# qmpy/materials/structure.py
The Structure class is used to represent a crystal structure.
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import time
import copy
import pprint
import random
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
from django.db import models
from django.db import transaction
import qmpy
import shutil
from .element import Element, Species
from .atom import Atom, Site
from .composition import Composition
from qmpy.utils import *
from qmpy.utils.folder_management import change_directory
from qmpy.data.meta_data import *
from qmpy.analysis.symmetry import *
from qmpy.analysis import *
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
class StructureError(Exception):
"""Structure related problem"""
class TMKPointsError(Exception):
"""Problem with TM k-points generation"""
class Structure(models.Model, object):
Structure model. Principal attributes are a lattice and basis set.
| :mod:`~qmpy.Entry` via entry
| :mod:`~qmpy.Atom` via atom_set: Atoms in the structure. More commonly
| handled by the managed attributed `atoms`.
| :mod:`~qmpy.Calculation` via calculated. Calculation objects
| that the structure is an *output* from.
| :mod:`~qmpy.Calculation` via calculation_set. Returns calculation
| objects that the structure is an *input* to.
| :mod:`~qmpy.Composition` via composition.
| :mod:`~qmpy.Element` via element_set
| :mod:`~qmpy.Spacegroup` via spacegroup
| :mod:`~qmpy.Species` via species_set
| :mod:`~qmpy.Prototype` via prototype. If the structure belongs to a
| prototypical structure, it is referred to here.
| :mod:`~qmpy.Reference` Original literature reference.
| :mod:`~qmpy.MetaData` via meta_data
| **Identification**
| id
| label: key in the Entry.structures dictionary.
| natoms: Number of atoms.
| nsites: Number of sites.
| ntypes: Number of elements.
| measured: Experimentally measured structure?
| source: Name for source.
| **Lattice**
| x1, x2, x3
| y1, y2, y3
| z1, z2, z3: Lattice vectors of the cell. Accessed via `cell`.
| volume
| volume_pa
| **Calculated properties**
| delta_e: Formation energy (eV/atom)
| meta_stability: Distance from the convex hull (eV/atom)
| energy: Total DFT energy (eV/FU)
| energy_pa: Total DFT energy (eV/atom)
| magmom: Total magnetic moment (Μ<sub>b</sub>)
| magmom_pa: Magnetic moment per atom.
| sxx, sxy, syy
| syx, szx, szz: Stresses on the cell. Accessed via `stresses`.
>>> s = io.read(INSTALL_PATH+'/io/files/POSCAR_FCC')
>>> s.atoms
>>> s.cell
>>> s.magmoms
>>> s.forces
>>> s.stresses
entry = models.ForeignKey("Entry", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
element_set = models.ManyToManyField("Element")
species_set = models.ManyToManyField("Species")
meta_data = models.ManyToManyField("MetaData")
reference = models.ForeignKey("Reference", null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
label = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=63)
prototype = models.ForeignKey(
"Prototype", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name="+"
measured = models.BooleanField(default=False)
composition = models.ForeignKey(
"Composition", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="structure_set"
natoms = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
nsites = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
ntypes = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
x1 = models.FloatField()
x2 = models.FloatField()
x3 = models.FloatField()
y1 = models.FloatField()
y2 = models.FloatField()
y3 = models.FloatField()
z1 = models.FloatField()
z2 = models.FloatField()
z3 = models.FloatField()
volume = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
volume_pa = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
sxx = models.FloatField(default=0)
syy = models.FloatField(default=0)
szz = models.FloatField(default=0)
sxy = models.FloatField(default=0)
syz = models.FloatField(default=0)
szx = models.FloatField(default=0)
spacegroup = models.ForeignKey(
"Spacegroup", blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True
energy = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
energy_pa = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
magmom = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
magmom_pa = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
delta_e = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
meta_stability = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
_reciprocal_lattice = None
_distinct_atoms = []
_magmoms = []
class Meta:
app_label = "qmpy"
db_table = "structures"
unique_together = ("entry", "label")
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.compare(other)
def __str__(self):
return format_comp(reduce_comp(self.comp))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._get_pk_val())
def printf(self):
res = format_comp(reduce_comp(self.comp)) + "\n"
res += self.lat_param_string()
for i, s in enumerate(self.sites):
res += "\n - %s" % s
if i == 6:
res += "\n ... \n %d more atoms." % (len(self) - 6)
return res
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.atoms[i]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.atoms)
[docs] @staticmethod
def create(cell, atoms=[], **kwargs):
Creates a new Structure.
cell: 3x3 lattice vector array
Keyword Arguments:
atoms: List of ``Atom`` creation arguments. Can be a list of
[element, coord], or a list of [element, coord, kwargs].
>>> a = 3.54
>>> cell = [[a,0,0],[0,a,0],[0,0,a]]
>>> atoms = [('Cu', [0,0,0]),
('Cu', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])]
>>> s = Structure.create(cell, atoms)
>>> atoms = [('Cu', [0,0,0], {'magmom':3}),
('Cu', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], {'magmom':-3})]
>>> s2 = Structure.create(cell, atoms)
s = Structure(**kwargs)
if np.shape(cell) == (6,):
s.lat_params = cell
elif np.shape(cell) == (3, 3):
s.cell = cell
elif np.shape(cell) == (3,):
s.cell = np.eye(3) * cell
for atom in atoms:
if len(atom) == 2:
atom = Atom.create(*atom)
elif len(atom) == 3:
atom = Atom.create(atom[0], atom[1], **atom[2])
if s.comp:
s.composition = Composition.get(s.comp)
return s
[docs] @transaction.atomic
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.composition:
self.composition = Composition.get(self.comp)
self.natoms = len(self.atoms)
self.nsites = len(self.sites)
self.ntypes = len(list(self.comp.keys()))
super(Structure, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
self.meta_data.set(self.comment_objects + self.keyword_objects)
if not self._sites is None:
for s in self.sites:
if not s.id:
if not s in self.site_set.all():
if not self._atoms is None:
for a in self.atoms:
if not a.id:
if not a in self.atom_set.all():
super(Structure, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if not self.spacegroup:
super(Structure, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
_atoms = None
def atoms(self):
List of ``Atoms`` in the structure.
