Source code for qmpy.computing.resources

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import random
import subprocess
import os
import os.path
import time
from collections import defaultdict
import json
import logging
import numbers
import yaml

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
import pexpect, getpass

import qmpy
from qmpy.db.custom import DictField
from . import queue as queue
import threading

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def is_yes(string):
    char = string.lower()[0]
    if char == "n":
        return False
    if char == "y":
        return True
    return None

class AllocationError(Exception):
    """Problem with the allocation"""

class SubmissionError(Exception):
    """Failed to submit a job"""

[docs]class User(AbstractUser): """ User model - stores an oqmd users information. Relationships: | :mod:`~qmpy.Account` via account_set | :mod:`~qmpy.Allocation` via allocation_set | :mod:`~qmpy.Project` via project_set Attributes: | id | username | first_name | last_name | date_joined | is_active | is_staff | is_superuser | last_login | email """ class Meta: app_label = "qmpy" db_table = "users" @property def running(self): return queue.Job.objects.filter(account__user=self, state=1) @classmethod def get(cls, name): try: return cls.objects.get(username=name) except cls.DoesNotExist: return cls(username=name) @staticmethod def create(): username = input("Username: ") email = input("E-mail address: ") user, new = User.objects.get_or_create( username=username, ) if not new: print("User by that name exists!") print("Please try a new name, or exit with Ctrl-x") return User.create() print("Okay, user created!") user.create_accounts() # user.assign_allocations() return user def create_accounts(self): msg = "Would you like to create cluster accounts for this user?" ans = is_yes(input(msg + " [y/n]: ")) if ans is False: return elif ans is None: print("I didn't understand that command.") return self.create_accounts() msg = "Does user %s have an account on %s? [y/n]: " msg2 = "What is %s's username on %s?: " msg3 = "On %s@%s where should calculations be run? (absolute path): " known = self.account_set.values_list("host__name", flat=True) for host in Host.objects.exclude(name__in=known): ans = input(msg % (self.username, ans = is_yes(ans) if ans is False: continue uname = input(msg2 % (self.username, acct, new = Account.objects.get_or_create(user=self, host=host) if not new: print("Account exists!") continue path = input(msg3 % (self.username, acct.run_path = path acct.username = uname.strip() acct.create_passwordless_ssh()
[docs]class Host(models.Model): """ Host model - stores all host information for a cluster. Relationships: | account | allocation Attributes: | name: Primary key. | binaries: dict of label:path pairs for vasp binaries. | check_queue: Path to showq command | checked_time: datetime object for the last time the queue was | checked. | hostname: Full host name. | ip_address: Full ip address. | nodes: Total number of nodes. | ppn: Number of processors per node. | running: dict of PBS_ID:state pairs. | sub_script: Path to qsub command | sub_text: Path to queue file template. | utilization: Number of active cores (based on showq). | walltime: Maximum walltime on the machine. | state: State code. 1=Up, 0=Full (auto-resets to 1 when jobs are | collected), -1=Down. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=63, primary_key=True) ip_address = models.GenericIPAddressField(null=True) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) binaries = DictField() ppn = models.IntegerField(default=8) nodes = models.IntegerField(default=30) walltime = models.IntegerField(default=3600 * 24) sub_script = models.CharField(max_length=120) sub_text = models.TextField(default="/usr/local/bin/qsub") check_queue = models.CharField(max_length=180, default="/usr/local/maui/bin/showq") checked_time = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.min) running = DictField() utilization = models.IntegerField(default=0) state = models.IntegerField(default=1) class Meta: app_label = "qmpy" db_table = "hosts" def __str__(self): return
[docs] @staticmethod def create(): """ Classmethod to create a Host model. Script will ask you questions about the host to add, and will return the created Host. """ host = {} host["name"] = input("Hostname:") if Host.objects.filter(name=host["name"]).exists(): print("Host by that name already exists!") exit(-1) host["ip_address"] = input("IP Address:") if Host.objects.filter(ip_address=host["ip_address"]).exists(): print("Host at that address already exists!") exit(-1) host["ppn"] = input("Processors per node:") host["nodes"] = input("Max nodes to run on:") host["sub_script"] = input( "Command to submit a script " "(e.g. /usr/local/bin/qsub):" ) host["check_queue"] = input( "Command for showq (e.g." "/usr/local/maui/bin/showq):" ) host["sub_text"] = input("Path to qfile template:") h = Host(**host)
