Source code for

# qmpy/analysis/thermodynamics/

import networkx as nx
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging

from django.db import transaction

import qmpy
from qmpy.utils import *
from . import phase
from .reaction import Reaction
from .equilibrium import Equilibrium

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if qmpy.FOUND_PULP:
    import pulp
    logger.warn("Cannot import PuLP, cannot do GCLP")

class PhaseSpaceError(Exception):

class Heap(dict):
    def add(self, seq):
        if len(seq) == 1:
            self[seq[0]] = Heap()
        seq = sorted(seq)
        e0 = seq[0]
        if e0 in self:
            self[e0] = Heap()

    def sequences(self):
        seqs = []
        for k, v in list(self.items()):
            if not v:
                for v2 in v.sequences:
                    seqs.append([k] + v2)
        return seqs

[docs]class PhaseSpace(object): """ A PhaseSpace object represents, naturally, a region of phase space. The most fundamental property of a PhaseSpace is its bounds, which are given as a hyphen-delimited list of compositions. These represent the extent of the phase space, and determine which phases are within the space. Next, a PhaseSpace has an attribute, data, which is a PhaseData object, and is a container for Phase objects, which are used when performing thermodynamic analysis on this space. The majority of attributes are lazy, that is, they are only computed when they are requested, and how to get them (of which there are often several ways) is decided based on the size and shape of the phase space. """ def __init__(self, bounds, mus=None, data=None, **kwargs): """ Arguments: bounds: Sequence of compositions. Can be comma-delimited ("Fe,Ni,O"), an actual list (['Fe', 'Ni', 'O']) or any other python sequence. The compositions need not be elements, if you want to take a slice through the Fe-Ni-O phase diagram between Fe3O4 and NiO, just do "Fe3O4-NiO". Keyword Arguments mus: define a dictionary of chemical potentials. Will adjust all calculated formation energies accordingly. data: If supplied with a PhaseData instance, it will be used instead of loading from the OQMD. Can be used to significantly reduce the amount of time spent querying the database when looping through many PhaseSpaces. Examples:: >>> ps = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O', load="legacy.dat") >>> ps2 = PhaseSpace(['Fe','Li','O'], >>> ps = PhaseSpace(set(['Li', 'Ni', 'O'])) >>> ps = PhaseSpace('Li2O-Fe2O3') """ self.clear_all() self.set_mus(mus) self.set_bounds(bounds) if data is None: = phase.PhaseData() if bounds: self.load(**kwargs) else: = data.get_phase_data( def __repr__(self): if self.bounds is None: return "<unbounded PhaseSpace>" names = [format_comp(reduce_comp(b)) for b in self.bounds] bounds = "-".join(names) if self.mus: bounds += " " + format_mus(self.mus) return "<PhaseSpace bound by %s>" % bounds def __getitem__(self, i): return self.phases[i] def __len__(self): return len(self.phases) def set_bounds(self, bounds): bounds = parse_space(bounds) if bounds is None: self.bounds = None return elements = sorted(set.union(*[set(b.keys()) for b in bounds])) basis = [] for b in bounds: basis.append([b.get(k, 0) for k in elements]) self.bounds = bounds self.basis = np.array(basis) def infer_formation_energies(self): mus = {} for elt in if elt in self.phase_dict: mus[elt] = self.phase_dict[elt].energy else: mus[elt] = 0.0 for phase in self.phases: for elt in -= phase.unit_comp.get(elt, 0) * mus[elt] def set_mus(self, mus): self.mus = {} if mus is None: return elif isinstance(mus, str): mus = mus.replace(",", " ") for mu in mus.split(): self.mus.update(parse_mu(mu)) elif isinstance(mus, dict): self.mus = mus
[docs] def load(self, **kwargs): """ Loads oqmd data into the associated PhaseData object. """ target = kwargs.get("load", "oqmd") if not target: return stable = kwargs.get("stable", False) fit = kwargs.get("fit", "standard") total = kwargs.get("total", (fit is None)) if target == "oqmd":, fit=fit, stable=stable, total=total) elif "legacy" in target:"legacy.dat") elif target == "icsd":, fit=fit, search={"entry__path__contains": "icsd"}, stable=stable, total=total_energy, ) elif target == "prototypes":, fit=fit, search={"path__contains": "prototypes"}, stable=stable, total=total_energy, ) elif target == None: pass else: raise ValueError("Unknown load argument: %s" % target)
def get_subspace(self, space): data = return PhaseSpace(space, data=data) _phases = None @property def phases(self): if self._phases: return self._phases phases = [p for p in if self.in_space(p) and p.use] self._phases = phases return self._phases @phases.setter def phases(self, phases): self.clear_all() = phase.PhaseData() = phases _phase_dict = None @property def phase_dict(self): if self._phase_dict: return self._phase_dict phase_dict = dict( [ (k, p) for k, p in list( if p.use and self.in_space(p) ] ) self._phase_dict = phase_dict return self._phase_dict @phase_dict.setter def phase_dict(self, phase_dict): self.clear_all() = phase.PhaseData() = list(phase_dict.values()) def phase_energy(self, p): dE = sum([self.mus.get(k, 0) * v for k, v in list(p.unit_comp.items())]) N = sum(v for k, v in list(p.unit_comp.items()) if k in self.bound_space) if N == 0: N = 1 return ( - dE) / N def phase_comp(self, p): comp = dict((k, v) for k, v in list(p.comp.items()) if k in self.bound_elements) return unit_comp(comp)