if self._atoms is None:
if not self.id:
self._atoms = []
self._atoms = list(self.atom_set.all())
self._sites = list(self.site_set.all())
return self._atoms
def atoms(self, atoms):
self._atoms = []
self._sites = []
for a in atoms:
self.natoms = len(self._atoms)
self.ntypes = len(self.comp)
_abc = None
def atoms_by_coord(self):
if self._abc is None:
_abc = {}
for a in self.atoms:
_abc[tuple(a.cart_coord.tolist())] = a
self._abc = _abc
return self._abc
_sbc = None
def sites_by_coord(self):
if self._sbc is None:
_sbc = {}
for s in self.sites:
_sbc[tuple(s.cart_coord.tolist())] = s
self._sbc = _sbc
return self._sbc
_sites = None
def sites(self):
List of ``Sites`` in the structure.
if self._sites is None:
self.nsites = len(self.sites)
return self._sites
def sites(self, sites):
self._atoms = []
for s in sites:
self._sites = sites
self.natoms = len(self.atoms)
self.ntypes = len(self.comp)
def site_compositions(self):
return [format_comp(s.comp) for s in self.sites]
def site_compositions(self, values):
atoms = []
for s, v in zip(self.sites, values):
s.comp = parse_comp(v)
atoms += s.atoms
self._atoms = atoms
self.natoms = len(atoms)
def site_comp_indices(self):
List of site compositions, length equal to number of sites, each
unique site composition identified by an integer.
return np.unique(self.site_compositions, return_inverse=True)[-1]
def elements(self):
"""List of Elements"""
return [Element.get(e) for e in list(self.comp.keys())]
def species(self):
"""List of species"""
return [Species.get(s) for s in list(self.spec_comp.keys())]
def stresses(self):
"""Calculated stresses, a numpy.ndarray of shape (6,)"""
return np.array([self.sxx, self.syy, self.szz, self.sxy, self.syz, self.szx])
def stresses(self, vector):
self.sxx, self.syy, self.szz = vector[0:3]
self.sxy, self.syz, self.szx = vector[3:6]
[docs] def get_volume(self):
"""Calculates the volume from the triple product of self.cell"""
b1, b2, b3 = self.cell
self.volume = abs(np.dot(np.cross(b1, b2), b3))
self.volume_pa = self.volume / len(self)
return self.volume
def set_label(self, label):
self.label = label
if not self.entry is None:
self.entry.structures[label] = self
# if self.id:
# Structure.objects.filter(id=self.id).update(label=label)
[docs] def set_volume(self, value):
Rescales the unit cell to the specified volume, keeping the direction
and relative magnitudes of all lattice vectors the same.
scale = value / self.volume
self.cell = self.cell * (scale ** (1 / 3.0))
self.volume_pa = value / self.natoms
self.volume = value
def get_volume_sum_of_elements(self):
volume = 0
for atom in self:
volume += atom.element.volume * atom.occupancy
return volume
def set_volume_to_sum_of_elements(self):
volume = 0
for atom in self:
volume += atom.element.volume * atom.occupancy
def lat_param_dict(self):
"""Dictionary of lattice parameters."""
return dict(
list(zip(["a", "b", "c", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"], self.lat_params))
_lat_params = None
def lat_params(self):
"""Tuple of lattice parameters (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)."""
if self._lat_params is None:
self._lat_params = basis_to_latparams(self.cell)
return self._lat_params
def lat_params(self, lat_params):
self.cell = latparams_to_basis(lat_params)
self._lat_params = lat_params
[docs] def lat_param_string(self, format="screen"):
Generates a human friendly representation of the lattice parameters of
a structure.
Keyword Arguments:
format: ('screen'|'html'|'mathtype')
formats = {
"html": {"keys": ["α", "β", "&gamma"], "newline": "<br>"},
"mathtype": {"keys": [r"\alpha", r"\beta", r"\gamma"], "newline": "\n"},
"screen": {"keys": [r"alpha", r"beta", r"gamma"], "newline": "\n"},
f = formats[format]
lp = self.lat_param_dict
if abs(lp["a"] - lp["b"]) < 1e-4:
if abs(lp["a"] - lp["c"]) < 1e-4:
lpstr = "a = b = c = %0.3g" % lp["a"]
lpstr = "a = b = %0.3g, c = %0.3g" % (lp["a"], lp["c"])
lpstr = "a = %0.3g, b = %0.3g, c = %0.3g" % (lp["a"], lp["b"], lp["c"])
lpstr += f["newline"]
if abs(lp["alpha"] - lp["beta"]) < 1e-2:
if abs(lp["alpha"] - lp["gamma"]) < 1e-2:
lpstr += "%s = %s = %s = %0.3g" % (
lpstr += "%s = %s = %0.3g, %s = %0.3g" % (
lpstr += "α = %0.3g, β = %0.3g, γ = %0.3g" % (
return lpstr
lp = lat_params
_cell = None
def cell(self):
"""Lattice vectors, 3x3 numpy.ndarray."""
if self._cell is None:
self._cell = np.array(
[self.x1, self.x2, self.x3],
[self.y1, self.y2, self.y3],
[self.z1, self.z2, self.z3],
return self._cell
def cell(self, cell):
self.x1, self.x2, self.x3 = cell[0]
self.y1, self.y2, self.y3 = cell[1]
self.z1, self.z2, self.z3 = cell[2]
self._lat_params = None
self._inv = None
self._metrical_matrix = None
for a in self.atoms:
a._cart = None
for s in self.sites:
s._cart = None
self._cell = None
_metrical_matrix = None
def metrical_matrix(self):
"""np.dot(self.cell.T, self.cell)"""
if self._metrical_matrix is None:
self._metrical_matrix = self.cell.dot(self.cell.T)
return self._metrical_matrix
def metrical_matrix(self, G):
a = np.sqrt(abs(G[0, 0]))
b = np.sqrt(abs(G[1, 1]))
c = np.sqrt(abs(G[2, 2]))
al = np.arccos(G[1, 2] / abs(b * c)) * 180 / np.pi
be = np.arccos(G[0, 2] / abs(a * c)) * 180 / np.pi
ga = np.arccos(G[0, 1] / abs(a * b)) * 180 / np.pi
self.cell = latparams_to_basis([a, b, c, al, be, ga])
def atomic_numbers(self):
"""List of atomic numbers, length equal to number of atoms."""
return np.array([atom.element.z for atom in self.atoms])
def atom_types(self):
"""List of atomic symbols, length equal to number of atoms."""
return np.array([atom.element_id for atom in self.atoms])
def atom_types(self, elements):
if isinstance(elements, list):
for a, e in zip(self.atoms, elements):
a.element_id = e
elif isinstance(elements, str):
for a in self.atoms:
a.element_id = elements
elif isinstance(elements, qmpy.Element):
for a in self.atoms:
a.element = elements
raise ValueError("Unrecognized type for atom type assignment")
def species_types(self):
"""List of species, length equal to number of atoms."""