@classmethod def get(cls, name): try: return cls.objects.get(name=name) except cls.DoesNotExist: return cls(name=name) @property def accounts(self): return list(self.account_set.all()) @property def jobs(self): jobs = [] for acct in self.accounts: jobs += list(acct.job_set.filter(state=1)) return jobs @property def active(self): if self.state < 1: return False elif self.utilization > 5 * self.nodes * self.ppn: return False else: return True @property def percent_utilization(self): return 100.0 * float(self.utilization) / (self.nodes * self.ppn) def get_utilization(self): util = 0 for acct in self.account_set.all(): for job in acct.job_set.filter(state=1): util += job.ncpus self.utilization = util return util # < Jiahong # def get_project(self): # """ # Out of the active projects able to run on this host, # select one at random # Output: # Project, Active project able to run on this host # """ # proj = Project.objects.filter(allocations__host=self, state=1) # proj = proj.filter(task__state=0) # if proj.exists(): # return random.choice(list(proj.distinct()))
[docs] def get_project(self, maxuse=400): """ Out of the active projects able to run on this host, select one at random Output: Project, Active project able to run on this host """ proj = Project.objects.filter(allocations__host=self, state=1) proj = proj.filter(task__state=0) if proj.exists(): proj_list = list(proj.distinct()) proj_list = [p for p in proj_list if p.running.count() < maxuse] if len(proj_list) > 0: return random.choice(proj_list)
def get_tasks(self, project=None): tasks = queue.Task.objects.filter(state=0) if project is None: project = self.get_project() if project is None: return tasks = tasks.filter(project_set=project) tasks = tasks.filter(project_set__allocations__host=self) tasks = tasks.filter(project_set__users__account__host=self) return tasks.order_by("priority", "id") @property def qfile(self): return open(self.sub_text).read() def get_binary(self, key): return self.binaries[key] def _try_login(self, timeout=5.0): def _login(): self._tmp_acct = Allocation.get("b1004").get_account() self._tmp_ssh = 'ssh {user}@{host} "{cmd}"'.format( user=self._tmp_acct.user.username,, cmd="whoami", ) self._tmp_proc = subprocess.Popen( self._tmp_ssh, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = self._tmp_proc.communicate() if stdout.strip() == self._tmp_acct.user.username: print("quest is up") self._tmp_thread = threading.Thread(target=_login) self._tmp_thread.start() self._tmp_thread.join(timeout) if self._tmp_thread.is_alive(): print("unable login on quest") self._tmp_proc.terminate() self._tmp_thread.join() return self._tmp_proc.returncode
[docs] def check_host(self): """Pings the host to see if it is online. Returns False if it is offline.""" ret = "ping -c 1 -w 1 %s" % self.ip_address, shell=True, stdout=open("/dev/null", "w"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) if ret == 0: self.state = 1 write_resources() return True else: """Sometimes quest refuses to respond to ping requests. So, try logging into it using an(y) account. Trying executing a command and see if it is successful.""" if == "quest": if self._try_login() == 0: self.state = 1 write_resources() return True self.state = -2 return False
@property def running_now(self): if not self.state == 1: return {} if + timedelta(seconds=-60) > self.checked_time: self.check_running() return self.running
[docs] def check_running(self): """ Uses the hosts data and one of the associated accounts to check the PBS queue on the Host. If it has been checked in the last 2 minutes, it will return the previously returned result. """ self.checked_time = if not self.state == 1: self.running = {} return account = random.choice(self.accounts) raw_data = account.execute(self.check_queue) running = {} if not raw_data: return elif type(raw_data) == bytes: raw_data = raw_data.decode() ## < Mohan if "squeue" in self.check_queue: for line in raw_data.strip().split("\n"): if "JOBID" in line: continue line = line.split() try: qid = int(line[0]) running[qid] = { "user": line[3], "state": line[4], "proc": int(line[6]) * self.ppn, } except: pass else: for line in raw_data.strip().split("\n"): if "Active Jobs" in line: continue line = line.split() if len(line) != 9: continue try: # < Mohan if "Moab" in line[0]: qid = int(line[0].strip().split(".")[1]) else: qid = int(line[0]) running[qid] = { "user": line[1], "state": line[2], "proc": int(line[3]), } # Mohan > except: pass ## Mohan > self.running = running
