Source code for qmpy.analysis.vasp.calculation

# qmpy/analysis/vasp/

import os
import copy
import json
import gzip
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg
import logging
import re
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import exists, isfile, isdir

from lxml import etree

from django.db import models
from django.db import transaction

import qmpy
import qmpy.materials.composition as comp
import qmpy.materials.structure as strx
import as poscar
from . import potential as pot
import qmpy.materials.formation_energy as fe
import qmpy.utils as utils
import qmpy.db.custom as cdb
import qmpy.analysis.thermodynamics as thermo
import qmpy.analysis.griddata as grid
from . import dos
from import chem_pots
from qmpy.materials.atom import Atom, Site
from qmpy.utils import *
from import MetaData, add_meta_data
from qmpy.materials.element import Element
from qmpy.db.custom import DictField, NumpyArrayField
from qmpy.configuration.vasp_settings import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

re_iter = re.compile("([0-9]+)\( *([0-9]+)\)")

def value_formatter(value):
    if isinstance(value, list):
        return " ".join(map(value_formatter, value))
    elif isinstance(value, str):
        return value.upper()
    elif isinstance(value, bool):
        return (".%s." % value).upper()
    elif isinstance(value, int):
        return str(value)
    elif isinstance(value, float):
        return "%0.8g" % value
        return str(value)

def vasp_format(key, value):
    return " %s = %s" % (key.upper(), value_formatter(value))

class VaspError(Exception):
    """General problem with vasp calculation."""

[docs]@add_meta_data("error") @add_meta_data("warning") @add_meta_data("Co_spin") class Calculation(models.Model): """ Base class for storing a VASP calculation. Relationships: | :mod:`~qmpy.Composition` via composition | :mod:`~qmpy.DOS` via dos | :mod:`~qmpy.Structure` via input. Input structure. | :mod:`~qmpy.Structure` via output. Resulting structure. | :mod:`~qmpy.Element` via element_set. | :mod:`~qmpy.Potential` via potential_set. | :mod:`~qmpy.Hubbard` via hubbard_set. | :mod:`~qmpy.Entry` via entry. | :mod:`~qmpy.Fit` via fit. Reference energy sets that have been fit using | this calculation. | :mod:`~qmpy.FormationEnergy` via formationenergy_set. Formation | energies computed from this calculation, for different choices of | fit sets. | :mod:`~qmpy.MetaData` via meta_data Attributes: | id | label: key for entry.calculations dict. | attempt: # of this attempt at a calculation. | band_gap: Energy gap occupied by the fermi energy. | configuration: Type of calculation (module). | converged: Did the calculation converge electronically and ionically. | energy: Total energy (eV/UC) | energy_pa: Energy per atom (eV/atom) | irreducible_kpoints: # of irreducible k-points. | magmom: Total magnetic moment (mu_b) | magmom_pa: Magnetic moment per atom. (mu_b/atom) | natoms: # of atoms in the input. | nsteps: # of ionic steps. | path: Calculation path. | runtime: Runtime in seconds. | settings: dictionary of VASP settings. """ # = labeling =# configuration = models.CharField( db_index=True, max_length=15, null=True, blank=True ) meta_data = models.ManyToManyField(MetaData) label = models.CharField(max_length=63, default="") entry = models.ForeignKey( "Entry", db_index=True, null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) path = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, db_index=True) composition = models.ForeignKey( "Composition", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) element_set = models.ManyToManyField("Element") natoms = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # = inputs =# input = models.ForeignKey( strx.Structure, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="calculated", null=True, blank=True, ) hubbard_set = models.ManyToManyField("Hubbard") potential_set = models.ManyToManyField("Potential") settings = DictField(blank=True, null=True) # = outputs =# output = models.ForeignKey( strx.Structure, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="source", null=True, blank=True, ) energy = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) energy_pa = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) magmom = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) magmom_pa = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) dos = models.ForeignKey("DOS", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) band_gap = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) irreducible_kpoints = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) # = progress/completion =# attempt = models.IntegerField(default=0, blank=True, null=True) nsteps = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) converged = models.NullBooleanField(null=True) runtime = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) # = Non-stored values =# outcar = None kpoints = None occupations = None class Meta: app_label = "qmpy" db_table = "calculations" # builtins def __str__(self): retval = "" if self.input: retval += + " @ " if self.configuration: retval += self.configuration + " settings" elif "prec" in self.settings: retval += "PREC=" + self.settings["prec"].upper() if self.settings.get("nsw", 1) <= 1: retval += ", static" if not retval: return "Blank" return retval
[docs] @transaction.atomic def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.output is not None: if self.entry: self.output.entry = self.entry self.output = self.output self.composition = self.output.composition if self.input is not None: if self.entry: self.input.entry = self.entry self.input = self.input self.composition = self.input.composition if self.dos is not None: self.dos.entry = self.entry self.dos = self.dos super(Calculation, self).save(*args, **kwargs) self.hubbard_set.set(self.hubbards) self.potential_set.set(self.potentials) self.element_set.set([Element.get(e) for e in set(self.elements)]) self.meta_data.set(self.error_objects) super(Calculation, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