return np.array([atom.species for atom in self.atoms])
def species_id_types(self):
"""List of species, length equal to number of atoms, each unique species
identified by an integer.
return np.unique(self.species_types, return_inverse=True)[-1]
[docs] def symmetrize(self, tol=1e-3, angle_tol=-1):
Analyze the symmetry of the structure. Uses spglib to find the
symmetrize sets:
* spacegroup -> Spacegroup
* uniq_sites -> list of unique Sites
* orbits -> lists of equivalent Atoms
* rotations -> List of rotation operations
* translations -> List of translation operations
* operatiosn -> List of (rotation,translation) pairs
* for each atom: atom.wyckoff -> WyckoffSite
* for each site: site.multiplicity -> int
dataset = get_symmetry_dataset(self, symprec=tol)
if not dataset:
self.spacegroup = Spacegroup.objects.get(pk=dataset["number"])
for i, site in enumerate(self.sites):
site.wyckoff = self.spacegroup.get_site(dataset["wyckoffs"][i])
site.structure = self
counts = defaultdict(int)
orbits = defaultdict(list)
origins = {}
for i, e in enumerate(dataset["equivalent_atoms"]):
counts[e] += 1
##origins[self.sites[i]] = self.sites[e]
## Dictionary keys cannot be objects that are not stored (only
## models saved can be hashed). So, changing it to include only
## the indices of the sites instead of the sites themselves.
origins[i] = e
self.origins = origins
self.operations = list(zip(dataset["rotations"], dataset["translations"]))
rots = []
for r in dataset["rotations"]:
if not any([np.allclose(r, x) for x in rots]):
self.rotations = rots
trans = []
for t in dataset["translations"]:
if not any([np.allclose(t, x) for x in trans]):
self.translations = trans
self.orbits = list(orbits.values())
##self.duplicates = dict((self.sites[e], v) for e, v in orbits.items())
## See comment about hashes and Dictionary keys
self.duplicates = dict((e, v) for e, v in list(orbits.items()))
self._uniq_sites = []
self._uniq_atoms = []
for ind, mult in list(counts.items()):
site = self.sites[ind]
##for site2 in self.duplicates[site]:
## See comment about hashes and Dictionary keys
for site2 in self.duplicates[ind]:
site2.multiplicity = mult
site.index = ind
site.multiplicity = mult
for a in site:
_uniq_atoms = None
def uniq_atoms(self):
if self._uniq_atoms is None:
return self._uniq_atoms
_uniq_sites = None
def uniq_sites(self):
if self._uniq_sites is None:
return self._uniq_sites
[docs] def pdf_compare(self, other, tol=1e-2):
Compute the PDF for each structure and evaluate the overlap integral
for all pairs of species.
elts = list(set([a.element_id for a in self]))
dists = get_pair_distances(self)
odists = get_pair_distances(other)
for e1, e2 in itertools.combinations(elts, 2):
d1 = dists[frozenset([e1, e2])]
d2 = odists[frozenset([e1, e2])]
for x, y in zip(d1, d2):
if abs(x - y) > tol:
return False
return True
[docs] def compare(
Credit to K. Michel for the algorithm.
1. Check that elements are the same in both structures
2. Convert both structures to primitive form
3. Check that the total number of atoms in primitive cells are the same
4. Check that the number of atoms of each element are the same in
primitive cells
4b. Check that the spacegroup is the same.
5. If needed check that the primitive cell volumes are the same
6. Convert both primitive cells to reduced form There is one issue here -
the reduce cell could be type I (all angles acute) or type II (all angles
obtuse) and a slight difference in the initial cells could cause two
structures to reduce to different types. So at this step, if the angles
are not correct, the second cell is transformed as
[[-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]].
7. Check that the cell internal angles are the same in both reduced
8. Check that the ratios of reduced cell basis lengths are the same. ie
a1/b1 = a2/b2, a1/c1 = a2/c2, and b1/c1 = b2/c2 where a1, b1, c1, are
the lengths of basis vectors in cell 1 and a2, b2, c2 are the lengths
of cell 2.
9. Get the lattice symmetry of the reduced cell 2 (this is a list of
all rotations that leave the lattice itself unchanged). In turn, apply
all rotations to reduced cell 2 and for each search for a vector that
overlaps rotated cell positions with positions in reduced cell 1. If a
rotation + translation overlaps reduced cells, then they are the same.
Only need one "base" atom from the first structure
Get the distance from the origin for every atom first
other: Another ``Structure``.
Keyword Arguments:
tol: Percent deviation in lattice parameters and angles.
Not Implemented Yet:
wildcard: Elements of the specified type can match with any atom.
# 1
# if len(self) > 80 or len(other) > 80:
# return False
me = self.copy()
you = other.copy()
if not set(me.elements) == set(you.elements):
logger.debug("Structure comparison: element mismatch")
return False
# 2
# 3
if not me.natoms == you.natoms:
logger.debug("Structure comparison: natom mismatch")
return False
# 4
if not Composition.get(me.comp) == Composition.get(you.comp):
logger.debug("Structure comparison: composition mismatch")
return False
# 5 (optional)
if volume:
v1, v2 = me.get_volume(), you.get_volume()
if abs(v1 - v2) / min(v1, v2) > tol:
logger.debug("Structure comparison: volume mismatch")
return False
# 6
# 6b
if check_spacegroup:
if me.spacegroup != you.spacegroup:
return False
# 7
try_again = False
for a, b in zip(me.lat_params[3:], you.lat_params[3:]):
if abs((a - b) / min(a, b)) > tol:
you.transform([1, -1, -1])
logger.debug("Tranforming other from type II to type I.")
try_again = True
if try_again:
try_again = False
for a, b in zip(me.lat_params[3:], you.lat_params[3:]):
if abs((a - b) / min(a, b)) > tol:
you.transform([-1, -1, 1])
logger.debug("Tranforming other from type II to type I.")