def get_running(self): if self.running is not None: return self.running else: return {}
[docs] def activate(self): """ Allow jobs to be run on this system. Remember to save() to enact change """ self.state = 1
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ Prevent new jobs from being started on this system. Remember to save() changes """ self.state = -1
@property def utilization_by_project(self): utilization = defaultdict(int) for job in projects = job.task.project_set.all() for p in projects: utilization[str(] += float(job.ncpus) / len(projects) if self.ppn * self.nodes > sum(utilization.values()): utilization["Idle"] = self.ppn * self.nodes - sum(utilization.values()) return utilization @property def utilization_json(self): series = [] for k, v in list(self.utilization_by_project.items()): series.append({"data": v, "label": k}) return json.dumps(series) @property def ncpus(self): return self.ppn * self.nodes
# ===============================================================================#
[docs]class Account(models.Model): """ Base class for a `User` account on a `Host`. Attributes: | host | id | job | run_path | state | user | username """ user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) host = models.ForeignKey(Host, on_delete=models.CASCADE) username = models.CharField(max_length=255) run_path = models.TextField() state = models.IntegerField(default=1) class Meta: app_label = "qmpy" db_table = "accounts" def __str__(self): return "{user}@{host}".format(user=self.user.username, @classmethod def get(cls, user, host): try: return Account.objects.get(user=user, host=host) except cls.DoesNotExist: return Account(host=host, user=user) def create_passwordless_ssh(self, key="id_rsa", origin=None): msg = "password for {user}@{host}: " if origin is None: origin = "/home/{user}/.ssh".format(user=getpass.getuser()) pas = getpass.getpass(msg.format(user=self.username, msg = "/usr/bin/ssh {user}@{host} touch" msg += " /home/{user}/.ssh/authorized_keys" p = pexpect.spawn( msg.format( origin=origin, key=key, user=self.username, ) ) p.expect("assword:") p.sendline(pas) time.sleep(2) p.close() msg = "/usr/bin/scp {origin}/{key} {user}@{host}:/home/{user}/.ssh/" p = pexpect.spawn( msg.format( origin=origin, key=key, user=self.username, ) ) p.expect("assword:") p.sendline(pas) time.sleep(2) p.close() msg = "/usr/bin/ssh {user}@{host}" msg += " chmod 600 /home/{user}/.ssh/authorized_keys" p = pexpect.spawn( msg.format( origin=origin, key=key, user=self.username, ) ) p.expect("assword:") p.sendline(pas) time.sleep(2) p.close() msg = "/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id -i {origin}/{key} {user}@{host}" p = pexpect.spawn( msg.format( origin=origin, key=key, user=self.username, ) ) p.expect("assword:") p.sendline(pas) time.sleep(2) p.close() print("Great! Lets test it real quick...") out = self.execute("whoami") if out.decode("utf-8") == "%s\n" % self.username: print("Awesome! It worked!") else: print("Something appears to be wrong, talk to Scott...") @property def active(self): if self.state < 1: return False elif not return False else: return True def submit(self, path=None, run_path=None, qfile=None): self.execute("mkdir %s" % run_path, ignore_output=True) self.copy(folder=path, file="*", destination=run_path) cmd = "command cd {path} && {sub} {qfile}".format( path=run_path,, qfile=qfile ) stdout = self.execute(cmd) ## < Mohan if "sbatch" in jid = int(stdout.strip().split()[-1]) return jid else: # < Mohan tmp = stdout.strip().split()[0] if type(tmp) == bytes: tmp = tmp.decode() if "Moab" in tmp: jid = int(tmp.split(".")[1]) else: jid = int(tmp.split(".")[0]) # Mohan > ## Mohan > return jid def execute(self, command="exit 0", ignore_output=False): ssh = "ssh {user}@{host} '{cmd}'".format( user=self.username,, cmd=command ) logging.debug(ssh) call = subprocess.Popen( ssh, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, stderr = call.communicate() logging.debug("stdout: %s" % stdout) logging.debug("stderr: %s" % stderr) if stderr and not ignore_output: logging.warn("WARNING: %s" % stderr) logging.warn( "(u, h, cmd) = {}, {}, {}".format(self.username,, command) ) return stdout def copy( self, destination=None, to=None, # where to send the stuff fr=None, file=None, folder=None, # what to send clear_dest_dir=False, move=False, ): # some