Source code for qmpy.materials.atom

# qmpy/materials/

The Atom and Site models represent a single atom or an atomic site,


from numpy.linalg import solve, norm
import time
import copy
from collections import defaultdict
import logging

from django.db import models
from django.db import transaction

import qmpy
from qmpy.utils import *
from qmpy.analysis.symmetry import WyckoffSite

from functools import total_ordering

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AtomError(qmpy.qmpyBaseError):

class SiteError(qmpy.qmpyBaseError):

[docs]@total_ordering class Atom(models.Model): """ Model for an Atom. Relationships: | :mod:`~qmpy.Structure` via structure | :mod:`~qmpy.Element` via element | :mod:`~qmpy.Site` via site | :mod:`~qmpy.WyckoffSite` via wyckoff Attributes: | id | x, y, z: Coordinate of the atom | fx, fy, fz: Forces on the atom | magmom: Magnetic moment on the atom (in &Mu;<sub>b</sub>) | occupancy: Occupation fraction (0-1). | ox: Oxidation state of the atom (can be different from charge) | charge: Charge on the atom | volume: Volume occupied by the atom """ structure = models.ForeignKey( "qmpy.Structure", related_name="atom_set", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) site = models.ForeignKey( "Site", related_name="atom_set", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) # species element = models.ForeignKey( "qmpy.Element", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) ox = models.IntegerField(default=None, blank=True, null=True) # position x = models.FloatField() y = models.FloatField() z = models.FloatField() # forces fx = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) fy = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) fz = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) # properties magmom = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) charge = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) volume = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) # symmetry occupancy = models.FloatField(default=1) wyckoff = models.ForeignKey( WyckoffSite, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) dist = None copy_of = None class Meta: app_label = "qmpy" db_table = "atoms" def __str__(self): return "%s @ %0.3g %0.3g %0.3g" % (self.element_id, self.x, self.y, self.z) def __hash__(self): return hash(self._get_pk_val()) def __eq__(self, other): if self.element_id != other.element_id: return False return norm([self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, self.z - other.z]) < 1e-4 def __lt__(self, other): comp_arr = [ [self.x, other.x], [self.y, other.y], [self.z, other.z], [self.ox, other.ox], [qmpy.elements[self.element_id]["z"], qmpy.elements[other.element_id]["z"]], ] comp_arr = np.array( [row for row in comp_arr if all(not x is None for x in row)] ) comp_arr = np.array( [row for row in comp_arr if not abs(row[0] - row[1]) < 1e-10] ).T if len(comp_arr) == 0: raise AtomError if all(abs(comp_arr[0] - comp_arr[1]) < 1e-3): return 0 ind = np.lexsort(comp_arr.T) return ind[0] < 0.5 @property def forces(self): """Forces on the Atom in [x, y, z] directions.""" return np.array([self.fx, self.fy, self.fz]) @forces.setter def forces(self, values): self.fx, self.fy, self.fz = values _coord = None @property def coord(self): """[x,y,z] coordinates.""" if self._coord is None: self._coord = np.array([self.x, self.y, self.z], dtype="float64") return self._coord @coord.setter def coord(self, values): self.x, self.y, self.z = wrap(values) self._cart = None self._coord = None _cart = None @property def cart_coord(self): """Cartesian coordinates of the Atom.""" if self._cart is None: if self.structure is None: raise AtomError("Cannot determine cartesian coordinate") self._cart =, self.structure.cell) return self._cart @cart_coord.setter def cart_coord(self, value): if not self.structure is None: coords = self.coord = wrap(coords) self._cart = value @property def species(self): """Formatted Species string. e.g. Fe3+, O2-""" return format_species(self.element_id, self.ox) @property def index(self): """ None if not in a :mod:`~qmpy.Structure`, otherwise the index of the atom in the structure. """ if not self.structure: return None return self.structure.atoms.index(self)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, element, coord, **kwargs): """ Creates a new Atom object. Arguments: element (str or Element): Specifies the element of the Atom. coord (iterable of floats): Specifies the coordinate of the Atom. Keyword Arguments: forces: Specifies the forces on the atom. magmom: The magnitude of the magnetic moment on the atom. charge: The charge on the Atom. volume: The atomic volume of the atom (Angstroms^3). Examples:: >>> Atom.create('Fe', [0,0,0]) >>> Atom.create('Ni', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], ox=2, magmom=5, >>> forces=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2], >>> volume=101, charge=1.8, >>> occupancy=1) """ atom = Atom() atom.element_id = element atom.coord = coord valid_keys = [ "ox", "occupancy", "wyckoff", "charge", "magmom", "volume", "forces", ] for key in valid_keys: if key in kwargs: setattr(atom, key, kwargs[key]) return atom