[docs] def clear_data(self): """ Clears all phase data. """ self._phases = None self._phase_dict = None
[docs] def clear_analysis(self): """ Clears all calculated results. """ self._stable = None self._tie_lines = None self._hull = None self._spaces = None self._dual_spaces = None self._cliques = None self._graph = None
[docs] def clear_all(self): """ Clears input data and analyzed results. Same as: >>> PhaseData.clear_data() >>> PhaseData.clear_analysis() """ self.clear_data() self.clear_analysis()
def load_tie_lines(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def comp_dimension(self): """ Compositional dimension of the region of phase space. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O') >>> s.comp_dimension 2 >>> s = PhaseSpace('FeO-Ni2O-CoO-Ti3O4') >>> s.comp_dimension 3 """ return len(self.bounds) - 1 @property def chempot_dimension(self): """ Chemical potential dimension. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li', 'O=-2.5') >>> s.chempot_dimension 0 >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li', 'N=0:-5') >>> s.chempot_dimension 1 >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li', 'N=0:-5 F=0:-5') >>> s.chempot_dimension 2 """ cpdims = [k for k, v in list(self.mus.items()) if isinstance(v, list)] return len(cpdims) @property def shape(self): """ (# of compositional dimensions, # of chemical potential dimensions) The shape attribute of the PhaseSpace determines what type of phase diagram will be drawn. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li', 'O=-1.2') >>> s.shape (1, 0) >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li', 'O=0:-5') >>> s.shape (1, 1) >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-P', 'O=0:-5') >>> s.shape (2,1) >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe', 'O=0:-5') >>> s.shape (0, 1) """ return (self.comp_dimension, self.chempot_dimension) @property def bound_space(self): """ Set of elements _of fixed composition_ in the PhaseSpace. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li', 'O=-1.4') >>> s.bound_space set(['Fe', 'Li']) """ if self.bounds is None: return set() return set.union(*[set(b.keys()) for b in self.bounds]) @property def bound_elements(self): """ Alphabetically ordered list of elements with constrained composition. """ return sorted(self.bound_space) @property def space(self): """ Set of elements present in the PhaseSpace. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Pb-Te-Se') >>> set(['Pb', 'Te', 'Se']) >>> s = PhaseSpace('PbTe-Na-PbSe') >>> set(['Pb', 'Te', 'Na', 'Se']) """ return self.bound_space | set(self.mus.keys()) @property def elements(self): """ Alphabetically ordered list of elements present in the PhaseSpace. """ return sorted(
[docs] def coord(self, composition, tol=1e-4): """Returns the barycentric coordinate of a composition, relative to the bounds of the PhaseSpace. If the object isn't within the bounds, raises a PhaseSpaceError. Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O') >>> space.coord({'Fe':1, 'Li':1, 'O':2}) array([ 0.25, 0.25, 0.5 ]) >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe2O3-Li2O') >>> space.coord('Li5FeO4') array([ 0.25, 0.75]) """ if isinstance(composition, phase.Phase): composition = composition.comp elif isinstance(composition, str): composition = parse_comp(composition) composition = defaultdict(float, composition) if self.bounds is None: return np.array([composition[k] for k in self.bound_elements]) bcomp = dict( (k, v) for k, v in list(composition.items()) if k in self.bound_space ) composition = unit_comp(bcomp) cvec = np.array([composition.get(k, 0) for k in self.bound_elements]) coord = np.linalg.lstsq(self.basis.T, cvec, rcond=None)[0] if abs(sum(coord) - 1) > 1e-3 or any(c < -1e-3 for c in coord): raise PhaseSpaceError return coord
[docs] def comp(self, coord): """ Returns the composition of a coordinate in phase space. Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O') >>> space.comp([0.2, 0.2, 0.6]) {'Fe': 0.2, 'O': 0.6, 'Li': 0.2} """ if self.bounds is None: return defaultdict(float, list(zip(self.elements, coord))) if len(coord) != len(self.bounds): raise PhaseSpaceError if len(coord) != len(self.bounds): raise ValueError("Dimensions of coordinate must match PhaseSpace") tot = sum(coord) coord = [c / float(tot) for c in coord] comp = defaultdict(float) for b, x in zip(self.bounds, coord): for elt, val in list(b.items()): comp[elt] += val * x return dict((k, v) for k, v in list(comp.items()) if v > 1e-4)