conditions on sending it if destination is None: destination = self.run_path if to is None: to = self if fr is None: if to == "local": fr = self else: fr = "local" assert isinstance(to, Account) or to == "local" assert isinstance(fr, Account) or fr == "local" assert not (file is None and folder is None) send_dir = False if file is None: send_dir = True elif folder is None: folder = os.path.dirname(file) file = os.path.basename(file) if clear_dest_dir: if to == "local": command = subprocess.Popen( 'rm -f "%s"/*' % destination, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = command.communicate() else: stdout, stderr = self.execute('rm -f "%/"*' % destination) logging.debug("stdout: %s" % stdout) if fr == "local": scp = "scp " else: scp = "scp {user}@{host}:".format(user=fr.username, if not file: scp += "-r " if send_dir: scp += os.path.abspath("{}".format(folder)) else: scp += '"{path}"/{file}'.format(path=os.path.abspath(folder), file=file) if to == "local": scp += " " + destination else: scp += ' {user}@{host}:"{path}"'.format( user=to.username,, path=os.path.abspath(destination), ) logging.debug("copy command: %s" % scp) cmd = subprocess.Popen( scp, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, stderr = cmd.communicate() logging.debug("stdout: %s" % stdout) logging.debug("stderr: %s" % stderr) if move: if send_dir: rmcmd = 'rm -rf "{path}"'.format(path=os.path.abspath(folder)) else: rmcmd = 'rm -f "{path}/"{file}'.format( file=file, path=os.path.abspath(folder) ) logging.debug("wiping source: %s" % rmcmd) stdout = fr.execute(rmcmd) logging.debug("output: %s" % stdout)
# ===============================================================================#
[docs]class Allocation(models.Model): """ Base class for an Allocation on a computing resources. Attributes: | host | job | key | name | project | state | users """ name = models.CharField(max_length=63, primary_key=True) key = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="") host = models.ForeignKey(Host, on_delete=models.CASCADE) users = models.ManyToManyField(User) state = models.IntegerField(default=1) class Meta: app_label = "qmpy" db_table = "allocations" def __str__(self): return @classmethod def create(self): name = input("Name your allocation:") if Allocation.objects.filter(name=name).exists(): print("Allocation by that name already exists!") exit(-1) host = input("Which cluster is this allocation on?") if not Host.objects.filter(name=host).exists(): print("This host doesn't exist!") exit(-1) host = Host.objects.get(name=host) alloc = Allocation(name=name, host=host) print("Now we will assign users to this allocation") for acct in Account.objects.filter(host=host): inc = input("Can %s use this allocation? y/n [y]:" % acct.user.username) if inc == "y" or inc == "": alloc.users.add(acct.user) print("If this allocation requires a special password, enter", end=" ") key = input("it now:") alloc.key = key @classmethod def get(cls, name): try: return cls.objects.get(name=name) except cls.DoesNotExist: return cls(name=name) @property def active(self): if self.state < 1: return False elif not return False else: return True def get_user(self): return random.choice(self.users.filter(state=1)) def get_account(self, users=None): if users is None: users = self.users.all() user = random.choice(list(users)) return user.account_set.get( @property def percent_utilization(self): return
# ===============================================================================#
[docs]class Project(models.Model): """ Base class for a project within qmpy. Attributes: | allocations | entry | name | priority | state | task | users """ name = models.CharField(max_length=63, primary_key=True) priority = models.IntegerField(default=0) users = models.ManyToManyField(User) allocations = models.ManyToManyField(Allocation) state = models.IntegerField(default=1) class Meta: app_label = "qmpy" db_table = "projects" def __str__(self): return @classmethod def get(cls, name): if isinstance(name, cls): return name try: return cls.objects.get(name=name) except cls.DoesNotExist: return cls(name=name) @property def completed(self): return self.task_set.filter(state=2) @property def running(self): return self.task_set.filter(state=1) @property def waiting(self): return self.task_set.filter(state=0).order_by("priority") @property def failed(self): return self.task_set.filter(state=-1) @property def held(self): return self.task_set.filter(state=-2)