# django caching _potentials = None @property def formation(self): fe_set = self.formationenergy_set.filter(fit__name="standard") if len(fe_set) == 0: return self.get_formation() else: return fe_set[0] @property def potentials(self): if self._potentials is None: if not self._potentials = [] else: self._potentials = list(self.potential_set.all()) return self._potentials @potentials.setter def potentials(self, potentials): self._potentials = potentials _elements = None @property def elements(self): if self._elements is None: if self._elements = list(self.element_set.all()) else: self._elements = list(set([a.element for a in self.input.atoms])) return self._elements @elements.setter def elements(self, elements): self._elements = elements _hubbards = None @property def hubbards(self): if self._hubbards is None: if not self._hubbards = [] else: self._hubbards = list(self.hubbard_set.all()) return self._hubbards @hubbards.setter def hubbards(self, hubbards): self._hubbards = hubbards # accessors/aggregators @property def comp(self): return self.output.comp @property def hub_comp(self): hcomp = defaultdict(int) for h in self.hubbards: if not h: continue for a in self.output: if h.element == a.element and h.ox in [None, a.ox]: hcomp[h] += 1 return dict(list(hcomp.items())) @property def true_comp(self): comp = defaultdict(int) for c, v in list(self.comp.items()): if self.hubbard_set.filter(element=c).exists(): h = self.hubbard_set.get(element=c) if h: comp["%s_%s" % (c, h.u)] += v continue comp[c] += v return dict(comp) @property def unit_comp(self): return unit_comp(self.comp) @property def needs_hubbard(self): return any(h for h in self.hubbards) # = input files as strings =# @property def POSCAR(self): return poscar.write(self.input) @property def INCAR(self): return self.get_incar() @property def KPOINTS(self): return self.get_kpoints() @property def POTCAR(self): return self.get_potcar() # INCAR / settings @property def MAGMOMS(self): moments = [a.magmom for a in self.input.atoms] if all([m in [0, None] for m in moments]): return "" magmoms = [[1, moments[0]]] for n in range(1, len(moments)): if moments[n] == moments[n - 1]: magmoms[-1][0] += 1 else: magmoms.append([1, moments[n]]) momstr = " ".join("%i*%.4f" % (v[0], v[1]) for v in magmoms) return " MAGMOM = %s" % momstr @property def phase(self): p = thermo.Phase( energy=self.delta_e, composition=parse_comp(self.composition_id), description=str(self.input.spacegroup), stability=self.stability, per_atom=True, ) = return p def calculate_stability(self, fit="standard"): from qmpy.analysis.thermodynamics import PhaseSpace ps = PhaseSpace(self.input.comp) ps.compute_stabilities() def get_incar(self): s = dict( (k.lower(), v) for k, v in list(self.settings.items()) if not k in ["gamma", "kppra", "scale_encut", "potentials", "hubbards"] ) incar = "#= General Settings =#\n" for key in ["prec", "istart", "icharg", "nelect"]: if key in s: incar += " %s\n" % vasp_format(key, s.pop(key)) if self.MAGMOMS and not "ispin" in s: s["ispin"] = 2 incar += " ISPIN = %d\n" % s.pop("ispin", 1) if self.MAGMOMS: incar += self.MAGMOMS + "\n" if any(hub for hub in self.hubbards): incar += "\n#= LDA+U Fields =#\n" incar += " LDAU = .TRUE.\n" incar += " LDAUPRINT = 1\n" hubbards = sorted(self.hubbards, key=lambda x: x.element_id) uvals = " ".join(str(hub.u) for hub in hubbards) jvals = " ".join("0" for hub in hubbards) lvals = " ".join(str(hub.l) for hub in hubbards) incar += " LDAUU = %s\n" % uvals incar += " LDAUJ = %s\n" % jvals incar += " LDAUL = %s\n" % lvals incar += "\n#= Parallelization =#\n" for key in ["lplane", "nsim", "ncore", "lscalu", "npar", "kpar"]: if key in s: incar += " %s\n" % vasp_format(key, s.pop(key)) incar += "\n#= Ionic Relaxation Settings =#\n" for key in ["nsw", "ibrion", "isif", "isym", "symprec", "potim", "ediffg"]: if key in s: incar += " %s\n" % vasp_format(key, s.pop(key)) incar += "\n#= Electronic Relxation Settings =#\n" for key in ["encut", "nelm", "nelmin", "lreal", "ediff", "algo"]: if key in s: incar += " %s\n" % vasp_format(key, s.pop(key)) incar += "\n#= Write flags =#\n" for key in ["lcharg", "lwave", "lvhar", "lvtot", "lorbit"]: if key in s: incar += " %s\n" % vasp_format(key, s.pop(key)) incar += "\n#= DOS =#\n" for key in ["nbands", "ismear", "sigma"]: if key in s: incar += " %s\n" % vasp_format(key, s.pop(key)) if s.get("ldipol", False): incar += "\n# dipole fields\n" incar += " LDIPOL = .TRUE.\n" for k in ["idipol", "espilon"]: if k in s: incar += " %s\n" % vasp_format(k, s.pop(k)) # incar += '\n#= Uncategorized/OQMD codes =#\n' # for k, v in s.items(): # incar += ' %s\n' % (vasp_format(k, v)) return incar @INCAR.setter def INCAR(self, incar): settings = {} custom = "" magmoms = [] ldauus = [] ldauls = [] ldaujs = [] for line in open(incar): line = line.lower() line = line.split("=") settings[line[0].strip()] = line[1].strip() if self.input is not None: atom_types = [] for atom in self.input.atoms: if atom.element.symbol in atom_types: continue atom_types.append(atom.element.symbol) if ldauus and ldauls: assert len(ldauls) == len(atom_types) assert len(ldauus) == len(atom_types) for elt, u, l in zip(atom_types, ldauus, ldauls): hub, created = pot.Hubbard.objects.get_or_create( element_id=elt, u=u, l=l ) self.hubbards.append(hub) if magmoms: real_moms = [] for mom in magmoms: if "*" in mom: num, mom = mom.split("*") real_moms += [mom] * int(num) else: real_moms.append(mom) for atom, mom in zip(self.input.atoms, real_moms): atom.magmom = float(mom) if is not None: Atom.objects.filter( self.settings = settings def get_kpoints(self): ## Mohan # get_kpoint_mesh_by_increment() will be deprecated. However, for existing calculation # data, we will keep using this function to display KPOINTS. kpts = self.input.get_kpoint_mesh_by_increment(self.settings.get("kppra", 8000)) if self.settings.get("gamma", True): kpoints = "KPOINTS \n0 \nGamma\n" else: kpoints = "KPOINTS \n0 \nMonkhorst-Pack\n" kpoints += " ".join(str(int(k)) for k in kpts) + "\n" kpoints += "0 0 0" return kpoints @KPOINTS.setter def