try_again = True
if try_again:
try_again = False
for a, b in zip(me.lat_params[3:], you.lat_params[3:]):
if abs((a - b) / min(a, b)) > tol:
logger.debug("Structure comparison: lat param mismatch")
return False
# 8
if not allow_distortions:
ratios = [x / y for x, y in zip(me.lp[:3], you.lp[:3])]
for a, b in itertools.combinations(ratios, r=2):
if abs(a - b) / min(a, b) > tol:
logger.debug("Structure comparison: lattice vector ratio mismatch")
return False
# 9
min_elt = sorted(me.comp, key=lambda x: me.comp[x])[0]
test_atom = [a for a in me.atoms if a.element_id == min_elt][0]
me.coords -= test_atom.coord
# get all rotational symmetries of the lattice
test_struct = Structure()
test_struct.cell = me.cell
test_struct.atoms = [Atom.create("Fe", [0, 0, 0])]
rotations = test_struct.rotations
test_struct = you.copy()
eps = 2 * tol * atom_tol # *me.volume**(1./3)
eps2 = eps ** 2
for rot in rotations:
# loop over all possible re-orientations of the cell
inv = la.inv(rot)
test_struct.cell = rot.dot(you.cell)
test_struct.coords = np.array([inv.dot(c) for c in you.coords])
for i, atom in enumerate(you.atoms):
# loop over atoms
if atom.element_id != min_elt:
test_struct.coords -= test_struct[i].coord
# check if all sites have a match
match = True
matches = []
vecs = []
for atom2 in test_struct:
best = 1000
id = None
vec = None
for j, atom3 in enumerate(me):
if j in matches:
if atom2.element_id != atom3.element_id:
d = me._get_vector(atom2, atom3)
if any([abs(dd) > eps for dd in d]):
d2 = d.dot(d)
if d2 > eps2:
# matching case
if d2 < best:
best = d2
id = j
vec = d
if id is None:
match = False
if match == False:
vecs = np.array(vecs)
err = np.average(vecs, 0)
vecs -= err
if all([d.dot(d) ** 0.5 < tol * atom_tol for d in vecs]):
return True
# else:
# print vecs
logger.debug("Atoms don't match.")
return False
def get_coord(self, vec, wrap=True):
trans = self.inv.T.dot(vec)
if wrap:
return wrap(trans)
return trans
def contains(self, atom, tol=0.01):
atom.structure = self
for atom2 in self.atoms:
atom2.structure = self
if not atom2.element_id == atom.element_id:
if (
abs(shortest_dist(atom2, self.cell) - shortest_dist(atom, self.cell))
> tol
d = self.get_distance(atom, atom2, limit=1)
if not d is None:
if d < tol:
return True
return False
[docs] def get_distance(self, atom1, atom2, limit=None, wrap_self=True):
Calculate the shortest distance between two atoms.
.. Note::
This is not as trivial a problem as it sounds. It is easy to
demonstrate that for any non-cubic cell, the normal method of
calculating the distance by wrapping the vector in fractional
coordinates to the range (-0.5, 0.5) fails for cases near (0.5,0.5)
in Type I cells and near (0.5, -0.5) for Type II.
To get the correct distance, the vector must be wrapped into the
Wigner-Seitz cell.
atom1, atom2: (:mod:`~qmpy.Atom`, :mod:`~qmpy.Site`, int).
Keyword Arguments:
If a limit is provided, returns None if the distance is
greater than the limit.
If True, the distance from an atom to itself is 0, otherwise it
is the distance to the shortest periodic image of itself.
if isinstance(atom1, int):
a1 = self.atoms[atom1].coord
elif isinstance(atom1, (Atom, Site)):
a1 = atom1.coord
if isinstance(atom2, int):
a2 = self.atoms[atom2].coord
elif isinstance(atom2, (Atom, Site)):
a2 = atom2.coord
x, y, z = self.cell
xx = self.metrical_matrix[0, 0]
yy = self.metrical_matrix[1, 1]
zz = self.metrical_matrix[2, 2]
vec = a2 - a1
vec -= np.round(vec)
dist = np.dot(vec, self.cell)
dist -= np.round(dist.dot(x) / xx) * x
dist -= np.round(dist.dot(y) / yy) * y
dist -= np.round(dist.dot(z) / zz) * z
if limit:
if any([abs(d) > limit for d in dist]):
return None
dist = la.norm(dist)
if not wrap_self:
if abs(dist) < 1e-4:
dist = min(self.lp[:3])
if limit:
if dist > limit:
return None
return dist
def _get_vector(self, atom1, atom2):
x, y, z = self.cell
xx = self.metrical_matrix[0, 0]
yy = self.metrical_matrix[1, 1]
zz = self.metrical_matrix[2, 2]
vec = atom2.coord - atom1.coord
vec -= np.round(vec)
dist = np.dot(vec, self.cell)
dist -= round(dist.dot(x) / xx) * x
dist -= round(dist.dot(y) / yy) * y
dist -= round(dist.dot(z) / zz) * z
return dist
def add_site(self, site):
site.structure = self
for a in site.atoms:
a.structure = self
self.spacegroup = None
def atom_on_site(self, atom, site, tol=1e-2):
if abs(shortest_dist(atom, self.cell) - shortest_dist(site, self.cell)) < tol:
_dist = self.get_distance(atom, site, limit=tol, wrap_self=True)
if _dist is None:
return False
return False
return _dist < tol
[docs] def add_atom(self, atom, tol=0.01):
Adds `atom` to the structure if it isn't already contained.
if not self.atoms or not self.sites:
atom.structure = self
self._atoms = [atom]
site = atom.get_site()
self._sites = [site]
elif self.contains(atom, tol=tol):
atom.structure = self
for site in self.sites:
if self.atom_on_site(atom, site, tol=tol):
site.add_atom(atom, tol=tol)
site = atom.get_site()
if not site in self._sites:
self.spacegroup = None
def sort(self):
self.atoms = sorted(self.atoms)
def set_composition(self, value=None):
if value is None:
self.composition = Composition.get(self.comp)
return self.composition
[docs] def set_magnetism(self, order, elements=None, scheme="primitive"):
Assigns magnetic moments to all atoms in accordance with the specified
magnetism scheme.
| Keyword | Description |
| None | all magnetic moments = None |
| "ferro" | atoms with partially filled d and |
| | f shells are assigned a magnetic |
| | moment of 5 mu_b and 7 mu_b |
| | respectively |
| "anti" | finds a highly ordererd arrangement |
| | arrangement of up and down spins. |
| | If only 1 magnetic atom is found |
| | a ferromagnetic arrangment is used. |
| | raises NotImplementedError |
if order == "none":
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.magmom = 0
if atom.id is not None:
if order == "ferro":
for atom in self.atoms:
if atom.element.d_elec > 0 and atom.element.d_elec < 10:
atom.magmom = 5
elif atom.element.f_elec > 0 and atom.element.f_elec < 14:
atom.magmom = 7
atom.magmom = 0
if atom.id is not None:
elif order == "anti-ferro":
if not elements:
raise NotImplementedError
ln = self.get_lattice_network(elements)
self.spacegroup = None
def comp(self):
"""Composition dictionary."""