[docs] def copy(self): """ Creates an exact copy of the atom, only without the matching primary key. Examples:: >>> a = Atom.get('Fe', [0,0,0]) >>> >>> 1 >>> a.copy() >>> a <Atom: Fe - 0.000, 0.000, 0.000> >>> None """ atom = Atom() keys = [ "ox", "occupancy", "charge", "magmom", "volume", "forces", "coord", "element_id", ] for key in keys: setattr(atom, key, getattr(self, key)) atom.base_atom = self return atom
def get_site(self, tol=1e-1): if is not None: return if self.structure is not None: for site in self.structure.sites: site.structure = self.structure if self.is_on(site): site.add_atom(self, tol=tol) return site s = Site() s.coord = self.coord s.structure = self.structure s.atoms = [self] = s return s _dist = None @property def dist(self): if self._dist is None: vec =, self.structure.cell) self._dist = norm(vec) return self._dist
[docs] def is_on(self, site, tol=1e-3): """ Tests whether or not the ``Atom`` is on the specified ``Site``. Examples:: >>> a = Atom.create('Fe', [0,0,0]) >>> s = a.get_site() >>> a2 = Atom.create('Ni', [0,0,0]) >>> a2.is_on(s) True """ if abs(self.dist - site.dist) < tol: dist = self.structure.get_distance(self, site, limit=tol, wrap_self=True) if dist is None: return False else: return False return dist < tol
[docs]class Site(models.Model): """ A lattice site. A site can be occupied by one Atom, many Atoms or no Atoms. Relationships: | :mod:`~qmpy.Structure` via structure | :mod:`~qmpy.Atom` via atom_set | :mod:`~qmpy.WyckoffSite` via wyckoff Attributes: | id | x, y, z: Coordinate of the Site """ structure = models.ForeignKey( "qmpy.Structure", related_name="site_set", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) wyckoff = models.ForeignKey( WyckoffSite, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) x = models.FloatField() y = models.FloatField() z = models.FloatField() class Meta: app_label = "qmpy" db_table = "sites" def __hash__(self): return hash(self._get_pk_val()) def __eq__(self, other): return norm([self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y, self.z-other.z])<1e-4 def __str__(self): coord_str = "" comp_str = "" if not self.coord is None: coord_str = "%0.3g %0.3g %0.3g" % tuple(self.coord) if len(self.atoms) == 1: comp_str = self.atoms[0].element_id elif len(self.atoms) > 1: elts = [str(a.element) for a in self.atoms] specs = [str(a.species) for a in self.atoms] if ( len(set(elts)) == len(set(specs)) and len(set([a.ox for a in self.atoms])) == 1 ): comp_str = "(" + ",".join(elts) + ")" else: comp_str = "(" + ",".join(specs) + ")" if coord_str and comp_str: return "%s @ %s" % (comp_str, coord_str) elif coord_str: return "Vac @ %s" % (coord_str) elif comp_str: return comp_str def __getitem__(self, i): return self.atoms[i] def __len__(self): return len(self.atoms) _dist = None @property def dist(self): if self._dist is None: vec =, self.structure.cell) self._dist = norm(vec) return self._dist
[docs] @transaction.atomic def save(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Site, self).save(*args, **kwargs) if not self._atoms is None: for a in self.atoms: if not self.atom_set.add(a)
_atoms = None @property def atoms(self): """List of Atoms on the Site.""" if self._atoms is None: if is None: self._atoms = [] else: self._atoms = list(self.atom_set.all()) return self._atoms @atoms.setter def atoms(self, atoms): if isinstance(atoms, Atom): self._atoms = [atoms] elif all([isinstance(a, Atom) for a in atoms]): self._atoms = atoms else: raise TypeError("atoms must be a sequence of Atoms") @property def coord(self): """[Site.x, Site.y, Site.z]""" if any([self.x is None, self.y is None, self.z is None]): return None return np.array([self.x, self.y, self.z], dtype="float64") @coord.setter def coord(self, coord): coord = wrap(coord) self.x, self.y, self.z = coord for a in self.atoms: a.coord = coord self._cart = None _cart = None @property def cart_coord(self): """Cartesian coordinates of the Atom.""" if self.structure is None: raise AtomError("Cannot determine cartesian coordinate") if self._cart is None: self._cart =, self.structure.cell) return self._cart @cart_coord.setter def cart_coord(self, value): self._cart = value if self.structure: coord = self.coord = wrap(coords) @property def label(self): """ Assigns a human friendly label for the Site, based on its atomic composition. If singly occupied, returns the symbol of the atom on the site. If multiply occupied, returns a comma seperated string Examples:: >>> a1 = Atom.create('Fe', [0,0,0], occupancy=0.2) >>> a2 = Atom.create('Ni', [0,0,0], occupancy=0.8) >>> s = Site.from_atoms([a1,a2]) """ if len(self.atoms) == 1: return self.atoms[0].element_id else: return format_comp(self.comp)