KPOINTS(self, kpoints): raise NotImplementedError def get_potcar(self, distinct_by_ox=False): potstr = "" if not distinct_by_ox: elts = sorted(self.input.comp.keys()) else: e_o_pairs = set([(a.element_id, a.ox) for a in self.input]) elts = sorted([p[0] for p in e_o_pairs]) for elt in elts: pot = [p for p in self.potentials if p.element_id == elt][0] potstr += pot.potcar potstr += " End of Dataset\n" return potstr @POTCAR.setter def POTCAR(self, potcar): pots = pot.Potential.read_potcar(potcar) for pot in pots: self.potentials.append(pot) @POSCAR.setter def POSCAR(self, poscar): self.input = xmlroot = None def read_vasprun_xml(self): tree = etree.parse( + "/vasprun.xml.gz", "rb")) self.xmlroot = tree.getroot() # read settings settings = {} for s in self.xmlroot.findall("parameters/separator/*"): t = s.get("type", "float") if not s.text: continue if s.tag == "i": if t == "int": settings[s.get("name").lower()] = int(s.text.strip()) elif t == "float": settings[s.get("name").lower()] = float(s.text.strip()) elif t == "string": settings[s.get("name").lower()] = s.text.strip() elif s.tag == "v": settings[s.get("name").lower()] = list(map(float, s.text.split())) self.settings = settings # read other things lattices = [] for b in self.xmlroot.findall("structure/crystal/*[@name='basis']"): cell = [] for v in b: cell.append(list(map(float, v.strip().split()))) lattices.append(np.vstack(cell)) # coords positions = [] for c in self.xmlroot.findall("structure/varray[@name='positions']"): coords = [] for v in c: coords.append(list(map(float, v.strip().split()))) positions.append(np.vstack(coords)) raise NotImplementedError # energies energies = [] # forces forces = [] # stresses stresses = []
[docs] def get_outcar(self): """ Sets the calculations outcar attribute to a list of lines from the outcar. Examples:: >>> calc ='calculation_path') >>> print calc.outcar None >>> calc.get_outcar() >>> len(calc.outcar) 12345L """ if not self.outcar is None: return self.outcar if not exists(self.path): return elif exists(self.path + "/OUTCAR"): try: self.outcar = open(self.path + "/OUTCAR", "r").readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: self.outcar = open( self.path + "/OUTCAR", "r", encoding="ISO-8859-1" ).readlines() elif exists(self.path + "/OUTCAR.gz"): outcar = + "/OUTCAR.gz", "rb").read().decode() self.outcar = outcar.splitlines() else: raise VaspError("No such file exists")
def read_number_of_cores(self): self.get_outcar() ncores = 1 for line in self.outcar: if "serial version" in line: break elif "running on" in line: ncores = int(line.strip().split()[2]) break return ncores def read_runtime(self): self.get_outcar() runtime = 0 for line in self.outcar: if "LOOP+" in line: if not len(line.split()) == 7: continue runtime += ffloat(line.split()[-1]) num_cores = self.read_number_of_cores() self.runtime = num_cores * runtime return runtime
[docs] def read_energies(self): """ Returns a numpy.ndarray of energies over all ionic steps. Examples:: >>> calc ='calculation_path') >>> calc.read_energies() array([-12.415236, -12.416596, -12.416927]) """ self.get_outcar() energies = [] for line in self.outcar: if "free energy" in line: energies.append(ffloat(line.split()[4])) self.energies = np.array(energies)
[docs] def read_natoms(self): """Reads the number of atoms, and assigns the value to natoms.""" self.get_outcar() for line in self.outcar: if "NIONS" in line: self.natoms = int(line.split()[-1]) break
[docs] def read_n_ionic(self): """Reads the number of ionic steps, and assigns the value to nsteps.""" self.get_outcar() self.nsteps = len([l for l in self.outcar if "free energy" in l])
def read_input_structure(self): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "POSCAR")): self.input =, "POSCAR")) self.input.entry = self.entry
[docs] def read_elements(self): """ Reads the elements of the atoms in the structure. Returned as a list of atoms of shape (natoms,). Examples:: >>> calc ='path_to_calculation') >>> calc.read_elements() ['Fe', 'Fe', 'O', 'O', 'O'] """ self.get_outcar() elt_list = [] elements = [] for line in self.outcar: if "POTCAR:" in line: elt = line.split()[2].split("_")[0] elt_list.append(elt) if "ions per type" in line: # there are 2*N occurrences of "POTCAR:" in OUTCAR elt_list = elt_list[: int(len(elt_list) / 2)] counts = list(map(int, line.split()[4:])) assert len(counts) == len(elt_list) for n, e in zip(counts, elt_list): elements += [e] * n break if len(elements) == 0: raise VaspError("OUTCAR is wrong") self.elements = elements
[docs] def read_lattice_vectors(self): """ Reads and returns a numpy ndarray of lattice vectors for every ionic step of the calculation. Examples:: >>> path = 'analysis/vasp/files/magnetic/standard' >>> calc ='/'+path) >>> calc.read_lattice_vectors() array([[[ 5.707918, 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 5.707918, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 7.408951]], [[ 5.707918, 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 5.707918, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 7.408951]]]) """ self.get_outcar() lattice_vectors = [] for i, line in enumerate(self.outcar): if "direct lattice vectors" in line: tlv = [] for n in range(3): tlv.append(read_fortran_array(self.outcar[i + n + 1], 6)[:3]) lattice_vectors.append(tlv) return np.array(lattice_vectors)
[docs] def read_charges(self): """ Reads and returns VASP-calculated projected charge for each atom. Returns the RAW charge, not NET charge. Examples:: >>> calc ='path_to_calculation') >>> calc.read_charges() """ self.get_outcar() self.read_natoms() self.read_n_ionic() charges = [] for n, line in enumerate(self.outcar): if " total charge " in line: chgs = [] for i in range(self.natoms): chgs.append(float(self.outcar[n + 4 + i].split()[-1])) charges.append(chgs) if not charges: return np.array([[0] * self.natoms] * self.nsteps) return np.array(charges)