comp = {}
for atom in self.atoms:
elt = atom.element_id
comp[elt] = comp.get(elt, 0) + atom.occupancy
return comp
def spec_comp(self):
"""Species composition dictionary."""
spec_comp = {}
for atom in self.atoms:
spec = atom.species
spec_comp[spec] = spec_comp.get(spec, 0) + atom.occupancy
return spec_comp
def name(self):
"""Unformatted name."""
return format_comp(self.comp)
def html(self):
return html_comp(self.comp)
def unit_comp(self):
"""Composition dict, where sum(self.unit_comp.values()) == 1"""
return unit_comp(self.comp)
def coords(self):
"""numpy.ndarray of atom coordinates."""
return np.array([atom.coord for atom in self.atoms])
def site_coords(self):
"""numpy.ndarray of site coordinates."""
return np.array([site.coord for site in self.sites])
def site_coords(self, coords):
assert len(self.sites) == len(coords)
for site, coord in zip(self.sites, coords):
site.coord = wrap(coord)
site._dist = None
def site_types(self):
return sorted(set([format_comp(s.comp) for s in self.sites]))
def coords(self, coords):
if len(coords) != len(self.atoms):
raise ValueError("%s != %s" % (len(coords), len(self)))
for a, c in zip(self.atoms, coords):
c = np.array(list(map(float, c)))
a.coord = wrap(c)
a._dist = None
def magmoms(self):
"""numpy.ndarray of magnetic moments of shape (natoms,)."""
return np.array([atom.magmom for atom in self.atoms])
def magmoms(self, moms):
for mom, atom in zip(self, moms):
atom.magmom = mom
def cartesian_coords(self):
"""Return atomic positions in cartesian coordinates."""
return np.array([atom.cart_coord for atom in self.atoms])
def cartesian_coords(self, cc):
for atom, coord in zip(self.atoms, cc):
atom.cart_coord = coord
def forces(self):
"""numpy.ndarray of forces on atoms."""
forces = []
for atom in self.atoms:
return np.array(forces)
def forces(self, forces):
for forces, atom in zip(forces, self.atoms):
atom.forces = force
def reciprocal_lattice(self):
"""Reciprocal lattice of the structure."""
if self._reciprocal_lattice is None:
self._reciprocal_lattice = la.inv(self.cell).T
return self._reciprocal_lattice
_inv = None
def inv(self):
Precalculates the inverse of the lattice, for faster conversion
between cartesian and direct coordinates.
if self._inv is None:
self._inv = la.inv(self.cell)
return self._inv
def relative_rec_lat(self):
rec_lat = self.reciprocal_lattice
rec_mags = list(map(la.norm, rec_lat))
r0 = min(rec_mags)
return np.array([np.round(r / r0, 4) for r in rec_mags])
def get_TM_kpoint_mesh(self, configuration=None):
poscar = os.path.join("/tmp", "POSCAR")
qmpy.io.poscar.write(self, poscar)
raise TMKPointsError("Failed to write structure into /tmp/POSCAR")
if configuration in ["wavefunction", "hse06"]:
TM_script = os.path.join(
qmpy.INSTALL_PATH, "analysis", "vasp", "getKPoints_HSE"
TM_script = os.path.join(
qmpy.INSTALL_PATH, "analysis", "vasp", "getKPoints"
with change_directory("/tmp"):
TM_stdout = subprocess.check_output(TM_script)
if "error" in TM_stdout.lower():
raise TMKPointsError("Failed to get KPOINTS from the TM server")
TM_KPOINTS = os.path.join("/tmp", "KPOINTS")
with open(TM_KPOINTS, "r") as fr:
return fr.read()
[docs] def get_kpoint_mesh_with_sympy(self, kppra):
Generate the k-point mesh for a given KPPRA; requires sympy to be installed
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_kpoint_mesh_by_increment(self, kppra):
DEPRECATED: Sometimes results in k-point meshes incommensurate with
lattice symmetry. Use either get_TM_kpoint_mesh() or (if you have
sympy installed) get_kpoint_mesh_with_sympy(kppra) instead.
recs = self.reciprocal_lattice
rec_mags = [norm(recs[0]), norm(recs[1]), norm(recs[2])]
r0 = max(rec_mags)
refr = np.array([roundclose(r / r0, 1e-2) for r in rec_mags])
refr = np.round(refr, 4)
scale = 1.0
kpts = np.ones(3)
while self.natoms * np.product(kpts) < kppra:
prev_kpts = kpts.copy()
refk = np.array(np.ones(3) * refr) * scale
kpts = np.array(list(map(np.round, refk)))
scale += 1
upper = kppra - np.product(prev_kpts) * self.natoms
lower = np.product(kpts) * self.natoms - kppra
if upper < lower:
kpts = prev_kpts.copy()
return kpts
[docs] def copy(self):
Create a complete copy of the structure, with any primary keys
removed, so it is not associated with the original.
new = Structure()
new.cell = self.cell
new.sites = []
new.atoms = [atom.copy() for atom in self.atoms]
new.entry = self.entry
new.composition = self.composition
return new
def dedup_atoms(self):
for atom in self.atoms:
for atom2 in self.atoms:
if atom.id == atom2.id:
dist = self.get_distance(atom, atom2, limit=1)
if dist is None:
if dist < 1e-4 and atom.species == atom2.species:
def similar(self):
return Structure.objects.filter(
[docs] def set_natoms(self, n):
"""Set self.atoms to n blank Atoms."""
self.atoms = [Atom() for i in range(n)]
self._sites = None
[docs] def set_nsites(self, n):
"""Sets self.sites to n blank Sites."""
self.sites = [Site() for i in range(n)]
self._atoms = None
[docs] def make_conventional(self, in_place=True, tol=1e-3):
"""Uses spglib to convert to the conventional cell.
Keyword Arguments:
If True, changes the current structure. If false returns
a new one
Symmetry precision for symmetry analysis
>>> s = io.read(INSTALL_PATH+'io/files/POSCAR_FCC_prim')
>>> print len(s)
>>> s.make_conventional()
>>> print len(s)
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
return new
refine_cell(self, symprec=tol)
[docs] def make_primitive(self, in_place=True, tol=1e-3):
"""Uses spglib to convert to the primitive cell.