_spaces = None @property def spaces(self): """ List of lists of elements, such that every phase in self.phases is contained in at least one set, and no set is a subset of any other. This corresponds to the smallest subset of spaces that must be analyzed to determine the stability of every phase in your dataset. Examples:: >>> pa, pb, pc = Phase('A', 0), Phase('B', 0), Phase('C', 0) >>> p1 = Phase('AB2', -1) >>> p2 = Phase('B3C', -4) >>> s = PhaseSpace('A-B-C', load=None) >>> s.phases = [ pa, pb, pc, p1, p2 ] >>> s.spaces [['C', 'B'], ['A', 'B']] """ if self._spaces: return self._spaces spaces = set([frozenset( for p in list(self.phase_dict.values())]) spaces = [ space for space in spaces if not any([space < space2 for space2 in spaces]) ] self._spaces = list(map(list, spaces)) return self._spaces def find_stable(self): stable = set() for space in self.spaces: subspace = self.get_subspace(space) stable |= set(subspace.stable) self._stable = stable return stable _dual_spaces = None @property def dual_spaces(self): """ List of sets of elements, such that any possible tie-line between two phases in phases is contained in at least one set, and no set is a subset of any other. """ if self._dual_spaces is None: # self._dual_spaces = self.get_dual_spaces() self._dual_spaces = self.heap_structure_spaces() return self._dual_spaces def heap_structure_spaces(self): if len(self.spaces) == 1: return self.spaces heap = Heap() for i, (c1, c2) in enumerate(itertools.combinations(self.spaces, r=2)): heap.add(set(c1 + c2)) return heap.sequences def get_dual_spaces(self): if len(self.spaces) == 1: return self.spaces dual_spaces = [] imax = len(self.spaces) ** 2 / 2 spaces = sorted(self.spaces, key=lambda x: -len(x)) for i, (c1, c2) in enumerate(itertools.combinations(spaces, r=2)): c3 = frozenset(c1 + c2) if c3 in sizes[n]: break for j, c4 in enumerate(dual_spaces): if c3 <= c4: break elif c4 < c3: dual_spaces[j] = c3 break else: dual_spaces.append(c3) self._dual_spaces = dual_spaces return self._dual_spaces def find_tie_lines(self): phases = list(self.phase_dict.values()) indict = dict((k, v) for v, k in enumerate(phases)) adjacency = np.zeros((len(indict), len(indict))) for space in self.dual_spaces: subspace = self.get_subspace(space) for p1, p2 in subspace.tie_lines: i1, i2 = sorted([indict[p1], indict[p2]]) adjacency[i1, i2] = 1 tl = set((phases[i], phases[j]) for i, j in zip(*np.nonzero(adjacency))) self._tie_lines = tl return tl @property def stable(self): """ List of stable phases """ if self._stable is None: self.hull # self.compute_hull() return self._stable @property def unstable(self): """ List of unstable phases. """ if self._stable is None: self.hull # self.compute_hull() return [p for p in self.phases if (not p in self.stable) and self.in_space(p)] _tie_lines = None @property def tie_lines(self): """ List of length 2 tuples of phases with tie lines between them """ if self._tie_lines is None: self.hull # self.compute_hull() return [list(tl) for tl in self._tie_lines] @property def tie_lines_list(self): return list(self.tie_lines) @property def hull(self): """ List of facets of the convex hull. """ if self._hull is None: self.get_hull() return list(self._hull) def get_hull(self): if any(len(b) > 1 for b in self.bounds): points = self.get_hull_points() self.get_qhull(phases=points) else: self.get_qhull() @property def hull_list(self): return list(self.hull) _graph = None @property def graph(self): """ :mod:`networkx.Graph` representation of the phase space. """ if self._graph: return self._graph graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_edges_from(self.tie_lines) self._graph = graph return self._graph _cliques = None @property def cliques(self): """ Iterator over maximal cliques in the phase space. To get a list of cliques, use list(PhaseSpace.cliques). """ if self._cliques is None: self.find_cliques() return self._cliques def find_cliques(self): self._cliques = nx.find_cliques(self.graph) return self._cliques def cliques_to_hull(self, cliques): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stability_range(self, p, element=None): """ Calculate the range of phase `p` with respect to `element`. """ if element is None and len(self.mus) == 1: element = list(self.mus.keys())[0] tcomp = dict(p.unit_comp) e, c = self.gclp(tcomp, mus=None) tcomp[element] = tcomp.get(element, 0) + 0.001 edo, xdo = self.gclp(tcomp, mus=None) tcomp[element] -= 0.001 if element in list(p.comp.keys()): tcomp[element] -= 0.001 eup, xup = self.gclp(tcomp, mus=None) return (edo - e) / 0.001, (e - eup) / 0.001 else: return (edo - e) / 0.001, -20
def chempot_bounds(self, composition, total=False): energy, phases = self.gclp(composition) chems = {} for eq in self.hull_list: if not phases in eq: continue pots = eq.chemical_potentials if total: for k in pots: pots[k] += qmpy.chem_pots["standard"]["elements"][k] chems[eq] = pots return chems def chempot_range(self, p, element=None): pot_bounds = {} tcomp = dict(p.unit_comp) e, c = self.gclp(tcomp, mus=None) for elt in list(p.comp.keys()): tcomp = dict(p.unit_comp) tcomp[elt] -= 0.001 eup, xup = self.gclp(tcomp) tcomp[elt] += 0.002 edo, xdo = self.gclp(tcomp) pot_bounds[elt] = [(edo - e) / 0.001, (e - eup) / 0.001] return pot_bounds
[docs] def get_tie_lines_by_gclp(self, iterable=False): """ Runs over pairs of Phases and tests for equilibrium by GCLP. Not recommended, it is very slow. """ tie_lines = [] self.get_gclp_stable() for k1, k2 in itertools.combinations(self.stable, 2): testpoint = (self.coord(k1.unit_comp) + self.coord(k2.unit_comp)) / 2 energy, phases = self.gclp(self.comp(testpoint)) if abs(energy - ( + / 2) < 1e-8: tie_lines.append([k1, k2]) if iterable: yield [k1, k2] self._tie_lines = tie_lines