def read_magmoms(self): self.get_outcar() self.read_natoms() self.read_n_ionic() for line in self.outcar: if "ISPIN =" in line: if int(line.strip().split()[2]) == 1: return np.array([[0] * self.natoms] * self.nsteps) magmoms = [] for n, line in enumerate(self.outcar): if "magnetization (x)" in line: mags = [] for i in range(self.natoms): mags.append(float(self.outcar[n + 4 + i].split()[-1])) magmoms.append(mags) for line in self.outcar[::-1]: if "number of electron" in line: if "magnetization" in line: self.magmom = float(line.split()[-1]) self.magmom_pa = self.magmom / self.natoms break if not magmoms: return np.array([[0] * self.natoms] * self.nsteps) return magmoms def read_forces(self): self.get_outcar() self.read_natoms() forces = [] force_loop = [None] * self.natoms for line in self.outcar: if "POSITION" in line: force_loop = [] elif len(force_loop) < self.natoms: if "------" in line: continue try: force_loop.append(list(map(float, line.split()[3:]))) except ValueError: # when the forces output format is messed up # e.g. "0.0000000 0.0000000-1173493.45" without space b/w f_y, f_z force_loop.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if len(force_loop) == self.natoms: forces.append(force_loop) return np.array(forces) def read_positions(self): self.get_outcar() self.read_natoms() positions = [] position_loop = [None] * self.natoms for line in self.outcar: if "POSITION" in line: position_loop = [] elif len(position_loop) < self.natoms: if "------" in line: continue position_loop.append(list(map(float, line.split()[:3]))) if len(position_loop) == self.natoms: positions.append(position_loop) return np.array(positions)
[docs] def read_stresses(self): """ Using vasprun.xml.gz to collect stresses. In future, this function will be moved to read_output_from_vasprun() """ try: stresses = [] tree = etree.parse( + "/vasprun.xml.gz", "rb")) tmp_xmlroot = tree.getroot() for _s in tmp_xmlroot.findall("*varray[@name='stress']"): tmp_stress_matrix = [] for _v in _s: tmp_stress_matrix.append(list(map(ffloat, _v.text.strip().split()))) stresses.append( [ tmp_stress_matrix[0][0], tmp_stress_matrix[1][1], tmp_stress_matrix[2][2], tmp_stress_matrix[0][1], tmp_stress_matrix[1][2], tmp_stress_matrix[2][0], ] ) return np.array(stresses) except: self.get_outcar() stresses = [] for line in self.outcar: if "in kB" in line: stresses.append(list(map(ffloat, line.split()[2:]))) return np.array(stresses)
def read_kpoints(self): kpts = [] weights = [] found = False for i, line in enumerate(self.outcar): if "irreducible k-points" in line: self.irreducible_kpoints = int(line.split()[1]) if "k-points in reciprocal lattice and weights" in line: for j in range(self.irreducible_kpoints): x, y, z, w = list(map(float, self.outcar[i + j + 1].split())) kpts.append([x, y, z]) weights.append(w) else: break self.kpoints = kpts self.kpt_weights = weights def read_occupations(self): self.get_outcar() if self.kpoints is None: self.read_kpoints() if self.settings is None: self.read_outcar_settings() occs = [] bands = [] for i, line in enumerate(self.outcar): if "k-point" in line: if not "occupation" in self.outcar[i + 1]: continue if " 1 " in line: occs = [] bands = [] tocc = [] tband = [] for j in range(self.settings["nbands"]): b, e, o = list(map(ffloat, self.outcar[i + j + 2].split())) tocc.append(o) tband.append(e) occs.append(tocc) bands.append(tband) self.occupations = np.array(occs) self.bands = np.array(bands) def read_outcar_results(self): "Reading results from OUTCAR. Calculation ID: {}, path: {}".format(, self.path ) ) self.read_natoms() self.read_elements() self.read_n_ionic() self.read_convergence() self.read_energies() try: lattice_vectors = self.read_lattice_vectors() stresses = self.read_stresses() positions = self.read_positions() all_forces = self.read_forces() magmoms = self.read_magmoms() charges = self.read_charges() except: raise VaspError("OUTCAR is wrong") if len(self.energies) > 0: = self.energies[-1] self.energy_pa = / self.natoms try: output = strx.Structure() output.cell = lattice_vectors[-1] output.stresses = stresses[-1] except: raise VaspError("OUTCAR is wrong") inv = numpy.linalg.inv(output.cell).T atoms = [] for coord, forces, charge, magmom, elt in zip( positions[-1], all_forces[-1], charges[-1], magmoms[-1], self.elements ): a = Atom(element_id=elt, charge=charge, magmom=magmom) a.coord =, coord) a.forces = forces atoms.append(a) output.atoms = atoms self.output = output self.output.set_label(self.label)"Reading results from OUTCAR complete.")"Errors found: [{}]".format(", ".join(self.errors))) def read_convergence(self): self.get_outcar() # read the input maximum ionic/electronic steps sett_nsw = 0 for line in self.outcar: if "NSW " in line: sett_nsw = int(line.strip().split()[2]) break sett_nelm = 60 for line in self.outcar: if "NELM " in line: sett_nelm = int(line.strip().split()[2].strip(";")) break # fails for damaged OUTCARs if "relaxation" in self.configuration or sett_nsw > 0: check_ionic = True else: check_ionic = False "Calculation configuration: {}. Ionic relaxation? {}".format( self.configuration, check_ionic ) ) v_init = None for line in self.outcar: if "volume of cell" in line: v_init = float(line.split(":")[1].strip()) break sc_converged, forces_converged = False, False v_fin = None for line in self.outcar[::-1]: if "Iteration" in line: ionic, electronic = list(map(int, re_iter.findall(line)[0])) if sett_nelm == electronic: sc_converged = False if sett_nsw == ionic: forces_converged = False break if "EDIFF is reached" in line: sc_converged = True if "reached required accuracy" in line: forces_converged = True if "volume of cell" in line: v_fin = float(line.split(":")[1].strip()) if v_fin is None or v_init is None: v_delta = None else: v_delta = abs(v_fin - v_init) / v_init v_delta_str = "{:.2f}".format(v_delta) if v_delta is not None else "None" basis_converged = v_delta < 0.05 if v_delta is not None else False if self.configuration in [ "initialize", "coarse_relax", "fine_relax", "standard", ]: basis_converged = True "(sc, forces, basis): {}, {}, {} ({})".format( sc_converged, forces_converged, basis_converged, v_delta_str ) ) if ( sc_converged and ((forces_converged and check_ionic) or not check_ionic) and basis_converged ): self.converged = True else: self.converged = False self.add_error("convergence") def read_nbands_from_outcar(self): self.get_outcar() for line in self.outcar: if "NBANDS=" in line: if not "INCAR" in line: return int(line.split()[-1]) def read_outcar_settings(self): self.get_outcar() settings = {"potentials": []} elts = [] for line in self.outcar: ### general options if "PREC" in line: settings["prec"] = line.split()[2] elif "ENCUT" in line: settings["encut"] = float(line.split()[2]) elif "ISTART" in line: settings["istart"] = int(line.split()[2]) elif "ISPIN" in line: settings["ispin"] = int(line.split()[2]) elif "ICHARG" in line: settings["icharg"] = int(line.split()[2]) # electronic relaxation 1 elif "NELM" in line: settings["nelm"] = int(line.split()[2].rstrip(";")) settings["nelmin"] = int(line.split()[4].rstrip(";")) elif "LREAL =" in line: lreal = line.split()[2] if lreal == "F": settings["lreal"] = False elif lreal == "A": settings["lreal"] = "auto" elif lreal == "T": settings["lreal"] = True # ionic relaxation elif "EDIFF =" in line: settings["ediff"] = float(line.split()[2]) elif "ISIF" in line: settings["isif"] = int(line.split()[2]) elif "IBRION" in line: settings["ibrion"] = int(line.split()[2]) elif "NSW" in line: settings["nsw"] = int(line.split()[2].rstrip(";")) elif "PSTRESS" in line: settings["pstress"] = float(line.split()[1]) elif "POTIM" in line: settings["potim"] = float(line.split()[2]) # DOS Flags elif "ISMEAR" in line: line = line.split() settings["ismear"] = int(line[2].rstrip(";")) settings["sigma"] = float(line[5]) elif "NBANDS=" in line: if not "INCAR" in line: settings["nbands"] = int(line.split()[-1]) # write flags elif "LCHARG" in line: settings["lcharg"] = line.split()[2] != "F" elif "LWAVE" in line: settings["lwave"] = line.split()[2] == "T" elif "LVTOT" in line: settings["lvtot"] = line.split()[2] == "T" elif "LORBIT" in line: settings["lorbit"] = int(line.split()[2]) # electronic relaxation 2 elif "ALGO" in line: algo_dict = { 38: "normal", 68: "fast", 48: "very_fast", 58: "all", 53: "default", } settings["algo"] = algo_dict[int(line.split()[2])] # dipole flags elif "LDIPOL" in line: settings["ldipol"] = line.split()[2] == "T" elif "IDIPOL" in line: settings["idipol"] = int(line.split()[2]) elif " EPSILON=" in line: settings["epsilon"] = float(line.split()[1]) # potentials elif "POTCAR:" in line: this_pot = {"name": line.split()[2]} elif "Description" in line: settings["potentials"].append(this_pot) elif "LEXCH" in line: key = line.split()[2] if key == "91": this_pot["xc"] = "GGA" elif key == "CA": this_pot["xc"] = "LDA" elif key == "PE": this_pot["xc"] = "PBE" elif "LULTRA" in line: key = line.split()[2] this_pot["us"] = key == "T" elif "LPAW" in line: key = line.split()[2] this_pot["paw"] = key == "T" # hubbards elif "LDAUL" in line: settings["ldau"] = True settings["ldauls"] = [int(v) for v in line.split()[7:]] elif "LDAUU" in line: settings["ldauus"] = [float(v) for v in line.split()[7:]] elif "energy-cutoff" in line: break # assign potentials xcs = list(set([p["xc"] for p in settings["potentials"]])) uss = list(set([p["us"] for p in settings["potentials"]])) paws = list(set([p["paw"] for p in settings["potentials"]])) pot_names = [p["name"] for p in settings["potentials"]] elts = [p["name"].split("_")[0] for p in settings["potentials"]] if any([len(s) > 1 for s in [xcs, uss, paws]]): raise VaspError("Not all potentials are of the same type") self.potentials = pot.Potential.objects.filter( us=uss[0], xc=xcs[0], paw=paws[0], name__in=pot_names ) # assign hubbards self.hubbards = [] if "ldauls" in settings: for elt, l, u in zip(elts, settings["ldauls"], settings["ldauus"]): self.hubbards.append(pot.Hubbard.get(elt, u=u, l=l)) self.settings = settings def read_stdout(self, filename="stdout.txt"): stdout_file = os.path.join(self.path, filename) if not os.path.exists(stdout_file): print(("VASP stdout file {} not found".format(stdout_file))) return [] with open(stdout_file, "r") as fr: stdout = if "Error reading item" in stdout: self.add_error("input_error") if "ZPOTRF" in stdout: self.add_error("zpotrf") if "SGRCON" in stdout: self.add_error("sgrcon") if "INVGRP" in stdout: self.add_error("invgrp") if "BRIONS problems: POTIM should be increased" in stdout: self.add_error("brions") if "TOO FEW BANDS" in stdout: self.add_error("bands") if "FEXCF" in stdout: self.add_error("fexcf") if "FEXCP" in stdout: self.add_error("fexcp") if "PRICEL" in stdout: self.add_error("pricel") if "EDDDAV" in stdout: self.add_error("edddav") if "Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV" in stdout: self.add_error("hermitian") if "IBZKPT" in stdout: self.add_warning("IBZKPT error") if "BRMIX: very serious problems" in stdout: self.add_error("brmix") return self.errors def read_outcar_started(self): self.get_outcar() if not self.outcar: return False if len(self.outcar) < 5: return False found_inputs = [False, False, False, False] for line in self.outcar: if "INCAR:" in line: found_inputs[0] = True if "POTCAR:" in line: found_inputs[1] = True if "KPOINTS:" in line: found_inputs[2] = True if "POSCAR:" in line: found_inputs[3] = True if all(found_inputs): break if not all(found_inputs): return False return True def read_outcar(self): self.get_outcar() if self.input is None: self.read_input_structure() if self.settings is None: self.read_outcar_settings() self.read_outcar_results()
[docs] def read_incar(self): """ Collect information of INCAR settings """ if not exists(self.path): raise VaspError("Calculation does not exist!") elif exists(os.path.join(self.path, "INCAR")): with open(os.path.join(self.path, "INCAR"), "r") as fr: return fr.readlines() else: raise VaspError("{} not found".format(os.path.join(self.path, "INCAR")))