Keyword Arguments:
If True, changes the current structure. If false returns
a new one
Symmetry precision for symmetry analysis
>>> s = io.read(INSTALL_PATH+'io/files/POSCAR_FCC')
>>> print len(s)
>>> s.make_primitive()
>>> print len(s)
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
return new
find_primitive(self, symprec=tol)
[docs] def get_sites(self, tol=0.1):
From self.atoms, creates a list of Sites. Atoms which are closer
than tol from one another are considered on the same site.
if not any([a.occupancy < 1 for a in self.atoms]):
self._sites = [a.get_site() for a in self.atoms]
return self._sites
_sites = []
for atom in self.atoms:
site = atom.get_site()
site.structure = self
if not any([site is site2 for site2 in _sites]):
self._sites = _sites
return self._sites
[docs] def group_atoms_by_symmetry(self):
"""Sort self.atoms according to the site they occupy."""
eq = get_symmetry_dataset(self)["equivalent_atoms"]
resort = np.argsort(eq)
self._atoms = list(np.array(self._atoms)[resort])
[docs] def is_buerger_cell(self, tol=1e-5):
Tests whether or not the structure is a Buerger cell.
G = self.metrical_matrix
if G[0, 0] < G[1, 1] - tol or G[1, 1] < G[2, 2] - tol:
return False
if abs(G[0, 0] - G[1, 1]) < tol:
if abs(G[1, 2]) > abs(G[0, 2]) - tol:
return False
if abs(G[1, 1] - G[2, 2]) < tol:
if abs(G[0, 2]) > abs(G[0, 1]) - tol:
return False
[docs] def is_niggli_cell(self, tol=1e-3):
Tests whether or not the structure is a Niggli cell.
if not self.is_grueber_cell():
return False
(a, b, c), (d, e, f) = self.niggli_form
if abs(d - b) < tol:
if f > 2 * e - tol:
return False
if abs(e - a) < tol:
if f > 2 * d - tol:
return False
if abs(f - a) < tol:
if e > 2 * d - tol:
return False
if abs(d + b) < tol:
if abs(f) > tol:
return False
if abs(e + a) < tol:
if abs(f) > tol:
return False
if abs(f + a) < tol:
if abs(f) > tol:
return False
if abs(d + e + f + a + b) < tol:
if 2 * a + 2 * e + f > -tol:
return False
return True
[docs] def find_nearest_neighbors(self, method="closest", tol=0.05, limit=5.0, **kwargs):
Determine the nearest neighbors for all Atoms in Structure.
Calls :func:`~qmpy.get_nearest_neighbors()` and assigns the nearest
neighbor dictionary to `Structure._neighbor_dict`. Each atom is also
given a list, `nearest_neighbors` that contains the nearest neighbor
atoms. For atoms which have the "same" atom as a nearest neighbor across
different periodic boundaries, a single atom may appear multiple times
on the list.
Keyword Arguments:
limit: How far to look from each atom for nearest neighbors.
tol: A tolerance which determines how much further than the closest
atom a second atom can be and still be a part of the nearest
neighbor shell.
Returns: None
self._neighbor_dict = find_nearest_neighbors(
self, method=method, tol=tol, limit=limit, **kwargs
_neighbor_dict = None
def nearest_neighbor_dict(self):
Dict of Atom:[list of Atom] pairs.
if self._neighbor_dict is None:
return self._neighbor_dict
def get_sublattice(self, elements, new=True):
if isinstance(elements, str):
elements = [elements]
if new:
struct = self.copy()
return struct.get_sublattice(elements, new=False)
self.atoms = [a for a in self if a.element_id in elements]
return self
[docs] def get_lattice_network(self, elements=None, supercell=None, **kwargs):
Constructs a :mod:`networkx.Graph` of lattice sites.
Keyword Arguments:
If `elements` is supplied, get_lattice_network will return the
lattice of those elements only.
Accepts any valid input to Structure.transform to construct a
supercell, and return its lattice. Useful for finding AFM
orderings for structures which have a smaller periodicity than
their magnetic structure.
A LatticeNetwork, which is a container for a lattice graph, which
contains nodes which are atoms and edges which indicate nearest
>>> s = io.read(INSTALL_PATH+'/io/files/fe3o4.cif')
>>> sl = s.get_lattice_network(elements=['Fe'])
>>> sl.set_fraction(0.33333)
>>> sl.fraction
>>> sl.run_MC()
if supercell:
new = self.transform(supercell, in_place=False)
return new.get_lattice_network(elements=elements, **kwargs)
pairs = set()
if elements:
struct = self.get_sublattice(elements)
return struct.get_lattice_network()
for s1 in self.sites:
n0 = len(pairs)
lp1 = LatticePoint(s1.coord)
for s2 in s1.neighbors:
# if a1 < a2:
# continue
lp2 = LatticePoint(s2.coord)
# pairs.append((s1, s2))
pairs.add(frozenset([lp1, lp2]))
pairs = list(pairs)
lattice = LatticeNetwork(pairs)
lattice.structure = self
return lattice
def displace_atom(structure, index, vector):
vector = np.array(vector)
if not vector.shape == (3,):
raise ValueError("Provide a 3x1 translation array")
structure[index].coord += vector
return structure
[docs] def joggle_atoms(self, distance=1e-3, in_place=True):
Randomly displace all atoms in each direction by a distance up to +/- the
distance keyword argument (in Angstroms).
Optional keyword arguments:
*distance* : Range within all internal coordinates are
displaced. Default=1e-3
*in_place* : If True, returns an ndarray of the applied
translations. If False, returns (Structure,
>>> s = io.read('POSCAR')
>>> s2, trans = s.joggle_atoms(in_place=False)
>>> trans = s.joggle_atoms(1e-1)
>>> trans = s.joggle_atoms(distance=1e-1)
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
return new
def disp():
dists = np.array([distance / i for i in self.lp[:3]])
rands = [random.random() for i in range(3)]
return dists * rands
translations = np.zeros(np.shape(self.coords))
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
tvec = disp()
translations[i, :] = tvec
atom.coord += tvec
return translations
[docs] def recenter(self, atom, in_place=True, middle=False):
Translate the internal coordinates to center the specified atom. Atom
can be an actual Atom from the Structure.atoms list, or can be
identified by index.
Keyword Arguments:
If False, return a new Structure with the transformation applied.
defaults to True.
If False, "centers" the cell by putting the atom at the origin.
If True, "centers" the cell by putting the atom at
(0.5,0.5,0.5). defaults to False.