[docs] @classmethod def from_atoms(cls, atoms, tol=1e-4): """ Constructs a Site from an iterable of Atoms. Notes: Site.coord is set as the average coord of all assigned Atoms. Checks that the Atoms are close together. If the Atoms are further apart than `tol`, raises a SiteError Arguments: atoms (iterable of `Atom`): List of Atoms to occupy the Site. Keyword Arguments: tol (float): Atoms must be within `tol` of each other to be assigned to the same Site. Defaults to 1e-4. Examples:: >>> a1 = Atom.create('Fe', [0,0,0]) >>> a2 = Atom.create('Ni', [1e-5, -1e-5, 0]) >>> s = Site.from_atoms([a1,a1]) """ site = cls() if isinstance(atoms, Atom): site.coord = atoms.coord site.atoms = [atoms] return site site.coord = atoms[0].coord for a in atoms: site.add_atom(a, tol=tol) return site
[docs] @staticmethod def create(coord, comp=None): """ Constructs a Site from a coordinate. Note: The Site is created without any Atoms occupying it. Arguments: coord (length 3 iterable): Assigns the x, y, and z coordinates of the Site. Keyword Arguments: comp (dict, string, or qmpy.Element): Composition dictionary. Flexible about input forms. Options include: <Element: Fe>, 'Fe', {"Fe":0.5, "Co":0.5}, and {<Element: Ni>:0.5, <Element: Co>:0.5}. Raises: TypeError: if `comp` isn't a string, ``Atom``, ``Element``. Examples:: >>> s = Site.create([0.5,0.5,0.5]) """ site = Site() site.coord = coord if comp: if isinstance(comp, qmpy.Element): a = Atom.create(comp.symbol, coord) site.add_atom(a) elif isinstance(comp, str): a = Atom.create(comp, coord) site.add_atom(a) elif isinstance(comp, Atom): site.add_atom(comp) elif isinstance(comp, dict): for k, v in list(comp.items()): a = Atom.create(k, coord, occupancy=v) else: raise TypeError("Unknown datatype") return site
def copy(self): new = Site() new.coord = self.coord new.atoms = [atom.copy() for atom in self.atoms] new.base_site = self return new @property def comp(self): """ Composition dictionary of the Site. Returns: dict: of (element, occupancy) pairs. Examples:: >>> a1 = Atom('Fe', [0,0,0], occupancy=0.2) >>> a2 = Atom('Ni', [0,0,0], occupancy=0.8) >>> s = Site.from_atoms([a1,a2]) >>> s.comp {'Fe':0.2, 'Ni':0.8} """ comp = defaultdict(float) for a in self.atoms: comp[a.element_id] += a.occupancy return dict(comp) @comp.setter def comp(self, comp): atoms = [] for k, v in list(comp.items()): a = Atom.create(k, self.coord, occupancy=v) atoms.append(a) self.atoms = atoms @property def spec_comp(self): """ Composition dictionary of the Site. Returns: dict: of (species, occupancy) pairs. Examples:: >>> a1 = Atom('Fe', [0,0,0], occupancy=0.2) >>> a2 = Atom('Ni', [0,0,0], occupancy=0.8) >>> s = Site.from_atoms([a1,a2]) >>> s.comp {'Fe':0.2, 'Ni':0.8} """ comp = defaultdict(float) for a in self.atoms: comp[a.species] += a.occupancy return dict(comp)
[docs] def add_atom(self, atom, tol=None): """ Adds Atom to `Site.atoms`. Notes: If the Site being assigned to doens't have a coordinate, it is assigned the coordinate of `atom`. Arguments: atom (Atom): Atom to add to the structure. Keyword Arguments: tol (float): Distance between `atom` and the Site for the Atom to be assigned to the Site. Raises a SiteError if the distance is greater than `tol`. Raises: SiteError: If `atom` is more than `tol` from the Site. Examples:: >>> s = Site.create([0,0,0]) >>> a = Atom.create('Fe', [0,0,0]) >>> s.add_atom(a) >>> s2 = Site() >>> s2.add_atom(a) """ if not self.coord is None: if not tol is None: if self.structure.get_distance(self, atom, limit=2 * tol) > tol: raise SiteError("%s is too far from %s to add" % (atom, self)) else: if not atom in self.atoms: self._atoms.append(atom) else: self.coord = atom.coord self._atoms = [atom]
@property def magmom(self): """ Calculates the composition weighted average magnetic moment of the atoms on the Site. Returns: float or None """ if self.atoms: try: mag = sum([a.magmom * a.occupancy for a in self.atoms]) return mag / self.occupancy except TypeError: return None else: return None @property def ox(self): """ Calculates the composition weighted average oxidation state of the atoms on the Site. Returns: float or None """ if self.atoms: try: ox = sum([a.ox * a.occupancy for a in self.atoms]) return ox / self.occupancy except TypeError: return None else: return None @property def occupancy(self): """ Calculates the total occupancy of the site. Returns: float or None """ if self.atoms: return sum([a.occupancy for a in self.atoms]) @property def partial(self): return any([a.occupancy != 1.0 for a in self])