[docs] def read_chgcar(self, filename="CHGCAR.gz", filetype="CHGCAR"): """ Reads a VASP CHGCAR or ELFCAR and returns a GridData instance. """ # Determine the number of data columns if "CHGCAR" in filename: width = 5 elif "ELFCAR" in filename: width = 10 else: width = 5 if not os.path.exists(self.path + "/" + filename): raise VaspError("%s does not exist at %s", filetype, filename) if ".gz" in filename: f ="%s/%s" % (self.path, filename), "rb") else: f = open("%s/%s" % (self.path, filename), "r") d = # max: scaling added scale = float(d[1].strip()) lattice = np.array([list(map(float, r.split())) for r in d[2:5]]) * scale stoich = np.array(d[6].split(), int) count = sum(stoich) meshsize = np.array(d[9 + int(count)].split(), int) mesh_spacing = 1.0 / meshsize top = 10 + int(count) length = int(np.floor(np.product(meshsize) / width)) list = np.array( [np.array(d.strip().split(), float) for d in d[top : top + length]] ) if np.product(meshsize) % width != 0: trail = d[top + length].rstrip().split() rem = np.product(meshsize) % width list = np.append(list, np.array(trail[0:rem], float)) new_list = np.reshape(list, meshsize[::-1]) self.xdens = grid.GridData(new_list.swapaxes(0, 2), lattice=lattice) return self.xdens
def read_doscar(self): doscar_file = os.path.join(self.path, "DOSCAR") if not os.path.isfile(doscar_file): doscar_file = os.path.join(self.path, "DOSCAR.gz") if not os.path.isfile(doscar_file): return if os.path.getsize(doscar_file) < 300: return self.dos = self.band_gap = self.dos.find_gap() return self.dos def clear_outputs(self): if not os.path.exists(self.path): return for file in os.listdir(self.path): if os.path.isdir(self.path + "/" + file): continue if file in ["INCAR", "POSCAR", "KPOINTS", "POTCAR"]: continue os.unlink("%s/%s" % (self.path, file)) def clear_results(self): = None self.energy_pa = None self.magmom = None self.magmom_pa = None self.output = None self.dos = None self.band_gap = None self.irreducible_kpoints = None self.runtime = None self.nsteps = None self.converged = None self.delta_e = None self.stability = None
[docs] @staticmethod def read(path): """ Reads the outcar specified by the objects path. Populates input field values, as well as outputs, in addition to finding errors and confirming convergence. Examples: >>> path = '/analysis/vasp/files/normal/standard/' >>> calc = """ path = os.path.abspath(path) existing = Calculation.objects.filter(path=path) if existing.count() > 1: return existing elif existing.count() == 1: return existing[0] calc = Calculation(path=path) if calc.input is None: calc.read_input_structure() calc.set_label(os.path.basename(calc.path)) calc.read_stdout() calc.read_outcar() if calc.converged: calc.read_doscar() if not calc.output is None: calc.output.set_label(calc.label) return calc
@staticmethod def read_tree(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) contents = os.listdir(path) prev_calcs = [f for f in contents if os.path.isdir("%s/%s" % (path, f))] prev_calcs = sorted(prev_calcs, key=lambda x: -int(x.split("_")[0])) calcs = [] for i, calc in enumerate(prev_calcs): c ="%s/%s" % (path, calc)) c.set_label("%s_%s" % (calcs[0].label, calc.split("_")[0])) calcs[-1].input = c.output calcs.append(c) return calcs
[docs] def address_errors(self): """ Attempts to fix any encountered errors. """ errors = self.errors if not errors or errors == ["found no errors"]:"Calculation {}: Found no errors".format( return self new_calc = self.copy() new_calc.set_label(self.label) self.set_label(self.label + "_%d" % self.attempt) new_calc.attempt += 1 # if the only error is ionic/basis convergence, try a few more times # than for other errors max_attempts = 5 if set(new_calc.errors).issubset(set(["convergence"])): max_attempts = 10 if new_calc.attempt > max_attempts: new_calc.add_error("attempts") for err in errors: if err in ["duplicate", "partial", "failed to read"]: continue elif err == "convergence": if not self.output is None: new_calc.remove_error("convergence") new_calc.input = self.output new_calc.input.set_label(self.label) elif err == "electronic_convergence": new_calc.fix_electronic_convergence() elif err == "doscar_exc": new_calc.fix_bands() elif err == "bands": new_calc.fix_bands() elif err == "edddav": new_calc.fix_dav() elif err == "errrmm": new_calc.fix_rmm() elif err == "brions": new_calc.fix_brions() elif err == "brmix": new_calc.fix_brmix() elif err in ["zpotrf", "fexcp", "fexcf"]: new_calc.reduce_potim() elif err in ["pricel", "invgrp", "sgrcon"]: new_calc.increase_symprec() elif err == "hermitian": new_calc.fix_hermitian() else: raise VaspError("Unknown VASP error code: %s", err) return new_calc
[docs] def compress( self, files=[ "OUTCAR", "CHGCAR", "CHG", "PROCAR", "DOSCAR", "EIGENVAL", "LOCPOT", "ELFCAR", "vasprun.xml", ], ): """ gzip every file in `files` Keyword arguments: files: List of files to zip up. Return: None """ for file in os.listdir(self.path): if file in [ "OUTCAR", "CHGCAR", "CHG", "PROCAR", "DOSCAR", "EIGENVAL", "LOCPOT", "ELFCAR", "vasprun.xml", ]: os.system("gzip -f %s" % self.path + "/" + file)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Create a deep copy of the Calculation. Return: None """ new = copy.deepcopy(self) = None new.label = None new.input = self.input.copy() new.output = self.output.copy() new.dos = copy.deepcopy(self.dos) return new
def move(self, path): path = os.path.abspath(path) os.system("mkdir %s 2> /dev/null" % path) os.system("cp %s/* %s 2> /dev/null" % (self.path, path)) os.system("rm %s/* 2> /dev/null" % self.path) self.path = path if Calculation.objects.filter(
[docs] def backup(self, path=None): """ Create a copy of the calculation folder in a subdirectory of the current Calculation. Keyword arguments: path: If None, the backup folder is generated based on the Calculation.attempt and Calculation.errors. Return: None """ if path is None: new_dir = "%s_" % self.attempt new_dir += "_".join(self.errors) new_dir = new_dir.replace(" ", "") else: new_dir = path "backing up %s to %s" % (self.path.replace(self.entry.path + "/", ""), new_dir) ) self.move(self.path + "/" + new_dir)