>>> s = io.read('POSCAR')
>>> s.recenter(s[2])
>>> s2 = s.recenter(s[0], in_place=False)
>>> s2.recenter(2)
>>> s == s2
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
new.recenter(atom, in_place=True)
return new
if isinstance(atom, int):
atom = self.atoms[atom]
new_center = np.array(atom.coord, dtype="float64")
if middle:
new_center += 0.5
return self.translate(-new_center, cartesian=False, in_place=True)
[docs] def translate(self, cv, cartesian=True, in_place=True):
Shifts the contents of the structure by a vector.
Optional keyword arguments:
*cartesian* : If True, translation vector is taken to be
cartesian coordinates. If False, translation
vector is taken to be in fractional
coordinates. Default=True
*in_place* : If False, return a new Structure with the
transformation applied.
>>> s = io.read('POSCAR')
>>> s.translate([1,2,3])
>>> s.translate([0.5,0.5, 0.5], cartesian=False)
>>> s2 = s.translate([-1,2,1], in_place=False)
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
new.translate(cv, cartesian=cartesian, in_place=True)
return new
cv = np.array(cv)
if not cv.shape == (3,):
raise ValueError
if all([abs(v) < 1e-4 for v in cv]):
return self
if cartesian:
cv = np.array(list(map(float, np.dot(self.inv.T, cv))))
coords = self.coords + cv
self.coords = wrap(coords)
coords = self.site_coords + cv
self.site_coords = coords
return self
[docs] def find_lattice_points_within_distance(self, distance, tol=1e-6):
Find the lattice points contained within radius `distance` from the
limits = [int(np.ceil(distance / self.lp[i])) for i in range(3)]
ranges = [list(range(0, l + 1)) for l in limits]
d2 = distance ** 2
lattice_points = []
for i, j, k in itertools.product(*ranges):
# if (i,j,k) == (0,0,0):
# continue
point = np.dot([i, j, k], self.cell)
if any([abs(p) > distance for p in point]):
if np.dot(point, point) < d2:
lattice_points.append([i, j, k])
return np.vstack(lattice_points)
def remove_atom(self, atom):
ind = self.sites.index(atom.site)
if len(self.sites[ind]) == 0:
del self.sites[ind]
t = transform
[docs] def substitute(
self, replace, rescale=True, rescale_method="relative", in_place=False, **kwargs
"""Replace atoms, as specified in a dict of pairs.
Keyword Arguments:
rescale the volume of the final structure based on the per
atom volume of the new composition.
How to rescale the
change the species of the current Structure or return a new
>>> s = io.read('POSCAR-Fe2O3')
>>> s2 = s.substitute({'Fe':'Ni', 'O':'F'} rescale=True)
>>> s2.substitute({'Ni':'Co'}, in_place=True, rescale=False)
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
new.substitute(replace, rescale=rescale, in_place=True)
return new
init_vol = self.get_volume()
final_vol = init_vol
volume_sum_atom = self.get_volume_sum_of_elements()
for atom in self:
if atom.element_id in replace:
final_vol -= atom.element.volume / volume_sum_atom * final_vol
volume_sum_atom -= atom.element.volume
atom.element = Element.get(replace[atom.element_id])
volume_sum_atom += atom.element.volume
final_vol += atom.element.volume / volume_sum_atom * final_vol
if rescale and rescale_method == "relative":
elif rescale and rescale_method == "absolute":
return self
sub = substitute
replace = substitute
[docs] def refine(self, tol=1e-3, recurse=True):
Identify atoms that are close to high symmetry sites (within `tol` and
shift them onto them.
"symprec" doesn't appear to do anything with spglib, so I am
unable to get "loose" symmetry operations. Without which, this
doesn't work.
>>> s = io.read('POSCAR')
>>> s.symmetrize()
>>> print s.spacegroup
>>> s.refine()
>>> print s.spacegroup
new_coords = []
for atom in self:
coords = []
for rot, trans in self.operations:
test = rot.dot(atom.coord) + trans
test = wrap(test)
if not any([all(test == c) for c in coords]):
if self.get_distance(test, atom, limit=1) < tol:
central = np.average(coords, 0)
self.coords = new_coords
if recurse:
self.refine(tol=tol, recurse=False)
[docs] def reduce(self, tol=1e-3, limit=1000, in_place=True):
Get the transformation matrix from unit to reduced cell
Acta. Cryst. (1976) A32, 297
Acta. Cryst. (2003) A60, 1
Optional keyword arguments:
*tol* :
eps_rel in Acta. Cryst. 2003 above. Similar to
tolerance for floating point comparisons. Defaults to 1e-5.
*limit* :
maximum number of loops through the algorithm. Defaults to
*in_place* :
Change the Structure or return a new one. If True, the
transformation matrix is returned. If False, a tuple of
(Structure, transformation_matrix) is returned.