[docs] def in_space(self, composition): """ Returns True, if the composition is in the right elemental-space for this PhaseSpace. Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O') >>> space.in_space('LiNiO2') False >>> space.in_space('Fe2O3') True """ if self.bounds is None: return True if isinstance(composition, phase.Phase): composition = composition.comp elif isinstance(composition, str): composition = parse_comp(composition) if set(composition.keys()) <= return True else: return False
[docs] def in_bounds(self, composition): """ Returns True, if the composition is within the bounds of the phase space Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe2O3-NiO2-Li2O') >>> space.in_bounds('Fe3O4') False >>> space.in_bounds('Li5FeO8') True """ if self.bounds is None: return True if isinstance(composition, phase.Phase): composition = composition.unit_comp elif isinstance(composition, str): composition = parse_comp(composition) if not self.in_space(composition): return False composition = dict( (k, v) for k, v in list(composition.items()) if k in self.bound_elements ) composition = unit_comp(composition) try: c = self.coord(composition) if len(self.bounds) < len( comp = self.comp(c) if set(comp.keys()) != set(composition.keys()) - set(self.mus.keys()): return False if not all( [ abs(comp.get(k, 0) - composition.get(k, 0)) < 1e-3 for k in self.bound_elements ] ): return False except PhaseSpaceError: return False return True
### analysis stuff
[docs] def get_qhull(self, phases=None, mus={}): """ Get the convex hull for a given space. """ if phases is None: ## ensure there are phases to get the hull of phases = list(self.phase_dict.values()) ## ensure that all phases have negative formation energies _phases = [] for p in phases: if not p.use: continue if self.phase_energy(p) > 0: continue if not self.in_bounds(p): continue _phases.append(p) phases = _phases phase_space = set() for p in phases: phase_space |= A = [] for p in phases: A.append(list(self.coord(p))[1:] + [self.phase_energy(p)]) dim = len(A[0]) for i in range(dim): tmparr = [0 if a != i - 1 else 1 for a in range(dim)] if not tmparr in A: A.append(tmparr) A = np.array(A) if len(A) == len(A[0]): self._hull = set([frozenset([p for p in phases])]) self._tie_lines = set( [frozenset([k1, k2]) for k1, k2 in itertools.combinations(phases, r=2)] ) self._stable = set([p for p in phases]) return conv_hull = ConvexHull(A) hull = set() tie_lines = set() stable = set() for facet in conv_hull.simplices: ### various exclusion rules if any([ind >= len(phases) for ind in facet]): continue if all(phases[ind].energy == 0 for ind in facet if ind < len(phases)): continue dim = len(facet) face_matrix = np.array([A[i] for i in facet]) face_matrix[:, -1] = 1 v = np.linalg.det(face_matrix) if abs(v) < 1e-8: continue face = frozenset([phases[ind] for ind in facet if ind < len(phases)]) stable |= set(face) tie_lines |= set( [frozenset([k1, k2]) for k1, k2 in itertools.combinations(face, r=2)] ) hull.add(Equilibrium(face)) self._hull = hull self._tie_lines = tie_lines self._stable = stable return hull
def get_chempot_qhull(self): faces = list(self.hull) A = [] for face in faces: A.append([face.chem_pots[e] for e in self.elements]) A = np.array(A) conv_hull = ConvexHull(A) uhull = set() for facet in conv_hull.simplices: face = frozenset([faces[i] for i in facet if i < len(faces)]) uhull.add(face) return uhull
[docs] def get_hull_points(self): """ Gets out-of PhaseSpace points. i.e. for FeSi2-Li, there are no other phases in the space, but there are combinations of Li-Si phases and Fe-Si phases. This method returns a list of phases including composite phases from out of the space. Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('FeSi2-Li') >>> space.get_hull_points() [<Phase FeSi2 (23408): -0.45110217625>, <Phase Li (104737): 0>, <Phase 0.680 Li13Si4 + 0.320 FeSi : -0.3370691816>, <Phase 0.647 Li8Si3 + 0.353 FeSi : -0.355992801765>, <Phase 0.133 Fe3Si + 0.867 Li21Si5 : -0.239436904167>, <Phase 0.278 FeSi + 0.722 Li21Si5 : -0.306877209723>] """ self._hull = set() # set of lists self._stable = set() # set done_list = [] # list of sorted lists hull_points = [] # list of phases if len(self.phases) == len( self._hull = set(frozenset(self.phases)) self._stable = set(self.phases) return for b in self.bounds: e, x = self.gclp(b) p = phase.Phase.from_phases(x) hull_points.append(p) facets = [list(hull_points)] while facets: facet = facets.pop(0) done_list.append(sorted(facet)) try: phases, E = self.get_minima(list(self.phase_dict.values()), facet) except: continue p = phase.Phase.from_phases(phases) if p in self.phases: p = self.phase_dict[] if not p in hull_points: hull_points.append(p) for new_facet in itertools.combinations(facet, r=len(facet) - 1): new_facet = list(new_facet) + [p] if new_facet not in done_list: facets.append(new_facet) return hull_points
[docs] def gclp(self, composition={}, mus={}, phases=[]): """ Returns energy, phase composition which is stable at given composition Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O') >>> energy, phases = space.gclp('FeLiO2') >>> print phases >>> print energy """ if not composition: return 0.0, {} if isinstance(composition, str): composition = parse_comp(composition) if not phases: phases = [p for p in list(self.phase_dict.values()) if p.use] _mus = self.mus if mus is None: _mus = {} else: _mus.update(mus) in_phases = [] space = set(composition.keys()) | set(_mus) for p in phases: if is None: continue # if self.in_bounds(p): if not set(p.comp.keys()) <= space: continue in_phases.append(p) ##[vh] ##print "in_phases: ", in_phases return self._gclp(composition=composition, mus=_mus, phases=in_phases)