def clean_start(self): depth = self.path.count("/") - self.path.count("..") if depth < 6: raise ValueError("Too short path supplied to clean_start: %s" % self.path) else: os.system("rm -rf %s &> /dev/null" % self.path) # = Error correcting =# def fix_zhegev(self): raise NotImplementedError def fix_brmix(self): self.settings.update({"symprec": 1e-7, "algo": "normal"}) self.remove_error("brmix") def fix_electronic_convergence(self): if not self.settings.get("algo") == "normal": self.settings["algo"] = "normal" self.remove_error("electronic_convergence") def increase_symprec(self): self.settings["symprec"] = 1e-7 self.remove_error("invgrp") self.remove_error("pricel") self.remove_error("sgrcon") self.remove_error("failed to read") self.remove_error("convergence") def fix_brions(self): self.settings["potim"] *= 2 self.remove_error("brions") def reduce_potim(self): self.settings.update({"algo": "normal", "potim": 0.1}) self.remove_error("zpotrf") self.remove_error("fexcp") self.remove_error("fexcf") self.remove_error("failed to read") self.remove_error("convergence") def fix_bands(self): nbands = self.read_nbands_from_outcar() if nbands is None: "Failed to read NBANDS from OUTCAR." " Calculation ID: {}".format( ) return # add 20% or 4 more bands, whichever is higher add_bands = max([int(np.ceil(nbands * 0.2)), 4]) self.settings.update({"nbands": nbands + add_bands}) self.remove_error("bands") def fix_dav(self): if self.settings["algo"] == "fast": self.settings["algo"] = "normal" elif self.settings["algo"] == "normal": self.settings["algo"] = "fast" else: return self.remove_error("edddav") self.remove_error("electronic_convergence") def fix_rmm(self): if self.settings["algo"] == "fast": self.settings["algo"] = "normal" elif self.settings["algo"] == "very_fast": self.settings["algo"] = "normal" else: return self.remove_error("errrmm") self.remove_error("electronic_convergence") def fix_hermitian(self): if self.settings["algo"] == "very_fast": return self.settings["algo"] = "very_fast" self.remove_error("hermitian") self.remove_error("electronic_convergence") #### calculation management
[docs] def write(self): """ Write calculation to disk """ os.system("mkdir %s 2> /dev/null" % self.path) poscar = open(self.path + "/POSCAR", "w") potcar = open(self.path + "/POTCAR", "w") incar = open(self.path + "/INCAR", "w") kpoints = open(self.path + "/KPOINTS", "w") poscar.write(self.POSCAR) potcar.write(self.POTCAR) incar.write(self.INCAR) kpoints.write(self.KPOINTS) poscar.close() potcar.close() incar.close() kpoints.close()
@property def estimate(self): return 72 * 8 * 3600 _instruction = {} @property def instructions(self): if self.converged: return {} if not self._instruction: self._instruction = { "path": self.path, "walltime": self.estimate, "header": "\n".join( [ "gunzip -f CHGCAR.gz &> /dev/null", "date +%s", "ulimit -s unlimited", ] ), "mpi": "mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS", "binary": "vasp_53", "pipes": " > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt", "footer": "\n".join( [ "gzip -f CHGCAR OUTCAR PROCAR DOSCAR EIGENVAL LOCPOT ELFCAR vasprun.xml", "rm -f WAVECAR CHG", "date +%s", ] ), } if self.input.natoms <= 4: self._instruction.update( {"mpi": "", "binary": "vasp_53_serial", "serial": True} ) return self._instruction def set_label(self, label): self.label = label if not self.entry is None: self.entry.calculations[label] = self # if # Calculation.objects.filter( def set_hubbards(self, convention="wang"): hubs = HUBBARDS.get(convention, {}) elts = set(k[0] for k in list(hubs.keys())) ligs = set(k[1] for k in list(hubs.keys())) # How many ligand elements are in the struture? lig_int = ligs & set(self.input.comp.keys()) if not lig_int: return elif len(lig_int) > 1: raise Exception( "More than 1 ligand matches. No convention\ established for this case!" ) if not elts & set(self.input.comp.keys()): return for atom in self.input: for hub in hubs: if atom.element_id == hub[0] and hub[2] in [None, atom.ox]: self.hubbards.append( pot.Hubbard.get( hub[0], lig=hub[1], ox=hub[2], u=hubs[hub]["U"], l=hubs[hub]["L"], ) ) break else: self.hubbards.append(pot.Hubbard.get(atom.element_id)) self.hubbards = list(set(self.hubbards)) def set_potentials(self, choice="vasp_rec", distinct_by_ox=False): if isinstance(choice, list): if len(self.potentials) == len(choice): return pot_set = POTENTIALS[choice] potentials = pot.Potential.objects.filter( xc=pot_set["xc"], gw=pot_set["gw"], us=pot_set["us"], paw=pot_set["paw"] ) for e in self.elements: if not e.symbol in pot_set["elements"]: raise VaspError( "Structure contains %s, which does not have" "a potential in VASP" % e.symbol ) pnames = [pot_set["elements"][e.symbol] for e in self.elements] self.potentials = list(potentials.filter(name__in=pnames)) def set_magmoms(self, ordering="ferro"): self.input.set_magnetism(ordering) if any(self.input.magmoms): self.settings.update({"ispin": 2})
[docs] def set_wavecar(self, source): """ Copy the WAVECAR specified by `source` to this calculation. Arguments: source: can be another :mod:`~qmpy.Calculation` instance or a string containing a path to a WAVECAR. If it is a path, it should be a absolute, i.e. begin with "/", and can either end with the WAVECAR or simply point to the path that contains it. For example, if you want to take the WAVECAR from a previous calculation you can do any of:: >>> c1 # old calculation >>> c2 # new calculation >>> c2.set_wavecar(c1) >>> c2.set_wavecar(c1.path) >>> c2.set_wavecar(c1.path+'/WAVECAR') """ if isinstance(source, Calculation): source = calculation.path source = os.path.abspath(source) if not os.path.exists(source): raise VaspError("WAVECAR does not exist at %s", source) if not "WAVECAR" in source: files = os.listdir(source) for f in files: if "WAVECAR" in f: new_path = "%s/%s" % (source, f) self.set_wavecar(new_path) else: subprocess.check_call(["cp", source, self.path])