[docs] @staticmethod def create(): """ Create a new project. Prompts user on std-in for name, users, and allocations of this project. """ name = input("Name your project: ") if Project.objects.filter(name=name).exists(): print("Project by that name already exists!") exit(-1) proj = Project(name=name) proj.priority = input("Project priority (1-100): ") users = input("List project users (e.g. sjk648 jsaal531 bwm291): ") for u in users.split(): if not User.objects.filter(username=u).exists(): print("User named", u, "doesn't exist!") else: proj.users.add(User.objects.get(username=u)) alloc = input("List project allocations (e.g. byrd victoria b1004): ") for a in alloc.split(): if not Allocation.objects.filter(name=a).exists(): print("Allocation named", a, "doesn't exist!") else: proj.allocations.add(Allocation.objects.get(name=a))
@property def active(self): if self.state < 0: return False else: if self.state != 1: self.state = 1 return True def get_allocation(self): available = [a for a in self.allocations.all() if] if available: return random.choice(available) else: return []
# !vih def write_resources(): current_loc = os.path.dirname(__file__) ###### # headers for various configuration files ###### hosts_header = """# host1: # binaries: # bin_name1: /path/to/bin1 # bin_name2: /path/to/bin2 # check_queue: /full/path/to/showq # hostname: # ip_address: ###.###.##.### # nodes: # of nodes on machine # ppn: # of processors per node # sub_script: /full/path/to/submission/command # sub_text: filename for qfile to use a template. # A file named "filename" must be in configuration/qfiles # walltime: maximum walltime, in seconds # host2: ... """ users_header = """# user1: # hostname1: # run_path:/where/to/run/on/host1 # username: usernameonhost1 # hostname2: # run_path:/where/to/run/on/host2 # username: usernameonhost2 # user2: # hostname1: ... """ allocations_header = """# allocation1: # host: hostname # key: key needed for identifying allocation # users: # - user1 # - user2 # allocation2: ... """ projects_header = """# project1: # allocations: # - allocation1 # - allocation2 # priority: Base priority for the project. Lower numbers will be done soonest. # users: # - user1 # - user2 # project2: ... """ ###### # list of values that need to be written into the configuration files ###### host_values = [ "binaries", "check_queue", "hostname", "ip_address", "nodes", "ppn", "sub_script", "sub_text", "walltime", ] user_values = ["run_path", "username"] allocation_values = ["host", "key", "users"] project_values = ["allocations", "priority", "users"] ###### # a function to 'clean' the values from type unicode/ long/ etc. to string/ int ###### def clean(val): if isinstance(val, str): val = str(val) elif isinstance(val, numbers.Number): val = int(val) return val ###### # write host configurations into hosts.yml ###### hosts = Host.objects.all() dict1 = {} for h in hosts: dict2 = {} for hv in host_values: dict2[hv] = clean(h.__getattribute__(hv)) dict1[clean(] = dict2 with open(current_loc + "/../configuration/resources/hosts.yml", "w") as f_hosts: f_hosts.write(hosts_header) f_hosts.write("\n") yaml.dump(dict1, f_hosts, default_flow_style=False) ###### # write user configurations into users.yml ###### users = User.objects.all() dict1 = {} for u in users: dict2 = {} accounts = Account.objects.filter(user=u) for a in accounts: dict2[clean(] = { "run_path": clean(a.run_path), "username": clean(a.username), } dict1[clean(u.username)] = dict2 with open(current_loc + "/../configuration/resources/users.yml", "w") as f_users: f_users.write(users_header) f_users.write("\n") yaml.dump(dict1, f_users, default_flow_style=False) ###### # write allocation configurations into allocations.yml ###### alloc = Allocation.objects.all() dict1 = {} for a in alloc: dict2 = {} dict2["host"] = clean( dict2["key"] = clean(a.key) dict2["users"] = [ clean(u) for u in a.users.all().values_list("username", flat=True) ] dict1[clean(] = dict2 with open( current_loc + "/../configuration/resources/allocations.yml", "w" ) as f_allocations: f_allocations.write(allocations_header) f_allocations.write("\n") yaml.dump(dict1, f_allocations, default_flow_style=False) ###### # write project configurations into projects.yml ###### pro = Project.objects.all() dict1 = {} for p in pro: dict2 = {} dict2["allocations"] = [ clean(a) for a in p.allocations.all().values_list("name", flat=True) ] dict2["priority"] = clean(p.priority) dict2["users"] = [ clean(u) for u in p.users.all().values_list("username", flat=True) ] dict1[clean(] = dict2 with open( current_loc + "/../configuration/resources/projects.yml", "w" ) as f_projects: f_projects.write(projects_header) f_projects.write("\n") yaml.dump(dict1, f_projects, default_flow_style=False)