def _gclp(self, composition={}, mus={}, phases=[]): if not qmpy.FOUND_PULP: raise Exception( "Cannot do GCLP without installing PuLP and an LP", "solver" ) prob = pulp.LpProblem("GibbsEnergyMin", pulp.LpMinimize) phase_vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("lib", phases, 0.0) prob += ( pulp.lpSum( [ ( - sum( [ p.unit_comp.get(elt, 0) * mu for elt, mu in list(mus.items()) ] ) ) * phase_vars[p] for p in phases ] ), "Free Energy", ) for elt, constraint in list(composition.items()): prob += ( pulp.lpSum([p.unit_comp.get(elt, 0) * phase_vars[p] for p in phases]) == float(constraint), "Conservation of " + elt, ) if pulp.GUROBI().available(): prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=False)) elif pulp.COIN_CMD().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COIN_CMD(msg=False)) else: prob.solve() phase_comp = dict( [ (p, phase_vars[p].varValue) for p in phases if phase_vars[p].varValue > 1e-5 ] ) energy = sum( * amt for p, amt in list(phase_comp.items())) energy -= sum([a * composition.get(e, 0) for e, a in list(mus.items())]) return energy, phase_comp
[docs] def get_minima(self, phases, bounds): """ Given a set of Phases, get_minima will determine the minimum free energy elemental composition as a weighted sum of these compounds """ prob = pulp.LpProblem("GibbsEnergyMin", pulp.LpMinimize) pvars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("phase", phases, 0) bvars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("bound", bounds, 0.0, 1.0) prob += ( pulp.lpSum(self.phase_energy(p) * pvars[p] for p in phases) - pulp.lpSum(self.phase_energy(bound) * bvars[bound] for bound in bounds), "Free Energy", ) for elt in self.bound_space: prob += ( sum([p.unit_comp.get(elt, 0) * pvars[p] for p in phases]) == sum([b.unit_comp.get(elt, 0) * bvars[b] for b in bounds]), "Contraint to the proper range of" + elt, ) prob += sum([bvars[b] for b in bounds]) == 1, "sum of bounds must be 1" if pulp.GUROBI().available(): prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=False)) elif pulp.COIN_CMD().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COIN_CMD(msg=False)) elif pulp.COINMP_DLL().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COINMP_DLL(msg=False)) else: prob.solve() E = pulp.value(prob.objective) xsoln = defaultdict( float, [(p, pvars[p].varValue) for p in phases if abs(pvars[p].varValue) > 1e-4], ) return xsoln, E
def compute_hull(self): phases = [ p for p in list(self.phase_dict.values()) if (self.phase_energy(p) < 0 and len( > 1) ] region = Region([self.phase_dict[elt] for elt in]) region.contained = phases
[docs] def compute_stability(self, p): """ Compute the energy difference between the formation energy of a Phase, and the energy of the convex hull in the absence of that phase. """ # if self.phase_dict[] != p: # stable = self.phase_dict[] # p.stability = - if len(p.comp) == 1: stable = self.phase_dict[] p.stability = - else: phases = list(self.phase_dict.values()) # < Mohan # Add Error Handling for phase.remove(p) # Old Code: # phases.remove(p) # New Code: try: phases.remove(p) except ValueError: import copy _ps_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.phase_dict) _ps_dict.pop(, None) phases = list(_ps_dict.values()) # Mohan > energy, gclp_phases = self.gclp(p.unit_comp, phases=phases) ##print p, energy, gclp_phases # vh # print p, '------', gclp_phases p.stability = - energy # vh return energy, gclp_phases
[docs] @transaction.atomic def compute_stabilities(self, phases=None, save=False, reevaluate=True): """ Calculate the stability for every Phase. Keyword Arguments: phases: List of Phases. If None, uses every Phase in PhaseSpace.phases save: If True, save the value for stability to the database. new_only: If True, only compute the stability for Phases which did not import a stability from the OQMD. False by default. """ from qmpy.analysis.vasp.calculation import Calculation if phases is None: phases = self.phases if reevaluate: for p in self.phases: p.stability = None for p in phases: if p.stability is None: if p in list(self.phase_dict.values()): self.compute_stability(p) else: p2 = self.phase_dict[] if p2.stability is None: self.compute_stability(p2) base = max(0, p2.stability) diff = - p.stability = base + diff if save: qs = qmpy.FormationEnergy.objects.filter( qs.update(stability=p.stability)
[docs] def save_tie_lines(self): """ Save all tie lines in this PhaseSpace to the OQMD. Stored in Formation.equilibrium """ for p1, p2 in self.tie_lines: p1.formation.equilibrium.add(p2.formation)
[docs] def compute_formation_energies(self): """ Evaluates the formation energy of every phase with respect to the chemical potentials in the PhaseSpace. """ ref = [] for b in self.bounds: if format_comp(b) in self.mus: ref.append(self.mus[format_comp[b]]) else: ref.append(self.gclp(b)[0]) ref = np.array(ref) for p in self.phases: = - sum(self.coord(p) * ref)