>>> s = io.read('POSCAR')
>>> s.reduce()
>>> s.reduce(in_place=False, get_transform=False)
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
trans = new.reduce(tol=tol, limit=limit)
return new, trans
# reduction parameters
vectors = self.cell.copy()
(a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta) = basis_to_niggli(vectors)
trans = np.eye(3)
# convergence variables
_a, _b, _c = a * 10, b * 10, c * 10
mult = 10
# tolerance and tests
eps = tol * self.get_volume() ** (1.0 / 3)
def lt(x, y):
return x < y - eps
def gt(x, y):
return x > y + eps
def eq(x, y):
return abs(x - y) < eps
def update(mod, trans):
trans = trans.dot(mod)
return basis_to_niggli(trans.T.dot(vectors)), trans
step = 0
while step < limit:
step += 1
# N 1
if gt(a, b) or (eq(a, b) and gt(abs(ksi), abs(eta))):
r = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
((a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta)), trans = update(r, trans)
logger.debug("reduction: test 1")
# N 2
if gt(b, c) or (eq(b, c) and gt(abs(eta), abs(zeta))):
r = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0]])
((a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta)), trans = update(r, trans)
logger.debug("reduction: test 2")
# N 3
if gt(ksi * eta * zeta, 0):
i = -1 if lt(ksi, 0) else 1
j = -1 if lt(eta, 0) else 1
k = -1 if lt(zeta, 0) else 1
r = np.eye(3) * np.array([i, j, k])
((a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta)), trans = update(r, trans)
logger.debug("reduction: test 3 True path")
vals = [1, 1, 1]
p = 0
for i, x in enumerate([ksi, eta, zeta]):
if gt(x, 0):
vals[i] = -1
elif not lt(x, 0):
p = i
if np.product(vals) < 0:
vals[p] = -1
r = np.eye(3) * vals
((a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta)), trans = update(r, trans)
logger.debug("reduction: test 3 False path")
# test minimum reduction
if (
mult * a + (a - _a) - (a * mult) == 0
and mult * b + (b - _b) - (b * mult) == 0
and mult * c + (c - _c) - (c * mult) == 0
logger.debug("reduction: Minimum reduction test passed")
# break
_a, _b, _c = a, b, c
# N 5
if (
gt(abs(ksi), b)
or (eq(ksi, b) and lt(2 * eta, zeta))
or (eq(ksi, -b) and lt(zeta, 0))
r = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, -sign(ksi)], [0, 0, 1]])
((a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta)), trans = update(r, trans)
logger.debug("reduction: test 5")
# N 6
if (
gt(abs(eta), a)
or (eq(eta, a) and lt(2 * ksi, zeta))
or (eq(eta, -a) and lt(zeta, 0))
r = np.array([[1, 0, -sign(eta)], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
((a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta)), trans = update(r, trans)
logger.debug("reduction: test 6")
# N 7
if (
gt(abs(zeta), a)
or (eq(zeta, a) and lt(2 * ksi, eta))
or (eq(zeta, -a) and lt(eta, 0))
r = np.array([[1, -sign(zeta), 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
((a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta)), trans = update(r, trans)
logger.debug("reduction: test 7")
# N 8
if lt(ksi + eta + zeta + a + b, 0) or (
eq(ksi + eta + zeta + a + b, 0) and gt(2 * (a + eta) + zeta, 0)
r = np.array([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1]])
((a, b, c), (ksi, eta, zeta)), trans = update(r, trans)
logger.debug("reduction: test 8")
if (
trans == np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]])
trans = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
# temporarily stored transformations
self._original_cell = self.cell.copy()
self._unit_to_reduced = trans.T
self._reduced_point_to_unit = trans
self._unit_point_to_reduced = la.inv(trans)
return trans
def get_xrd(self, **kwargs):
xrd = XRD(self)
return xrd
def get_pdf(self, **kwargs):
self.pdf = PDF(self, **kwargs)
return self.pdf
_cart_rots = None
def get_cartesian_rotations(self):
if self._cart_rots is None:
p = self.cell.T
q = la.inv(self.cell.T)
cr = []
for rot in self.rotations:
c1 = p.dot(rot).dot(q)
if any([np.allclose(c1, c2) for c2 in cr]):
self._cart_rots = cr
return self._cart_rots
def is_perfect(self):
if any([s.partial for s in self.sites]):
return False
return True
def create_slab(self, indices, vacuum=10.0, surface=None, in_place=True):
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
return new.create_slab(indices, vacuum=vacuum, surface=surface)
[docs] def create_vacuum(self, direction, amount, in_place=True):
Add vacuum along a lattice direction.
direction: direction to add the vacuum along. (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
amount: amount of vacuum in Angstroms.
Keyword Arguments:
in_place: apply change to current structure, or return a new one.
>>> s = io.read(INSTALL_PATH+'/io/files/POSCAR_FCC')
>>> s.create_vacuum(2, 5)
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
return new.create_vacuum(direction, amount)
cart_coords = self.cartesian_coords
new_cell = self.lat_params
new_cell[direction] += float(amount)
self.lat_params = new_cell
self.cartesian_coords = cart_coords
return self
[docs] def make_perfect(self, in_place=True, tol=1e-1):
Constructs options for a 'perfect' lattice from the structure.
If a site is not fully occupied, but has only one atom type on it, it
will be filled the rest of the way.
If a site has two or more atom types on it, the higher fraction element
will fill the site.
Keyword Arguments:
in_place: If False returns a new :mod:`~qmpy.Structure`, otherwise
returns None
tol: maximum defect concentration.
>>> s = io.read(INSTALL_PATH+'/io/files/partial_vac.cif')
>>> s
<Structure: Mn3.356Si4O16>
>>> s.make_perfect()
>>> s
<Structure: MnSiO4>
>>> s = io.read(INSTALL_PATH+'/io/files/partial_mix.cif')
>>> s
<Structure: Mn4.264Co3.736Si4O16>
>>> s2 = s.make_perfect(in_place=False)
>>> s2
<Structure: MnCoSiO4>
if not in_place:
new = self.copy()
return new.make_perfect(True, tol=tol)
init_atoms = [a.copy() for a in self.atoms]
init_comp = dict(self.comp)
n = sum(init_comp.values())
atom_tol = tol * n
hopeless = False
for s1, s2 in itertools.combinations(self.sites, r=2):
d = self.get_distance(s1, s2, limit=1, wrap_self=True)
if d is None:
if d < 0.8:
return self
atoms = []
for atom in self.atoms:
if abs(1 - atom.occupancy) < 0.5:
# first, fill any nearly full sites
new = atom.copy()
new.occupancy = 1.0
new.site = None
elif abs(atom.occupancy) <= 0.5:
# then, empty any nearly empty sites
elif atom.occupancy >= 2:
raise StructureError("Site occupied by a molecule")
self._sites = []
self.atoms = atoms
if self.is_perfect:
# total
if abs(sum(self.comp.values()) - n) > tol:
hopeless = True
for k in list(init_comp.keys()):
d = init_comp[k] - self.comp.get(k, 0.0)
if abs(d) > tol:
hopeless = True
self.composition = Composition.get(self.comp)
if not hopeless:
return self
self._sites = []
self.atoms = init_atoms
return self
[docs]class Prototype(models.Model):
Base class for a prototype structure.
| :mod:`~qmpy.Composition` via composition_set
| :mod:`~qmpy.Structure` via structure_set
| :mod:`~qmpy.Entry` via entry_set
| name: Prototype name.
name = models.CharField(max_length=63, primary_key=True)
structure = models.ForeignKey(
Structure, related_name="+", on_delete=models.PROTECT, blank=True, null=True
composition = models.ForeignKey(
"Composition", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.PROTECT
class Meta:
app_label = "qmpy"
db_table = "prototypes"
[docs] @classmethod
def get(cls, name):
Retrieves a :mod:`~qmpy.Prototype` named `name` if it exists. If not, creates
a new one.
>>> proto = Prototype.get('Corundum')
obj, new = cls.objects.get_or_create(name=name)
if new:
return obj
def __str__(self):
if not self.structure is None:
sname = self.structure.name
return "%s - %s" % (self.name, self.structure.name)
return self.name