[docs] def set_chgcar(self, source): """ Copy the CHGCAR specified by `source` to this calculation. Arguments: source: can be another :mod:`~qmpy.Calculation` instance or a string containing a path to a CHGCAR. If it is a path, it should be a absolute, i.e. begin with "/", and can either end with the CHGCAR or simply point to the path that contains it. For example, if you want to take the CHGCAR from a previous calculation you can do any of:: >>> c1 # old calculation >>> c2 # new calculation >>> c2.set_chgcar(c1) >>> c2.set_chgcar(c1.path) >>> c2.set_chgcar(c1.path+'/CHGCAR') """ if isinstance(source, Calculation): source = source.path source = os.path.abspath(source) if not os.path.exists(source): raise VaspError("CHGCAR does not exist at %s", source) if not "CHGCAR" in source: files = os.listdir(source) for f in files: if "CHGCAR" in f: new_path = "%s/%s" % (source, f) self.set_chgcar(new_path) else: logger.debug("copying %s to %s", source, self.path) subprocess.check_call(["cp", source, self.path])
@property def volume(self): if self.output: return self.output.get_volume() elif self.input: return self.input.get_volume() @property def volume_pa(self): if self.volume is None: return return self.volume / len(self.output) def formation_energy(self, reference="standard"): try: fe_set = self.formationenergy_set.filter(fit__name=reference) if len(fe_set) == 0: return self.get_formation(reference=reference).delta_e else: return fe_set[0].delta_e except AttributeError: return None def get_formation(self, reference="standard"): if not self.converged: return formation = fe.FormationEnergy.get(self, fit=reference) if len(self.input.comp) == 1: e = comp.Composition.get(self.input.comp).total_energy formation.delta_e = self.energy_pa - e formation.composition = self.input.composition formation.entry = self.entry formation.calculation = self formation.stability = None return formation hub_mus = chem_pots[reference]["hubbards"] elt_mus = chem_pots[reference]["elements"] adjust = 0 adjust -= sum( [hub_mus.get(k.key, 0) * v for k, v in list(self.hub_comp.items())] ) adjust -= sum([elt_mus[k] * v for k, v in list(self.comp.items())]) formation.delta_e = ( + adjust) / self.natoms formation.composition = self.input.composition formation.entry = self.entry formation.calculation = self formation.stability = None return formation
[docs] @staticmethod def setup( structure, configuration="static", path=None, entry=None, hubbard="wang", potentials="vasp_rec", settings={}, chgcar=None, wavecar=None, **kwargs, ): """ Method for creating a new VASP calculation. Arguments: structure: :mod:`~qmpy.Structure` instance, or string indicating an input structure file. Keyword Arguments: configuration: String indicating the type of calculation to perform. Options can be found with qmpy.VASP_SETTINGS.keys(). Create your own configuration options by adding a new file to configuration/vasp_settings/inputs/ using the files already in that directory as a guide. Default="static" settings: Dictionary of VASP settings to be applied to the calculation. Is applied after the settings which are provided by the `configuration` choice. path: Location at which to perform the calculation. If the calculation takes repeated iterations to finish successfully, all steps will be nested in the `path` directory. entry: If the full qmpy data structure is being used, you can specify an entry to associate with the calculation. hubbard: String indicating the hubbard correctionconvention. Options found with qmpy.HUBBARDS.keys(), and can be added to or altered by editing configuration/vasp_settings/hubbards.yml. Default="wang". potentials: String indicating the vasp potentials to use. Options can be found with qmpy.POTENTIALS.keys(), and can be added to or altered by editing configuration/vasp_settings/potentials/yml. Default="vasp_rec". chgcar/wavecar: Calculation, or path, indicating where to obtain an initial CHGCAR/WAVECAR file for the calculation. """ if isinstance(structure, str): structure = os.path.abspath(structure) if path is None: path = os.path.dirname(structure) structure =, **kwargs) # Where to do the calculation if path is None: if entry is None: path = os.path.abspath(".") else: if entry.path is None: path = os.path.abspath(".") else: path = os.path.abspath(entry.path) else: path = os.path.abspath(path) # Has the specified calculation already been created? if Calculation.objects.filter(path=path).exists(): calc = Calculation.objects.get(path=path) if not calc.configuration: calc.configuration = configuration else: if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) calc = Calculation() calc.path = path calc.configuration = configuration if chgcar: calc.set_chgcar(chgcar) if wavecar: calc.set_wavecar(wavecar) calc.input = structure calc.kwargs = kwargs calc.entry = entry # What settings to use? if configuration not in VASP_SETTINGS: raise ValueError("%s configuration does not exist!" % configuration) # Convert input to primitive cell, symmetrize it calc.input.make_primitive() # calc.input.refine() calc.input.symmetrize() vasp_settings = {} if calc.input.natoms > 20: vasp_settings["lreal"] = "auto" vasp_settings.update(VASP_SETTINGS[configuration]) vasp_settings.update(settings) calc.set_potentials(vasp_settings.get("potentials", "vasp_rec")) calc.set_hubbards(vasp_settings.get("hubbards", hubbard)) # calc.set_magmoms(vasp_settings.get("magnetism", "ferro")) if "scale_encut" in vasp_settings: enmax = max(pot.enmax for pot in calc.potentials) calc.encut = int(vasp_settings["scale_encut"] * enmax) # aug 18, 2016. i think the following line is the ENCUT culprit calc.settings = vasp_settings calc.set_magmoms(vasp_settings.get("magnetism", "ferro")) if calc.input.natoms >= 10: calc.settings.update({"ncore": 4, "lscalu": False, "lplane": True}) # Has the calculation been run? try: calc.get_outcar() except VaspError: calc.write() return calc # Read all outputs calc.read_stdout() if not "edddav" in calc.errors: calc.read_outcar() calc.read_doscar() # Did the calculation finish without errors? if calc.converged: calc.calculate_stability() return calc elif not calc.errors: calc.write() return calc # Could the errors be fixed? fixed_calc = calc.address_errors() if fixed_calc.errors: raise VaspError("Unable to fix errors: %s" % fixed_calc.errors) calc.backup() fixed_calc.set_magmoms(calc.settings.get("magnetism", "ferro")) fixed_calc.clear_results() fixed_calc.clear_outputs() fixed_calc.set_chgcar(calc) fixed_calc.write() return fixed_calc