renderer = None @property def phase_diagram(self, **kwargs): """Renderer of a phase diagram of the PhaseSpace""" if self.renderer is None: self.get_phase_diagram(**kwargs) return self.renderer @property def neighboring_equilibria(self): neighbors = [] for eq1, eq2 in itertools.combinations(self.hull, r=2): if eq1.adjacency(eq2) == 1: neighbors.append([eq1, eq2]) return neighbors
[docs] def find_reaction_mus(self, element=None): """ Find the chemical potentials of a specified element at which reactions occur. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O') >>> s.find_reaction_mus('O') """ if element is None and len(self.mus) == 1: element = list(self.mus.keys())[0] ps = PhaseSpace("-".join(, chem_pots = set() for p in ps.stable: chem_pots |= set(self.stability_range(p, element)) return sorted(chem_pots)
[docs] def chempot_scan(self, element=None, umin=None, umax=None): """ Scan through chemical potentials of `element` from `umin` to `umax` identifing values at which phase transformations occur. """ if element is None and len(self.mus) == 1: element = list(self.mus.keys())[0] mus = self.find_reaction_mus(element=element) if umin is None: umin = min(mus) if umax is None: umax = max(mus) windows = {} hulls = [] mus = sorted(mus) for i in range(len(mus)): mu = mus[i] if mu < umin or mu > umax: continue if i == 0: nu = mu - 1 window = (None, mu) elif i == len(mus) - 1: nu = mu + 1 window = (mu, None) else: nu = np.average([mu, mus[i + 1]]) window = (mu, mus[i + 1]) self.mus[element] = nu self.get_hull() windows[window] = list(self.stable) return windows
[docs] def get_phase_diagram(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a Renderer attribute with appropriate phase diagram components. Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O') >>> space.get_renderer() >>> """ self.renderer = Renderer() if self.shape == (0, 0): self.make_as_unary(**kwargs) elif self.shape == (1, 0): self.make_as_binary(**kwargs) elif self.shape == (2, 0): self.make_as_ternary(**kwargs) elif self.shape == (3, 0): self.make_as_quaternary(**kwargs) elif self.shape == (0, 1): self.make_1d_vs_chempot(**kwargs) elif self.shape == (1, 1): self.make_vs_chempot(**kwargs) else: ps = PhaseSpace("-".join(,, load=None) ps.renderer = Renderer() ps.make_as_graph(**kwargs) self.renderer = ps.renderer
[docs] def make_as_unary(self, **kwargs): """ Plot of phase volume vs formation energy. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe2O3') >>> r = s.make_as_unary() >>> r.plot_in_matplotlib() >>> """ bottom, gclp = self.gclp(self.bounds[0]) bottom /= sum(self.bounds[0].values()) gs = phase.Phase.from_phases(gclp) points = [] for p in self.phases: if not self.in_bounds(p): continue if not p.calculation: continue v = p.calculation.volume_pa pt = Point([v, self.phase_energy(p) - bottom], label=p.label) points.append(pt) # self.renderer.text.append(Text(pt, p.calculation.entry_id)) pc = PointCollection(points, color="red") self.renderer.add(pc) pt = Point([gs.volume, 0], label=gs.label, color="green") self.renderer.add(pt) xaxis = Axis("x", label="Volume", units="&#8491;<sup>3</sup>/atom") yaxis = Axis("y", label="Relative Energy", units="eV/atom") self.renderer.xaxis = xaxis self.renderer.yaxis = yaxis self.renderer.options["grid"]["hoverable"] = True self.renderer.options["tooltip"] = True
[docs] def make_1d_vs_chempot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot of phase stability vs chemical potential for a single composition. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe', mus={'O':[0,-4]}) >>> r = s.make_vs_chempot() >>> r.plot_in_matplotlib() >>> """ self.make_vs_chempot(**kwargs) self.renderer.xaxis.min = 0.5 self.renderer.xaxis.max = 1.5 self.renderer.xaxis.options["show"] = False
[docs] def make_vs_chempot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot of phase stability vs chemical potential for a range of compositions. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li', mus={'O':[0,-4]}) >>> r = s.make_vs_chempot() >>> r.plot_in_matplotlib() >>> """ xaxis = Axis("x") xaxis.min, xaxis.max = (0, 1) xaxis.label = "-".join([format_comp(b) for b in self.bounds]) elt = list(self.mus.keys())[0] yaxis = Axis("y", label="&Delta;&mu;<sub>" + elt + "</sub>", units="eV/atom") murange = list(self.mus.values())[0] yaxis.min = min(murange) yaxis.max = max(murange) self.renderer.xaxis = xaxis self.renderer.yaxis = yaxis if False: points = [] for window, hull in list(self.chempot_scan().items()): hull = sorted(hull, key=lambda x: self.coord(x)[0]) for i in range(len(hull) - 1): p1 = hull[i] p2 = hull[i + 1] x1 = self.coord(p1)[0] x2 = self.coord(p2)[0] line = Line( [ Point([x1, window[0], window[1]]), Point([x2, window[0], window[1]]), ], fill=True, ) self.renderer.add(line) ps = PhaseSpace("-".join(,, load=None) points = set() lines = [] hlines = set() for p in ps.stable: if not self.in_bounds(p): continue bot, top = ps.stability_range(p, elt) x = self.coord(p)[0] line = Line([Point([x, bot]), Point([x, top])], color="blue") lines.append(line) hlines |= set([bot, top]) points.add(Point([x, bot])) points.add(Point([x, top])) y = np.average([bot, top]) if y < min(murange): y = min(murange) elif y > max(murange): y = max(murange) t = Text([x, y], "<b>%s</b>" % self.renderer.add(t) pc = PointCollection(list(points), color="green") for h in hlines: self.renderer.add(Line([[0, h], [1, h]], color="grey")) for l in lines: self.renderer.add(l) self.renderer.add(pc) self.renderer.options["grid"]["hoverable"] = True
