Source code for qmpy.analysis.vasp.dos

from django.db import models
import yaml
import os.path
import logging
import gzip

import numpy as np

import qmpy
import qmpy.db.custom as custom
from qmpy.utils import *

import bokeh.plotting as bkp
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Span

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# class Orbital(models.Model):
#    name = models.CharField(max_length=10)

# class EnergyLevel(models.Model):
#    dos = models.ForeignKey('DOS', related_name='energy_levels',on_delete=models.CASCADE)
#    energy = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
#    occupation = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
#    orbital = models.ForiegnKey(Orbital)
#    class Meta:
#        db_table = 'states'
#        app_label = 'qmpy'
#        order_by = 'energy'

[docs]class DOS(models.Model): """ Electronic density of states.. Relationships: | :mod:`~qmpy.Entry` via entry | :mod:`~qmpy.MetaData` via meta_data | :mod:`~qmpy.Calculation` via calculation Attributes: | id | data: Numpy array of DOS occupations. | file: Source file. | gap: Band gap in eV. """ meta_data = models.ManyToManyField("MetaData") entry = models.ForeignKey("Entry", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) efermi = models.FloatField(default=0.0) gap = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) data = custom.NumpyArrayField(blank=True, null=True) file = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, null=True) _efermi = 0.0 class Meta: db_table = "dos" app_label = "qmpy" @classmethod def read(cls, doscar="DOSCAR", efermi=0.0): try: dos = DOS(file=os.path.abspath(doscar)) dos._efermi = 0.0 dos.read_doscar(dos.file) dos.efermi = efermi except ValueError: raise qmpy.analysis.vasp.calculation.VaspError("Could not parse DOSCAR") return dos @property def efermi(self): return self._efermi @efermi.setter def efermi(self, efermi): """Set the Fermi level.""" ef = efermi - self._efermi self._efermi = efermi if isinstance(, np.ndarray): try:[0, :] =[0, :] + ef self._site_dos[:, 0, :] = self._site_dos[:, 0, :] + ef except IndexError: pass @property def energy(self): """Return the array with the energies.""" return[0, :] def find_vbm(self, tol=1e-3): i = (np.abs( if[i] > 0: i -= 1 edos = self.total_dos while edos[i] < tol: i -= 1 else: self.vbm =[i] return self.vbm def find_cbm(self, tol=1e-3): i = (np.abs( if[i] < 0: i += 1 edos = self.total_dos while edos[i] < tol: i += 1 else: self.cbm =[i] return self.cbm def metal_find_vbm(self, tol=1e-3): i = (np.abs( if[i] < 0: i += 1 edos = self.total_dos while edos[i] > tol: i += 1 else: return[i] def find_gap(self, tol=1e-3): i0 = (np.abs( i1 = i0 - 1 if[i0] > 0 else i0 + 1 edos = self.total_dos if edos[i0] > tol and edos[i1] > tol: = 0 else: = self.find_cbm(tol) - self.find_vbm(tol) return _plot = None @property def plot(self): if self._plot is None: line1 = Line(list(zip(, self.total_dos)), fill=True) line2 = Line([[0, 0], [0, max(self.total_dos) * 1.1]]) canvas = Renderer(lines=[line1, line2]) canvas.yaxis.max = max(self.total_dos) * 1.1 canvas.yaxis.min = 0 canvas.xaxis.label = "Energy (eV)" canvas.yaxis.label = "# of States/eV/unit cell" # [mohan] self._plot = canvas return self._plot _bokeh_plot = None @property def bokeh_plot(self): if self._bokeh_plot is None: spinflag = False if len(self.dos) == 2: spinflag = True if spinflag: source = bkp.ColumnDataSource( data=dict(, up=self.dos[0], down=-self.dos[1], ) ) else: source = bkp.ColumnDataSource( data=dict(, dos=self.dos[0], ) ) p = bkp.figure( width=500, height=300, x_range=(-6, 6), tools=["pan", "box_zoom", "hover", "reset", "save", "help"], ) p.title.text = "Density of States" p.title.align = "center" p.title.text_font_size = "15pt" p.xaxis.axis_label = "E \u2212 E_Fermi (eV)" p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "14pt" p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt" p.yaxis.axis_label = "# of states (arb. units)" p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "14pt" p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt" vline = Span( location=0, dimension="height", line_color="gray", line_width=1.5, line_dash="dashed", ) p.renderers.extend([vline]) if spinflag: p.line( "en", "up", line_width=2, line_color="blue", legend_label="Spin Up", source=source, ) p.line( "en", "down", line_width=2, line_color="orange", legend_label="Spin Down", source=source, ) else: p.line( "en", "dos", line_width=2, line_color="blue", legend_label="total", source=source, ) p.legend.click_policy = "hide" self._bokeh_plot = p return self._bokeh_plot
