examples:: >>> p1 = Phase('Fe2O3', -1.64, per_atom=True) >>> p2 = Phase('Fe2O3', -8.2, per_atom=False) >>> p3 = Phase({'Fe':0.4, 'O':0.6}, -1.64) >>> p4 = Phase({'Fe':6, 'O':9}, -24.6, per_atom=False) >>> p1 == p2 True >>> p2 == p3 True >>> p3 == p4 True """ id = None use = True show_label = True _calculation = None custom_name = None phase_dict = {} def __init__( self, composition=None, energy=None, description="", per_atom=True, stability=None, total=False, name="", ): if composition is None or energy is None: raise PhaseError("Composition and/or energy missing.") if isinstance(composition, str): composition = parse_comp(composition) self.description = description self.comp = defaultdict(float, composition) self.stability = stability if name: self.custom_name = name if not per_atom: self.total_energy = energy else: = energy @staticmethod def from_phases(phase_dict): """ Generate a Phase object from a dictionary of Phase objects. Returns a composite phase of unit composition. """ if len(phase_dict) == 1: return list(phase_dict.keys())[0] pkeys = sorted(list(phase_dict.keys()), key=lambda x: energy = sum([amt * for p, amt in list(phase_dict.items())]) comp = defaultdict(float) for p, factor in list(phase_dict.items()): for e, amt in list(p.unit_comp.items()): comp[e] += amt * factor phase = Phase(composition=comp, energy=energy, per_atom=False) phase.phase_dict = phase_dict return phase @property def natoms(self): return sum(self.nom_comp.values()) def __str__(self): if self.description: return "{name} ({description}): {energy:0.3g}".format(,, description=self.description ) else: return "{name} : {energy:0.3g}".format(, def __repr__(self): return "<Phase %s>" % self def __hash__(self): return hash( tuple( [str(self.comp), float(] + [str(self.unit_comp[key]) for key in self.comp] ) ) @total_ordering def __lt__(self, other): "Phase-comparison is done based on energy value" return < def __eq__(self, other): """ Phases are defined to be equal if they have the same composition and an energy within 1e-6 eV/atom. """ if set(self.comp) != set(other.comp): return False if abs( - > 1e-6: return False for key in self.comp: if abs(self.unit_comp[key] - other.unit_comp[key]) > 1e-6: return False return True @property def label(self): return "%s: %0.3f eV/atom" % (, @property def link(self): if link = '<a href="/materials/entry/{id}">{name}</a>' return link.format( id=self.calculation.entry_id, name=format_html(self.comp) ) else: return "" @property def name(self): if self.custom_name: return self.custom_name if self.phase_dict: name_dict = dict( (p, v / p.natoms) for p, v in list(self.phase_dict.items()) ) return " + ".join( "%.3g %s" % (v, for p, v in list(name_dict.items()) ) return format_comp(self.nom_comp) @property def latex(self): if self.phase_dict: return " + ".join( "%.3g %s" % (v, p.latex) for p, v in list(self.phase_dict.items()) ) return format_latex(self.nom_comp) @property def volume(self): if self.phase_dict: return sum( phase.calculation.volume_pa * amt for phase, amt in list(self.phase_dict.items()) ) else: return self.calculation.volume_pa @property def mass(self): if self.phase_dict: return sum( phase.calculation.composition.get_mass() * amt for phase, amt in list(self.phase_dict.items()) ) else: return self.calculation.composition.get_mass() @property def space(self): """ Set of elements in the phase. """ return set([k for k, v in list(self.unit_comp.items()) if abs(v) > 1e-6]) @property def n(self): """ Number of atoms in the total composition. """ return sum(self._comp.values()) @property def comp(self): """ Total composition. """ return self._comp @comp.setter def comp(self, composition): self._comp = composition self._unit_comp = unit_comp(composition) self._nom_comp = reduce_comp(composition) @property def unit_comp(self): """ Unit composition. """ return self._unit_comp @property def nom_comp(self): """ Composition divided by the GCD. e.g. Fe4O6 becomes Fe2O3. """ return self._nom_comp @property def energy(self): """ Energy per atom in eV. """ return self._energy @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): self._energy = energy self._total_energy = energy * sum(self.comp.values()) self._energy_pfu = energy / sum(self.nom_comp.values()) @property def total_energy(self): """ Total energy for the composition as supplied (in eV). """ return self._total_energy @total_energy.setter def total_energy(self, energy): self._total_energy = energy self._energy = energy / sum(self.comp.values()) self._energy_pfu = energy / sum(self.nom_comp.values()) @property def energy_pfu(self): """ Energy per nominal composition. i.e. energy per Fe2O3, not Fe4O6. """ return self._energy_pfu @energy_pfu.setter def energy_pfu(self, energy): self._energy_pfu = energy _gap = None @property def band_gap(self): if not self._gap: self.get_gap() return self._gap def get_gap(self): if not self.phase_dict: self._gap = self.calculation.band_gap else: self._gap = min([p.calculation.band_gap for p in self.phase_dict]) _formation = None @property def formation(self): if is None: return if self._formation is None: self._formation = qmpy.FormationEnergy.objects.get( return self._formation @property def calculation(self): """ Get the oqmd Formation object for this Phase, if it exists. """ if is None: return from qmpy.analysis.vasp.calculation import Calculation return self.formation.calculation def set_stability(self): from qmpy.analysis.vasp import Calculation if is None: return Calculation.objects.filter( def free_energy(self, T=0, P=0, mus={}): """ Free energy function for the phase, can be defined to be anything, by default it just returns the phase's ground state energy. """ # global environment return def amt(self, comp): """ Returns a composition dictionary with the specified composition pulled out as 'var'. Examples:: >>> phase = Phase(composition={'Fe':1, 'Li':5, 'O':8}, energy=-1) >>> phase.amt('Li2O') defaultdict(<type 'float'>, {'var': 2.5, 'Fe': 1, 'O': 5.5, 'Li': 0.0}) """ if isinstance(comp, Phase): comp = comp.comp elif isinstance(comp, str): comp = parse_comp(comp) residual = defaultdict(float, self.comp) tot = sum(residual.values()) for c, amt in list(dict(comp).items()): pres = residual[c] / amt for c2, amt2 in list(comp.items()): residual[c2] -= pres * amt2 residual["var"] = tot - sum(residual.values()) residual["var"] /= float(sum(comp.values())) return residual def fraction(self, comp): """ Returns a composition dictionary with the specified composition pulled out as 'var'. Examples:: >>> phase = Phase(composition={'Fe':1, 'Li':5, 'O':8}, energy=-1) >>> phase.fraction('Li2O') defaultdict(<type 'float'>, {'var': 0.5357142857142858, 'Fe': 0.07142857142857142, 'O': 0.3928571428571428, 'Li': 0.0}) """ if isinstance(comp, Phase): comp = comp.unit_comp elif isinstance(comp, str): comp = unit_comp(parse_comp(comp)) residual = defaultdict(float, self.unit_comp) tot = sum(residual.values()) for c, amt in list(dict(comp).items()): pres = residual[c] / amt for c2, amt2 in list(comp.items()): residual[c2] -= pres * amt2 residual["var"] = tot - sum(residual.values()) residual["var"] /= float(sum(comp.values())) return residual