[docs] def make_as_binary(self, **kwargs): """ Construct a binary phase diagram (convex hull) and write it to a :mod:`~qmpy.Renderer`. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-P') >>> r = s.make_as_binary() >>> r.plot_in_matplotlib() >>> """ xlabel = "%s<sub>x</sub>%s<sub>1-x</sub>" % ( format_comp(self.bounds[0]), format_comp(self.bounds[1]), ) xaxis = Axis("x", label=xlabel) xaxis.min, xaxis.max = (0, 1) yaxis = Axis("y", label="Delta H", units="eV/atom") self.renderer.xaxis = xaxis self.renderer.yaxis = yaxis for p1, p2 in self.tie_lines: pt1 = Point([self.coord(p1)[0], self.phase_energy(p1)]) pt2 = Point([self.coord(p2)[0], self.phase_energy(p2)]) self.renderer.lines.append(Line([pt1, pt2], color="grey")) points = [] for p in self.unstable: if not p.use: continue if self.phase_energy(p) > 0: continue if not self.in_bounds(p): continue x = self.coord(p.unit_comp)[0] pt = Point([x, self.phase_energy(p)], label=p.label) points.append(pt) self.renderer.point_collections.append( PointCollection(points, fill=1, color="red") ) points = [] for p in self.stable: if not self.in_bounds(p): continue x = self.coord(p.unit_comp)[0] pt = Point([x, self.phase_energy(p)], label=p.label) if p.show_label: self.renderer.text.append(Text(pt, points.append(pt) self.renderer.point_collections.append( PointCollection(points, fill=True, color="green") ) self.renderer.options["grid"]["hoverable"] = True self.renderer.options["tooltip"] = True self.renderer.options["tooltipOpts"] = {"content": "%label"}
[docs] def make_as_ternary(self, **kwargs): """ Construct a ternary phase diagram and write it to a :mod:`~qmpy.Renderer`. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O-P') >>> r = s.make_as_quaternary() >>> r.plot_in_matplotlib() >>> """ for p1, p2 in self.tie_lines: pt1 = Point(coord_to_gtri(self.coord(p1))) pt2 = Point(coord_to_gtri(self.coord(p2))) line = Line([pt1, pt2], color="grey") self.renderer.lines.append(line) points = [] for p in self.unstable: if not self.in_bounds(p): continue if self.phase_dict[] in self.stable: continue ##pt = Point(coord_to_gtri(self.coord(p)), label=p.label) options = {"hull_distance": p.stability} pt = Point(coord_to_gtri(self.coord(p)), label=p.label, **options) points.append(pt) self.renderer.point_collections.append( PointCollection(points, fill=True, color="red") ) self.renderer.options["xaxis"]["show"] = False points = [] for p in self.stable: if not self.in_bounds(p): continue pt = Point(coord_to_gtri(self.coord(p)), label=p.label) if p.show_label: self.renderer.add(Text(pt, points.append(pt) self.renderer.point_collections.append( PointCollection(points, fill=True, color="green") ) self.renderer.options["grid"]["hoverable"] = (True,) self.renderer.options["grid"]["borderWidth"] = 0 self.renderer.options["grid"]["margin"] = 4 self.renderer.options["grid"]["show"] = False self.renderer.options["tooltip"] = True
[docs] def make_as_quaternary(self, **kwargs): """ Construct a quaternary phase diagram and write it to a :mod:`~qmpy.Renderer`. Examples:: >>> s = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O-P') >>> r = s.make_as_quaternary() >>> r.plot_in_matplotlib() >>> """ # plot lines for p1, p2 in self.tie_lines: pt1 = Point(coord_to_gtet(self.coord(p1))) pt2 = Point(coord_to_gtet(self.coord(p2))) line = Line([pt1, pt2], color="grey") self.renderer.add(line) # plot compounds ### < Mohan # Use phase_dict to collect unstable phases, which will # return one phase per composition points = [] for c, p in list(self.phase_dict.items()): if not self.in_bounds(p): continue if p in self.stable: continue if p.stability == None: continue label = "{}<br> hull distance: {:.3f} eV/atom<br> formation energy: {:.3f} eV/atom".format(, p.stability, ) pt = Point(coord_to_gtet(self.coord(p)), label=label) points.append(pt) self.renderer.add(PointCollection(points, color="red", label="Unstable")) ## Older codes: # for p in self.unstable: # if not self.in_bounds(p): # continue # pt = Point(coord_to_gtet(self.coord(p)), # points.append(pt) # self.renderer.add(PointCollection(points, # color='red', label='Unstable')) ### Mohan > points = [] for p in self.stable: if not self.in_bounds(p): continue label = "%s:<br>- " % label += " <br>- ".join( for o in list(self.graph[p].keys())) pt = Point(coord_to_gtet(self.coord(p)), label=label) points.append(pt) if p.show_label: self.renderer.add(Text(pt, format_html(p.comp))) self.renderer.add(PointCollection(points, color="green", label="Stable")) self.renderer.options["grid"]["hoverable"] = (True,) self.renderer.options["grid"]["borderWidth"] = 0 self.renderer.options["grid"]["show"] = False self.renderer.options["tooltip"] = True