[docs] def get_projected_dos(self, strc, element, orbital=None, debug=False): """ Get the density of states for a certain element Returns an NDOSx1 array with DOS for the chosen element and orbital type strc: qmpy.materials.Structure Structure associated with this DOS element: str Symbol of the element orbital: str or list or None Which orbitals to retrieve. See site_dos for options. Use None to integrate all orbitals If you specify an orbital without phase factors or spins, this operation will automatically sum all bands that match that criteria (ex: if you specify 'd+', this may sum the dxy+, dyz+, dz2+, ... orbitals. Another example, if you put "+" it will get only the positive band """ # Check for input errors if strc.natoms != self._site_dos.shape[0]: raise Exception("Structure has different atom count than DOS") if not element in list(strc.composition.comp.keys()): raise Exception("Element not in structure") # Get the list of atoms to sum over atoms = [ i for i, atom in enumerate(strc.atoms) if atom.element.symbol == element ] # Get the number of different bands n = self._site_dos.shape[1] # If only a string is passed for orbital, convert it to list if isinstance(orbital, str): orbital = [orbital] # Get the list of orbitals if n == 4: all_orbs = set(["s", "p", "d"]) elif n == 7: all_orbs = set(["s+", "s-", "p+", "p-", "d-", "d+"]) elif n == 10 or n == 37: # 37 == non-collinear all_orbs = set(["s", "px", "py", "pz", "dxy", "dyz", "dz2", "dxz", "dx2"]) elif n == 19: all_orbs = set( [ "s+", "px+", "py+", "pz+", "dxy+", "dyz+", "dz2+", "dxz+", "dx2+", "s-", "px-", "py-", "pz-", "dxy-", "dyz-", "dz2-", "dxz-", "dx2-", ] ) else: raise Exception("Unrecognized number of columns in DOS: %d" % n) # Get the ones that the user wants if orbital is None: orb_to_sum = all_orbs else: orb_to_sum = set() for orb in orbital: if len(orb) == 2 and ("-" in orb or "+" in orb): shl = orb[0] spn = orb[1] for o in all_orbs: if shl in o and spn in o: orb_to_sum.add(o) else: for o in all_orbs: if orb in o: orb_to_sum.add(o) # Print out info, if debug mode if debug: print("Summing orbitals: ", " ".join(orb_to_sum)) print("For atoms: ", " ".join([str(x) for x in atoms])) # Do the sum output = np.zeros([1]) for atom in atoms: for orb in orb_to_sum: output += self.site_dos(atom, orb) return output
[docs] def site_dos(self, atom, orbital): """Return an NDOSx1 array with dos for the chosen atom and orbital. atom: int Atom index orbital: int or str Which orbital to plot If the orbital is given as an integer: If spin-unpolarized calculation, no phase factors: s = 0, p = 1, d = 2 Spin-polarized, no phase factors: s-up = 0, s-down = 1, p-up = 2, p-down = 3, d-up = 4, d-down = 5 If phase factors have been calculated, orbitals are s, py, pz, px, dxy, dyz, dz2, dxz, dx2 double in the above fashion if spin polarized. """ # Integer indexing for orbitals starts from 1 in the _site_dos array # since the 0th column contains the energies if isinstance(orbital, int): return self._site_dos[atom, orbital + 1, :] n = self._site_dos.shape[1] if n == 4: norb = {"s": 1, "p": 2, "d": 3} elif n == 7: norb = { "s+": 1, "s-up": 1, "s-": 2, "s-down": 2, "p+": 3, "p-up": 3, "p-": 4, "p-down": 4, "d+": 5, "d-up": 5, "d-": 6, "d-down": 6, } elif n == 10 or n == 37: norb = { "s": 1, "py": 2, "pz": 3, "px": 4, "dxy": 5, "dyz": 6, "dz2": 7, "dxz": 8, "dx2": 9, } if n == 37: # Non-collinear for k in list(norb.keys()): # Add 3 new columns between each entry norb[k] = (norb[k] - 1) * 3 + norb[k] elif n == 19: norb = { "s+": 1, "s-up": 1, "s-": 2, "s-down": 2, "py+": 3, "py-up": 3, "py-": 4, "py-down": 4, "pz+": 5, "pz-up": 5, "pz-": 6, "pz-down": 6, "px+": 7, "px-up": 7, "px-": 8, "px-down": 8, "dxy+": 9, "dxy-up": 9, "dxy-": 10, "dxy-down": 10, "dyz+": 11, "dyz-up": 11, "dyz-": 12, "dyz-down": 12, "dz2+": 13, "dz2-up": 13, "dz2-": 14, "dz2-down": 14, "dxz+": 15, "dxz-up": 15, "dxz-": 16, "dxz-down": 16, "dx2+": 17, "dx2-up": 17, "dx2-": 18, "dx2-down": 18, } return self._site_dos[atom, norb[orbital.lower()], :]
@property def dos(self): if[0] == 3: return np.array([[1, :]]) # make output consistent (nested list) elif[0] == 5: return[1:3, :] @property def total_dos(self): if[0] == 3: return[1, :] elif[0] == 5: return np.sum([1:3, :], 0) @property def integrated_dos(self): if[0] == 3: return[2, :] elif[0] == 5: return[3:5, :]
[docs] def read_doscar(self, fname="DOSCAR"): """Read a VASP DOSCAR file""" if os.path.getsize(fname) < 300: return if os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == ".gz": f =, "rb") else: f = open(fname, "r") natoms = int(f.readline().split()[0]) [f.readline() for nn in range(4)] # Skip next 4 lines. # First we have a block with total and total integrated DOS ndos, efermi = f.readline().split()[2:4] self.efermi = float(efermi) ndos = int(ndos) dos = [] for nd in range(ndos): dos.append(np.array([float(x) for x in f.readline().split()])) = np.array(dos).T # Next we have one block per atom, if INCAR contains the stuff # necessary for generating site-projected DOS dos = [] for na in range(natoms): line = f.readline() if line == "": # No site-projected DOS break ndos = int(line.split()[2]) line = f.readline().split() cdos = np.empty((ndos, len(line))) cdos[0] = np.array(line) for nd in range(1, ndos): line = f.readline().split() cdos[nd] = np.array([float(x) for x in line]) dos.append(cdos.T) self._site_dos = np.array(dos) f.close()