Source code for qmpy.analysis.xrd

#!/usr/env/bin python

import itertools
import numpy as np
import logging

from import elements
from qmpy.utils import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Peak(object): """ Attributes: angle (float): Peak 2*theta angle in radians. hkl (list): HKL indices of the peak. multiplicity (int): Number of HKL indices which generate the peak. """ def __init__( self, angle, multiplicity=None, intensity=None, hkl=None, xrd=None, width=None, measured=False, ): self.angle = angle self.two_theta = angle * 360 / np.pi self.hkl = hkl self.multiplicity = multiplicity self.intensity = intensity self.xrd = xrd self.width = width self.measured = measured self.real = None self.imag = None
[docs] def lp_factor(self): """ Calculates the Lorentz-polarization factor. """ num = 1 + np.cos(2 * self.angle) ** 2 den = np.cos(self.angle) * np.sin(self.angle) ** 2 return num / den
def calculate_intensity(self, bfactors=None, scale=None): intensity = self.structure_factor_squared(bfactors) self.intensity = intensity * scale self.intensity *= self.multiplicity self.intensity *= self.lp_factor() return self.intensity
[docs] def thermal_factor(self, bfactor=1.0): """ Calculates the Debye-Waller factor for a peak. """ return np.exp(-bfactor * (np.sin(self.angle) / self.xrd.wavelength) ** 2)
def atomic_scattering_factor(self, element): asfp = elements[element]["scattering_factors"] s = np.sin(self.angle) / self.xrd.wavelength s2 = s * s if s > 2: msg = "Atomic scattering factors are not optimized for" msg += " s greater than 2" logger.warn(msg) factors = [ asfp["a" + str(i)] * np.exp(-asfp["b" + str(i)] * s2) for i in range(1, 5) ] return sum(factors) + asfp["c"] def structure_factor_squared(self, bfactors=None): if bfactors is None: bfactors = [1.0 for o in self.xrd.structure.orbits] real = 0.0 imag = 0.0 for bfactor, orbit in zip(bfactors, self.xrd.structure.orbits): tf = self.thermal_factor(bfactor) for site in orbit: for atom in site: sf = self.atomic_scattering_factor(atom.element_id) dot = 2 * np.pi *[0], atom.coord) pre = sf * tf * atom.occupancy real += pre * np.cos(dot) imag += pre * np.sin(dot) self.real = real self.imag = imag return real * real + imag * imag
[docs]class XRD(object): """ Container for an X-ray diffraction pattern. Attributes: peaks (List): List of :mod:`~qmpy.Peak` instances. measured (bool): True if the XRD is a measured pattern, otherwise False. min_2th (float): Minimum 2theta angle allowed. Defaults to 60 degrees. max_2th (float): Maximum 2theta angle allowed. Defaults to 10 degrees. wavelength (float): X-ray wavelength. Defaults to 1.5418 Ang. resolution (float): Minimum 2theta angle the XRD will distinguish between. """ def __init__( self, structure=None, measured=False, wavelength=1.5418, min_2th=10, max_2th=60, resolution=1e-2, ): self.peaks = [] self.structure = structure self.measured = measured self.wavelength = wavelength self.min_2th = min_2th self.max_2th = max_2th self.resolution = resolution def add_peak(self, peak): for p in self.peaks: if abs(peak.two_theta - p.two_theta) < self.resolution: p.multiplicity += peak.multiplicity p.hkl.append(peak.hkl) return peak.xrd = self self.peaks.append(peak) def d_thermal_factor(self, angle, bfactor): temp = (np.sin(angle) / self.wavelength) ** 2 return -temp * np.exp(-bfactor * temp) def bragg_angle(self, hkl): ratio = np.linalg.norm( / 2 ratio *= self.wavelength if ratio >= -1 and ratio <= 1: return np.arcsin(ratio) elif ratio < -1: return -np.pi / 2 else: return np.pi / 2
[docs] def get_intensities(self, bfactors=None, scale=None): """ Loops over all peaks calculating intensity. Keyword Arguments: bfactors (list) : list of B factors for each atomic site. Care must taken to ensure that the order of B factors agrees with the order of atomic orbits. scale (float) : Scaling factor to multiply the intensities by. If scale evaluates to False, the intensities will be re-normalized at the end such that the highest peak is 1. """ rescale = False if not scale: rescale = True scale = 1.0 for peak in self.peaks: peak.calculate_intensity(bfactors=bfactors, scale=scale) if rescale: m = max([p.intensity for p in self.peaks]) for p in self.peaks: p.intensity /= m
def get_peaks(self): max_mag = 2 * np.sin(self.max_2th * np.pi / 90) / self.wavelength self.structure.symmetrize() rots = [] for r in self.structure.rotations: if np.allclose(r, np.eye(3)): continue if not any([np.allclose(r, rr) for rr in rots]): rots.append(r) im, jm, km = [int(np.ceil(max_mag * x)) for x in self.structure.lat_params[:3]] for h, k, l in itertools.product( list(range(-im, im + 1)), list(range(-jm, jm + 1)), list(range(-km, km + 1)) ): if [h, k, l] == [0, 0, 0]: continue mult = 1 hkl = np.array([h, k, l]) equiv = [hkl] repeat = False for rot in rots: thkl =, hkl) if thkl[0] < hkl[0] - 1e-4: repeat = True elif abs(thkl[0] - hkl[0]) < 1e-4: if thkl[1] < hkl[1] - 1e-4: repeat = True elif abs(thkl[1] - hkl[1]) < 1e-4: if thkl[2] < hkl[2] - 1e-4: repeat = True if repeat: break if not any([np.allclose(thkl, shkl) for shkl in equiv]): equiv.append(thkl) mult += 1 angle = self.bragg_angle(hkl) two_theta = angle * 360 / np.pi if two_theta > self.max_2th or two_theta < self.min_2th: continue peak = Peak(angle, multiplicity=mult, hkl=equiv) self.add_peak(peak) def plot(self): renderer = Renderer() for p in self.peaks: l = Line([[p.two_theta, 0], [p.two_theta, p.intensity]], color="grey") renderer.add(l) renderer.xaxis.label = "2&Theta;" renderer.yaxis.max = 1.0 renderer.xaxis.min = self.min_2th renderer.xaxis.max = self.max_2th return renderer