[docs] def make_as_graph(self, **kwargs): """ Construct a graph-style visualization of the phase diagram. """ G = self.graph positions = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.pygraphviz_layout(G) for p1, p2 in self.tie_lines: pt1 = Point(positions[p1]) pt2 = Point(positions[p2]) line = Line([pt1, pt2], color="grey") self.renderer.add(line) points = [] for p in self.stable: label = "%s:<br>" % for other in list(G[p].keys()): label += " -%s<br>" % pt = Point(positions[p], label=label) points.append(pt) if p.show_label: self.renderer.add(Text(pt, pc = PointCollection(points, color="green") self.renderer.add(pc) self.renderer.options["grid"]["hoverable"] = True self.renderer.options["grid"]["borderWidth"] = 0 self.renderer.options["grid"]["show"] = False self.renderer.options["tooltip"] = True
def stability_window(self, composition, **kwargs): self.renderer = Renderer() chem_pots = self.chempot_bounds(composition) for eq, pots in list(chem_pots.items()): pt = Point(coord_to_point([pots[k] for k in self.elements])) self.renderer.add(pt)
[docs] def get_reaction(self, var, facet=None): """ For a given composition, what is the maximum delta_composition reaction on the given facet. If None, returns the whole reaction for the given PhaseSpace. Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe2O3-Li2O') >>> equilibria = space.hull[0] >>> space.get_reaction('Li2O', facet=equilibria) """ if isinstance(var, str): var = parse_comp(var) if facet: phases = facet else: phases = self.stable prob = pulp.LpProblem("BalanceReaction", pulp.LpMaximize) pvars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("prod", phases, 0) rvars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("react", phases, 0) prob += ( sum([p.fraction(var)["var"] * pvars[p] for p in phases]) - sum([p.fraction(var)["var"] * rvars[p] for p in phases]), "Maximize delta comp", ) for celt in prob += ( sum([p.fraction(var)[celt] * pvars[p] for p in phases]) == sum([p.fraction(var)[celt] * rvars[p] for p in phases]), "identical %s composition on both sides" % celt, ) prob += sum([rvars[p] for p in phases]) == 1 if pulp.GUROBI().available(): prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=False)) elif pulp.COIN_CMD().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COIN_CMD(msg=False)) elif pulp.COINMP_DLL().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COINMP_DLL(msg=False)) else: prob.solve() prods = defaultdict( float, [(c, pvars[c].varValue) for c in phases if pvars[c].varValue > 1e-4] ) reacts = defaultdict( float, [(c, rvars[c].varValue) for c in phases if rvars[c].varValue > 1e-4] ) n_elt = pulp.value(prob.objective) return reacts, prods, n_elt
[docs] def get_reactions(self, var, electrons=1.0): """ Returns a list of Reactions. Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe-Li-O') >>> space.get_reactions('Li', electrons=1) """ if isinstance(var, str): var = parse_comp(var) vname = format_comp(reduce_comp(var)) vphase = self.phase_dict[vname] vpd = dict((self.phase_dict[k], v) for k, v in list(var.items())) for facet in self.hull: reacts, prods, delta_var = self.get_reaction(var, facet=facet) if vphase in facet: yield Reaction( products={vphase: sum(vphase.comp.values())}, reactants={}, delta_var=1.0, electrons=electrons, variable=var, ) continue elif delta_var < 1e-6: pass yield Reaction( products=prods, reactants=reacts, delta_var=delta_var, variable=var, electrons=electrons, )
[docs] def plot_reactions(self, var, electrons=1.0, save=False): """ Plot the convex hull along the reaction path, as well as the voltage profile. """ if isinstance(var, str): var = parse_comp(var) vname = format_comp(var) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) # plot tie lines for p1, p2 in self.tie_lines: c1 = p1.fraction(var)["var"] c2 = p2.fraction(var)["var"] if abs(c1) < 1e-4 or abs(c2) < 1e-4: if abs(c1 - 1) < 1e-4 or abs(c2 - 1) < 1e-4: if len(self.tie_lines) > 1: continue ax1.plot([c1, c2], [self.phase_energy(p1), self.phase_energy(p2)], "k") # plot compounds for p in self.stable: x = p.fraction(var)["var"] ax1.plot(x, self.phase_energy(p), "bo") ax1.text( x, self.phase_energy(p), "$\\rm{%s}$" % p.latex, ha="left", va="top" ) plt.ylabel("$\\rm{\Delta H}$ $\\rm{[eV/atom]}$") ymin, ymax = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.set_ylim(ymin - 0.1, ymax) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax1) points = set() for reaction in self.get_reactions(var, electrons=electrons): if reaction.delta_var == 0: continue voltage = reaction.delta_h / reaction.delta_var / electrons x1 = reaction.r_var_comp x2 = reaction.p_var_comp points |= set([(x1, voltage), (x2, voltage)]) points = sorted(points, key=lambda x: x[0]) points = sorted(points, key=lambda x: -x[1]) #!v # print points base = sorted(self.stable, key=lambda x: x.amt(var)["var"])[0] max_x = max([k[0] for k in points]) if len(points) > 1: for i in range(len(points) - 2): ax2.plot( [points[i][0], points[i + 1][0]], [points[i][1], points[i + 1][1]], "k", ) ax2.plot( [points[-2][0], points[-2][0]], [points[-2][1], points[-1][1]], "k" ) ax2.plot([points[-2][0], max_x], [points[-1][1], points[-1][1]], "k") else: ax2.plot([0, max_x], [points[0][1], points[0][1]], "k") plt.xlabel( "$\\rm{x}$ $\\rm{in}$ $\\rm{(%s)_{x}(%s)_{1-x}}$" % (format_latex(var), base.latex) ) plt.ylabel("$\\rm{Voltage}$ $\\rm{[V]}$") return ax1, ax2
# if not save: # # else: # plt.savefig('%s-%s.eps' % (save, vname), # bbox_inches='tight', # transparent=True, # pad_inches=0)